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Original poster
Nov 28, 2001
down in Fraggle Rock
As many of you know we at have been tracking bugs in Mac OS X for a couple of years now. We have been told by sources within Apple that our list has indeed received much attention from the powers that be and we are therefore more dedicated than ever in keeping the list going.

Much of this list was generated by feedback from users here at MR. The list got too long to post in a message here so I started hosting it on my site.

Rumors indicate that we might be seeing Mac OS 10.3 before the year is out so we would like to begin looking again at the current state of Mac OS X and ask everyone to take some time to look over the list and see what bugs we have missed and what features they would like to see in Mac OS 10.3.

The list can be found here and while you are visiting it take some time to use the provided link to Apple's feedback page to let them know that the items on our list are important to you.
ah very good.

You mention specific apps.
What about Safari, yes I know it is not apart of the OS but it sure has some issues.

Edit: Better dock customization. Trasparency... or lack there of. Many people have uses haxies to edit things like the image of there dock, the border.
Add a Customize feature.
Originally posted by MrMacman
ah very good.

You mention specific apps.
What about Safari, yes I know it is not apart of the OS but it sure has some issues.

i think Safari would need its own list. As would iChat, iPhoto, etc.

And in the case of Safari it is a beta app that we do not have access to the latest builds. Not very useful to comment on it unless Apple were more free with the updates.
Originally posted by AmbitiousLemon
i think Safari would need its own list. As would iChat, iPhoto, etc.

And in the case of Safari it is a beta app that we do not have access to the latest builds. Not very useful to comment on it unless Apple were more free with the updates.

But we do have the latest builds. :rolleyes:

Or atleast features that aren't changing version-version. Things that are constantly appeare wrong... etc.

I also want any 'haxie' to become a part of 10.3. Like as I said before all the people who used it on their dock or maybe adding CPU monitor to take less CPU and the possibality to put in in your background like everyone is doing.
very nice of you to be posting requests. at first i couldnt think of any but after reading that i liked some of your ideas. the only two requests i have at the time are these. and you may be able to do these thing, but so far i havent found a way, so help me out guys if im wrong. i would like to be able to right click on a window like a safari windows or folder and tell it to close without maximizing it. i would also like to set certain accounts to check mail every minute, not every account. this gets annoying because we have ineroffice mail and ill get errors at home(duh). can you change that withough just going into the mene and saying just get mail for so and so mailbox.

For the finder ... the keychain storage of user/pass for smb and webdav servers appears to fail (well actually it is not retrieved) if your username for the server is different to your username on your mac.

Not exactly a bug but I'd like to see minimize in place back and fully supported, when I have a bunch of windows open, the Dock can get rather large if I decide to gain some usable screen space by minimizing everything, the 3rd party haxie is a better solution in clearing up screen space tham windowshading I think.

It's not like it has to be standard, it would be nice if it was an option though, holding down the control button and clicking on the minimize button to make a little mini-window I find incredibly useful.
whow, now that speaks volumes...
most of those items are actually feature enhancements, not bugs. I'd like to see the ultimate m$ windows bug tracking list...probably codenamed the 'neverending story'.

When I got home last night and launched my PC (I know), it would not start...system was corrupt ! It worked fine the previous day and I did shut it down properly. Had to re-install the system, and of course, all apps. Windows sucks, OSX rules, but we all know that :D
- The desktop should automatically refresh, even when it is in the background.

This is what bugs me most about Finder. Whats weird is that it does refresh when I use VPC 6 and apps like ie. Kazaa and sets the desktop folder as the download folder (duh).
Hey ambitiouslemon, your email doesn't work.

Here was what I was trying to send:

need new category "Networking"

SMB: If you connect to a Windows share, have the volume shown on the desktop, shut down the windows machine, then back on the mac drag the volume to the trash, you get an everlasting beachball.

There are a few other everlasting beachballs in the networking area.

Here is the error I got:
550 5.1.2 <>... Host unknown (Name server: host not found)
Originally posted by buseman
This is what bugs me most about Finder. Whats weird is that it does refresh when I use VPC 6 and apps like ie. Kazaa and sets the desktop folder as the download folder (duh).

Right! But it doesn't refresh from Software Update, for example, when you tell it to download to desktop (which is what I always do nowadays). It doesn't refresh from many other programs. Other folders don't update either. For example, if you copy a file in Terminal to a folder which is open on the screen.

After all, this is a multithreaded operating system! It ought to refresh.
iJon: added
- Control/Right-clicking on a minimized window should provide a contextual menu option to close the window.
- Mail preferences should allow the user to set automatic checking per account rather than for all accounts combined.

Gilgad: added
- The keychain storage of user and password for servers should be properly retrieved even when the user name is different from the user's name on the Mac.

Chimaera: already in list

cubist: email fixed (thanks) and added
- Shutting down a computer which currently has a munted share on the user's mac should not result in a 'everlasting beachball.

etoiles: yes many are feature requests, which is why they are in the feature request section rather than the bugs section. It is also why the List is called the Bug and missing feature list.

Thanks for the help. Did anyone take the time to use the Apple feedback form to let them know that the items on the list are important to you?
Here's one...

Jaguar's user management features are great but there is one little problem with the Capabilities options under System Prefs>Accounts: as soon as you restrict the applications that a user is allowed to run, Classic will not run AT ALL.

Even if you have selected Classic apps for a user to have access to, Classic will not launch. Since Classic is not an app, you can't enable it in the list of allowed apps.

Frustrating for us in a lab setting...
Originally posted by Rower_CPU
Here's one...

Jaguar's user management features are great but there is one little problem with the Capabilities options under System Prefs>Accounts: as soon as you restrict the applications that a user is allowed to run, Classic will not run AT ALL.

Even if you have selected Classic apps for a user to have access to, Classic will not launch. Since Classic is not an app, you can't enable it in the list of allowed apps.

Frustrating for us in a lab setting...

That does seem like quite a big bug. I wasn't quit sure how best to word it — how does this sound?

- When restricting a user's access to a given set of applications via the "Accounts" preference pane, access to classic should not be locked out if the administrator has included classic applications in the list of available applications.
I wish Apple would give you the ability to lock the login items in system preferences. It's annoying when an application I launch just randomly puts a startup item in there. It wouldn't be so bad, but this startup item hogs the cpu usage on my old iMac.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by AmbitiousLemon
That does seem like quite a big bug. I wasn't quit sure how best to word it — how does this sound?

- When restricting a user's access to a given set of applications via the "Accounts" preference pane, access to classic should not be locked out if the administrator has included classic applications in the list of available applications.

Perfect. :)
this may have been added but a feature which should have been in 10.0

You can change your password but you can't seem to change your secret question. throuhg system prefs anyways
Billicus: added
- Add the option to lock login items to prevent third party applications from adding themselves to the login items list without the administrator's approval.

mac15: added
- Add the ability to change the user password hint in the accounts preference pane.
Originally posted by buseman
Eh.. you can do this in 10.2:rolleyes:

Eh, well rolleyes I jsut checked and guess waht. Nope, you can't change the user HINT in the system prefs. Maybe you should read more accurately before throwing the immature rolleyes everywhere.
Originally posted by Kid Red
Eh, well rolleyes I jsut checked and guess waht. Nope, you can't change the user HINT in the system prefs. Maybe you should read more accurately before throwing the immature rolleyes everywhere.

Don't flame. ;)

AL some people have very recent builds but whatever.

And tons of customization to the 'wanted' features.
Wanted in v 10.3 :
Ability to change entire look and feel of os gui by using skins

Why? on pc's you can doe this-macs not realy.
Want: asimple MS paint type app and a simple notepad akin to ckassic macos one.
SO glad this one is included.

--Open and Save dialogues should allow the same sorting (by name date, size etc.)

This is ENTIRELY frustrating. Good job! Hope it gets fixed REALLY soon...
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