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Originally posted by aafuss1
Wanted in v 10.3 :
Ability to change entire look and feel of os gui by using skins

Why? on pc's you can doe this-macs not realy.
Want: asimple MS paint type app and a simple notepad akin to ckassic macos one.

you can skin osx very well and easily, there are many talented theme designers. in fact we host the forums for one of the best at

notepad app - try textedit
Originally posted by Kid Red
Eh, well rolleyes I jsut checked and guess waht. Nope, you can't change the user HINT in the system prefs. Maybe you should read more accurately before throwing the immature rolleyes everywhere.

I just did. You must type in your password first.

[mod. edit - No need for the personal attack.]
this is a feature request i've sent to apple's feedback page after every 10.x version came out - the choice of making the cursor arrow point the other way, so that if you are using a mouse/trackpad with your left hand it is more natural.

i had an extension that did this back in the system 7 days...

i also want to see the user have some control over dealing with permissions without resorting to terminal, e.g., unable to trash locked files and then being unable to unlock the file...
Originally posted by Freg3000
thanks, lol. i saw this on the front page of macrumors so i clicked and it led to his site and it said a special thanks to iJon. didnt know what my name was here but as i kept reading i remember i posted that a long time ago because this is a continuing thread. but yes, that is a feature i would really love ot have and i hope they do it. as well as spring loaded folders from the dock, because i keep my desktop free of any icons whatsoever, so i keep my folders and hard drives in the dock. so it is annoying to hit apple n to bring up my folders everytime.

Originally posted by Kid Red
Eh, well rolleyes I jsut checked and guess waht. Nope, you can't change the user HINT in the system prefs. Maybe you should read more accurately before throwing the immature rolleyes everywhere.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
is this thread still "alive"? does the original poster check this? if so...

i'd like to see panther enable the user to set the global finder view. personally, i like the list view. so if put in a cd, open a new folder, etc., i'd like that finder window to come up with the list view. currently, the only thing you can do is change the global setting of windows already set to open in a particular view. any new windows seem to default to the icon view.

also, i'd like the small folder icon at the top of finder windows to act as an actual folder. as of now, it's very difficult to move an object just one directory up unless you are in the column view. if the folder icon at the top actually worked like a folder, it will be easy to move an object up one level even in icon or list view.

i'd like to be able to close minimized windows in the dock with contextual menu (without maximizing) as someone else mentioned. a great idea.
AL, this is a bug in the Finder that has been driving me nutz!

There is an option in the Finder prefs to force all new Finder windows to open in Column view. This option doesn't work on all newly opened Finder windows. A very clear example of this is when you right click on an application and select "Open package contents." No matter what setting you have chosen, the Contents folder opens in icon view.



In case AL isn't checking this forum, you can send your bug/feature suggestions to him at

If you go to his site, you can click on a "Contribute" link which will open an email to that address.

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