I'd be quite interested to know how you set this up, as I was under the impression that Synology Drive is more of a homebrewed Dropbox clone, where all data is synched between my disk and the Synology. I keep a lot of old archived files on the Syno, files I don't want to have on the MBP local drive. Is that even possible with Drive (on MacOS, Windows 10 can apparently do selective synchronization)?
(Also, do I have to install some Synology driver or daemon for this to work? So far, I've found Synology's stuff to be very good on their own OS, not so much on MacOS or iOS for that matter – their apps tend to look like some Java rubbish, which I find far from reassuring).
In the meantime, I'll try to reset my user access settings to get the «Home» stuff working correctly again, and then never ever touch this again.