Sorry for the wall of text, most of this has probably been said all before but here is some thoughts.
At first I was perhaps angry and bitter(not so much now) at the fact a new connection port was released just as I purchased a 2010 Mac Pro computer. And from what has been said so far is that this new port is not going to be available to the 2008,2009 and 2010 Mac Pros. But technology is going to evolve and perhaps a ThB card add-on may still may appear and even if it does not, well I guess it does not.
I think it is best to take in a wider perspective in that technology is evolving fast, faster it seems than the software or the peripherals that needs the technology to run it. Only recently (as in 2011)has the software that I intend to use able to run in 64bit mode and as it is new there probably will be some form of bugs so some revisions will have to be made. The PLAY engine on the Macintosh is not 64bit yet so there you see.
But one could be in a situation that they have brought a 4,6,8 or a 12 core computer a 64bit workstation but no software that runs in 64bit, how important is 64bit I do not have much technical knowledge but I understand that in 64bit the programs can access a lot more Ram and I even heard more cores as well perhaps a lot more of everything. So for someone who does intensive work and needs access to large amounts of Ram this will be great I think. So what I am saying and I think many people have said this already is technology is ahead and the software and tools still need to catch up, if you will, to the technology, it has to because they need time to make the software so that it runs optimal and runs with other programs not creating conflicts with other software, so it all runs smoothly and together with the hardware that it uses.
Regarding technology I recently found out a music keyboard manufacture is releasing a new keyboard in a few months and it has implemented an internal, least I think it is internal SSD drive to stream the samples and sounds. I think it is a leap forward for a keyboard to have this. It is the first keyboard to my knowledge that has an SSD that can be used for live performance. It is a bit different then having a computer system set up with SSD’s though as a keyboard, to be used live I imagine it should be great.
What I am getting at again(from Wikipedia) SSD has been marketed to the military and certain industries around since the mid 90s according to Wikipedia (under the availability section) but its relevance to consumers seems to be only recent and even more so recent in the hardware that uses that technology such as the keyboard I mention. What this suggests is that new technology will appear but takes time for it to be implemented, so ThB is a new port, perhaps the new standard, though now the peripherals need to appear to take advantage of this new technology for the consumers that is the people, the buyers need to believe in it and take it on board for companies that are interested in it to consider this as something that is the next step.
It could be this year or next year or some year that there will be many things, many peripherals that have the ThB port from monitors to SSD drives to soundcards. But that is just it, now it has to catch up to this new technology. I think trying to see a wider picture helps to see things from a different perspective, or paradigm that one would not have had before.
Thanks for sticking through this wall of text and have a nice day
