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macrumors 68020
Oct 25, 2008
You are usually looking at the iPhone, iPad or Macbook from angles that are not very flattering. The device is usually on a table or you are holding it in your hand so the end result is that you look fat with a double chin. By comparison a mirror is at eye level and you are facing it straight on.

Then you have the camera itself which isn't that great and depends a lot on having good lighting. As a test try facing your camera to the mirror and then compare how you look in it vs how you look on screen through the mirror.


macrumors newbie
Feb 12, 2019
It could just be that I'm ugly, but I honestly think I look a lot better in the mirror. Every time I FaceTime, I look at myself and can't believe how odd and bad I look on the screen. Sometimes I literally look like someone who got his face smashed in or rearranged. I not only look 10 years older, but the entire face just seems awkward.

Clearly, I can't be the only person experiencing this issue. I really hope someone else noticed this.
[doublepost=1550010925][/doublepost]I wish I had seen your post back when you wrote it. I feel the exact same way!!! There is no way that I could possibly look the way I look on FaceTime or on my MacBook when I am videoing. No way!!! If I did, I believe other people would look at me differently. My students and many adults tell me I do no look my age. They would not say this if the “MacLook” were accurate!! I have decided to live without this technological feature. I don’t do selfies and I don’t facetime. Period. Good luck to you and I believe you do NOt look the way you do on technology.


macrumors 68020
Jun 15, 2018
I wish I had seen your post back when you wrote it. I feel the exact same way!!! There is no way that I could possibly look the way I look on FaceTime or on my MacBook when I am videoing. No way!!! If I did, I believe other people would look at me differently. My students and many adults tell me I do no look my age. They would not say this if the “MacLook” were accurate!! I have decided to live without this technological feature. I don’t do selfies and I don’t facetime. Period. Good luck to you and I believe you do NOt look the way you do on technology.

When you see a selfie of someone else do you believe it’s really them?


macrumors 601
Apr 21, 2004
It could just be that I'm ugly, but I honestly think I look a lot better in the mirror. Every time I FaceTime, I look at myself and can't believe how odd and bad I look on the screen. Sometimes I literally look like someone who got his face smashed in or rearranged. I not only look 10 years older, but the entire face just seems awkward.

Clearly, I can't be the only person experiencing this issue. I really hope someone else noticed this.
The camera adds 50 Pounds. You are beautiful. Or so says your mom lol.


macrumors 68020
Aug 14, 2008
Your reflection is a mirror image of what the rest of the world sees. The face time portrait is not. You're just not used to seeing yourself that way (and it definitely seems more ugly, but don't worry, you're always that ugly to everyone else :p)


macrumors regular
Jan 4, 2019
I look 10 Years younger..
but then upon closer look, it is not even me looking back. :eek:

Nigel Goodman

macrumors regular
Jun 29, 2017
The reason why people do not like how they appear in pictures in contrast to a mirror is that the mirror shows you in reverse. A picture show you how others see you. You are just not used to seeing yourself that way.

An example is da Vinci's Mona Lisa. da Vinci was known to paint and draw using a mirror. The Mona Lisa has an enigmatic smile due to this. Look at that painting in a mirror and the smile is gone.


macrumors regular
Feb 9, 2017
Same, i look like crap on facetime (and on selfies for that matter). sometimes i want to change my company picture in outlook when i have a nice hair day, mirror looks ok, but i just cant get a proper picture so i always keep the old one. Might be due to lighting as some mentions, not sure. tried beautify as well, but still look like crap just with smoother skin. strange.

Could it be due to being photogenic or not? I cant smile on command as example


macrumors regular
Jul 7, 2010
I'm a photographer ... so i know the tricks. Many mobile phones have wide angle lenses so they distort faces and noses badly. Sit away from camera if possible. Also avoid strong side lighting and sit in front of soft light source such as big window - so you have window in front of you. The light will be even and fill in wrinkles. Also try turning lights on in room if it's not sunny as the more light that bounces around the better the fill in light. I prefer to use laptop camera to phone camera. Other than that, try a good plastic surgeon ;)
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