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As someone has pointed out in one of the many other threads addressing the naming of the iPad: Why is it the iPad that reminds you of female hygiene products? Why not the Thinkpad, or the Ideapad, or the touchpad. All of these are computers that have been around for years.
As someone has pointed out in one of the many other threads addressing the naming of the iPad: Why is it the iPad that reminds you of female hygiene products? Why not the Thinkpad, or the Ideapad, or the touchpad. All of these are computers that have been around for years.

Good point. Do you think helicopter pilots have some kind of social stigma surrounding them because they sit on pads quite a lot?
Good point. Do you think helicopter pilots have some kind of social stigma surrounding them because they sit on pads quite a lot?

I can't say for sure. But I do know that I feel just EVER so embarrassed when my friends ask if they can come over to my "pad." It just gives me a giggle then a case of the cold sweats.

Because I'm an immature individual who derives pleasure from useless term association.
Ipad a stupid name? Just do a search here and you'll see numerous posts deriding the choice. I'm with the majority here and think it was a poor choice.

Plenty of other names would have been better. I'm not sure why they went with ipad, perhaps trying to tie into the ipod name recognition, may steve liked that name, who knows.
LOL the ipad is a grate name i like it.

There are better names than the iPad but I think the joke is running a bit long. It's really not that funny of a name after you've heard it a few times.
Doesn't anyone remember the response for the first couple of week's after Nintendo named their new platform the Wii?

Who's laughing now?
No, you're not the only one. You also aren't the person to note the similarity to a feminine hygiene product. Nor are you the first to make a thread like this.

Am I the only one who's first thought when I heard the term iPad wasn't about tampons and maxi pads? I thought about a pad of paper, or a writer's pad.

No your not, until I came to a few tech forums never heard any of the comparisons. Then again these forums tend to have a large population of tweens. (Teens/20 somethings) All about the same mental state, still immature and using the word dude 20x in a paragraph.

Apple probably loves the fact their are entire discussions about the name. Sounds like some damn good marketing work to me. Viral marketing at it's best.
A product name needs to be memorable to stay in the public conciousness, particularly when it isn't yet available.

"iPad" is descriptive, is instantly associated with Apple, is controversial, might be vulgar or offensive to some, and is even polarizing. Each of these properties keeps us talking about it. It is the perfect name for Apple's new device.
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