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Hactually all Tuesday updates that i have witnessed have happened at 7:00PM my time, so that would be 2 hours from now. But i sadly dont think it is gonna happen...someone at Apple is giggling..very loud, for this very mean prank.

*swirls fist in air, and spits at their toes* :mad:
I too was surprised to see it this early in the day. I suspect there may be yet another be back soon today in the next 2-3 hours.
roland.g said:
I too was surprised to see it this early in the day. I suspect there may be yet another be back soon today in the next 2-3 hours.

I`ve seen only one update till now. The MacBook. Neither was it released on a Tuesday(monday actually) nor was it launched later than whatever the current time is.
max_altitude said:
They can but it's highly unlikely as most updates happen around this time.
I remember them usually occuring closer to lunchtime. Like 12 or 1, I thought 9:30 was a tad early.

Apple has done more than one update in one day before, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

BTW, just noticed education store is still listing NEW 12" and 14" iBooks

12" iBook 1.33 GHz $949.00 NEW
14" 1.42 GHz $1199.00

The refurb price is usually $799.00 for the 12" model, but none are listed at the moment only 14" models.
vikas soni said:
I`ve seen only one update till now. The MacBook. Neither was it released on a Tuesday(monday actually) nor was it launched later than whatever the current time is.
Actually the Macbook was released on Sunday 21st May and you have only witnessed one whereas other people have seen loads
Demon Hunter said:
What's the verdict? No updates? Wait until later this afternoon?
i think the consensus is no updates today, though some are still holding out hope.

i wouldn't hold your breath, though.
Demon Hunter said:
What's the verdict? No updates? Wait until later this afternoon?
If you don't have anything to do today, then hold out hope- otherwise, wait a week until the 12th.
oh dear, woo is me, I'm going to curl up in a little ball and cry. :(

naa if nothing is released by the end of September I'll just pull the trigger and buy whatever is on the market. Can't wait around forever like some of the people on these boards are content to.
®îçhå®? said:
Actually the Macbook was released on Sunday 21st May and you have only witnessed one whereas other people have seen loads

MacBook was on a Tuesday.

Every other release I've seen has been on a Tuesday or Wednesday (Wednesday/Thursday my time).
ok so maybe im just getting my hopes up, but what if they did this in preparation for launching the mbp tomorrow? there is no rule saying that they have to announce a product on a tuesday, the mighty mouse was done on a wednesday. it just doesnt make sence for the store to be down like that with out anything being changed...oh well we shall see.
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