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The 'comments' were pure BS as demonstrated by uptake of Android in places where the iPhone is available or 4 or more networks.

One day I hope you can grow up and look back at the stuff you post here, and hang your head in embarrassment.
The 'comments' were pure BS as demonstrated by uptake of Android in places where the iPhone is available or 4 or more networks.

One day I hope you can grow up and look back at the stuff you post here, and hang your head in embarrassment.

Not anytime soon. This is Apple we're talking about, not Microstupid or Google's flavor-of-the-month iPhone knock-off.
Laudatory comments about Apple on an Apple fansite isn't trolling. Get used to it.

no there is still trolling on an Apple fansite about apple products.
Any thread intended to get people angry. We just happen to have some Apple Trolls around here.

I though LTD after your time out this would of ended. You came back from time out and none of these threads for months. It made me think that one of the mods got on your case for Apple trolling.
no there is still trolling on an Apple fansite about apple products.
Any thread intended to get people angry. We just happen to have some Apple Trolls around here.

I though LTD after your time out this would of ended. You came back from time out and none of these threads for months. It made me think that one of the mods got on your case for Apple trolling.

There's no such thing as "Apple trolling" on an Apple fansite. Head over to Neowin or someplace if you find pro-Apple posts that aren't complimentary to non-Apple products objectionable.

It's within the rules, champ. Just address the post on its own terms or head for greener pastures. If I feel like slagging on the also-rans, this is the place to do it.
There's no such thing as "Apple trolling" on an Apple fansite. Head over to Neowin or someplace if you find pro-Apple posts that aren't complimentary to non-Apple products objectionable.

It's within the rules, champ. Just address the post on its own terms or head for greener pastures. If I feel like slagging on the also-rans, this is the place to do it.

No there is apple trolling.

That being said does this mean we are to look forward to the heavily altered head lines from you again posted every other day from sites that are using 1/2 truths to begin with before they start twisting them saying how great apple is and everyone else sucks
There's no such thing as "Apple trolling" on an Apple fansite.
Who said anything about this being an Apple fansite? I come on this site because I own a Mac, and because it is a good source for Mac based info (updates, products, fixes.. etc...). I don't come here because I am a fan of Apple at all, I'm not that big a fan of them, despite having a Macbook.
Who said anything about this being an Apple fansite? I come on this site because I own a Mac, and because it is a good source for Mac based info (updates, products, fixes.. etc...). I don't come here because I am a fan of Apple at all, I'm not that big a fan of them, despite having a Macbook.


I come here to discuss some apple produts, not to bow down at the alter of apple.
LOL so true.

I wanted an Android phone a little over a year ago and I am happy with AT&T. Just no android phone was out a year ago on AT&T so I went blackberry. I had and still have zero interested in owning an iPhone.

Now next year I more than likely will go to an Android phone on AT&T.
Android is popular. You just have to look at the world out side of the US to see that it is really selling well when going head to head with iOS.

If at&t had a HTC Sense Android phone with a 3.7" screen, I may have gotten that instead of my iPhone.

As for the OP's comments, I believe that some of Apple's decisions have certainly benefitted Android (closed environment, one carrier in the US, etc) but I think it is a gross oversimplification to say that is the only reason why Android is successful.
I like the Capitvated but I wish it was like the Sprint Epic and had a hardware keyboard.

I used BlackBerry's for years, thus becoming very fond of their stellar keyboards. Especially since I used one for what they are designed for: email, and lots of it. I too never though I would like a touch screen keyboard. But as they say, never say never. I'm at the end of my second month, with a Samsung Captivate, and I'm here to say that I'm positively shocked in a good way, at just how fantastic Swype is. This radical new input method is fast, fun, accurate and oh.. did I say fast? ...:)

I've read several posts from people who didn't like swype. I truly believe these are users who found it a bit awkward at first and then promptly gave up. It's an all new technology, a different keyboard layout, and includes a special swype key. Therefore I decided to watch a few of their 2 minute video tutorials. Well that was the answer, as the amount of tips and tricks that one would not discover through trial and error are just enough to be a deal breaker. You must spend some of your time learning it just like anything else new. The payback is handsome.

Now I'm really fast, even faster than with my full size BlackBerry 9000 and that's a statement I never thought I would make. I can honestly say I'm enjoying my new Android phone with Swype more than any other BlackBerry or smartphone I've owned. I would truly like to see Apple approve Swype for use on the iPhone. That would make a huge difference when it comes to messaging.

Here's a link, check it out.
I haven't read it in depth yet, but the analysts at Piper Jaffray apparently have predicted:

  • Android to take over 50% of smartphone market by 2015
  • iPhone to max at 20-30%
  • Everyone else fights over the remaining 20%
Read article here

Oh, just noticed. The 50% assumes that Nokia and RIM adopt Android. (Supposedly RIM has had internal fights over it already.)

I haven't read it in depth yet, but the analysts at Piper Jaffray apparently have predicted:

  • Android to take over 50% of smartphone market by 2015
  • iPhone to max at 20-30%
  • Everyone else fights over the remaining 20%
Read article here

Oh, just noticed. The 50% assumes that Nokia and RIM adopt Android. (Supposedly RIM has had internal fights over it already.)


man if RIM went android and had all those great push services on their phone that would be huge. But it would require RIM really upping their game in the hardware department.
Right now RIM can push a battery farther than anyone else. The one in the touch is small and it still can make it threw a day. I wish they used the one they use the bold 9700 in the torch because that more than likely could of made it threw a weekend no problem.
Well first off you changed the title of the article yet again to twisted it into your very "If it is not Apple labeled it sucks view"

It kind of kills any creditability when you changed the title of the article.

I noticed that. He took an article with a title that suggested an opinion and re-wrote it into a fact.
Maybe LTD is actually Steve Jobs.

*LTD faints*

Nah, can't be him. Even SJ doesn't have such limited horizons.

But seriously, LTD, you lost any shred of credibility you had remaining by inverting the first two words in the title and omitting the "?". You can't expect anyone to take your opinion too seriously after that.
Here's another article, specifically rebutting this thread's topic:

"Android isn't surging just because Apple is letting it"

No one doubts that many people on a carrier that's not currently selling the iPhone, would get an iPhone if available. Others would not, just as happens now on carriers with both Android and iPhone.

Apple clearly made a mistake getting locked to ATT for so long. All that did was to ignore 2/3 of the US market, and give other manufacturers and OS's a huge breathing space in which to improve.

Perhaps Jobs believed in his own hype about being "five years ahead", just a little too much. That's an eternity in consumer electronics time.
Also remember that there are lots of people out there that just don't like iPhones.

My Fiance is an Android user, even though here in the UK the iPhone is available on every network, bar one. She simply doesn't like the iPhone...

So that statement is true in parts however it doesn't appear to be stated in theory, and is gearing more towards a bias towards iPhone.
They should be on Verizon by now. The "desirability via exclusivity" plan was great. Time to expand a little, at least to a second US carrier.

Why should Apple do what you want them to? It's clear they're successful enough without worrying about what you want.

Now who does that sound like? ;)
There are more countries in this world than the USA.

In the UK, iPhone is on, I believe, 4 networks. Android sales still strong.

Of course, the possibility that some people just don't like the closed-environment near dictatorship methodology that Jobs drowns his products in flies straight past your radar LTD.


Over here in the UK, the iPhone is available on Vodafone, T-Mobile, O2, Orange and 3 as well as Tesco Mobile (Which actually offers it on a 12-month contract)

In the UK, the 3 network used to run a walled-garden environment when they first started out here until they got so many complaints about it, they ended up going to a non-walled system like the other networks.
There are more countries in this world than the USA.

In the UK, iPhone is on, I believe, 4 networks. Android sales still strong.

Same in Australia. People still want Android phones.

In Australia, you can get on the cheapest iPhone plan for around $49/month, I think. My two housemates chose to pay $59/month for their Samsung Galaxy S' several weeks ago, and they both love them. It was a choice.

Personally, I'd rather have the Galaxy S than my iPhone 3Gs. It gives me more of what I want in customisability, homescreen, and even UI.
This ain't an apple fan boy web site. This is an web forum for helping each other out. Not to bash and troll. People are different.
I own apple gear, but that doesn't mean that I'm an apple fan boy. I still use linux and windows, I have non apple hardware and most of all I have an life like many in this great forum.
Just because it's an apple forum nobody need's to glorify apple.
  • Android to take over 50% of smartphone market by 2015
  • iPhone to max at 20-30%
  • Everyone else fights over the remaining 20%

I liked these numbers, how they're often presented as "look, Apple is goijng to lose out". Actually, what they say is that Apple will have 20-30%of the market on their own, while HTC, Sony, Samsung, LG, etc will share 50% of the market between them.

I know which company i'd rather be!

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