Apple's App store brings in five times as much money despite Android having a much larger user base. It's not even close.
There are tons of ways to slant that, depending on if you want to make it favorable to Apple (Apple users aren't as cheap as Android users), favorable to Android (there are more devs making quality free apps for Android), or neutral (Apple products are generally more expensive, so it's likely owners of Apple products aren't on as tight of a budget).
Now, to actually address the question? They're equal. I transitioned from Android to iOS last December and honestly there's no significant difference. There are scads of awesome apps on both sides that will do ANYTHING you need them to. I never found myself unable to find an app I wanted on either platform. Switching is a bit difficult only because once you're used to one side you know what apps are good, but that's all.
EDIT: also your quote makes no sense, dude. If they're the highest GROSSING apps, that means they're EARNING THE MOST MONEY. So if the highest GROSSING apps are freemium games, it means people are downloading them and SPENDING MONEY ON THEM, lol.
Like I said above, if you read the anecdotal evidence it doesn't make sense anyway. The highest grossing apps means the apps that have earned the most money, so it doesn't work to claim that as evidence that iOS users are freeloaders.