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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 24, 2010
Some people prefer Androids to iPhones so I was wondering if those same users prefer PC's to Macs and also what OS do you prefer???

iPhone V Android
Mac V PC
SL V W7 V Linux
Your asking a question to Android users in an iPhone forum??

odd, but ok
I am using a Windows PC w/ Vista

Would love to get a iMac and will someday just cant afford one right now. Almost got one last year til economy took a dive.

As for iPhone, i have T-Mobile is why i went to Android. I didnt want to buy a iP4 and still have EDGE and im not switching to AT&T. We'll see in 2012 where Apple is as far at networks, but i ave a feeling Android is going to explode and by 2012, it will be much better than Apple but we'll see.
Im not against going with iPhone again if it gets some things like cusmizations, but not going to hold my breath with Jobs running the show. Ill get what works best for me and i like my Vibrant.
Sounds like this would be better posted in an android forum. They're more likely to well, own android phones.
I have an iphone but would never buy a mac as I consider them overpriced crap.
It wasnt an "android" question. The question was what computer do you use/prefer and what OS do you have.

The title of the post is "Android Users: Post your computers here!!!"

this is an Android question, and an OS question and Computer question, everything but an iPhone question.
I own the Aria and the iPhone (3G/s/4) and I prefer Windows to Mac. I think Macs are way to overpriced....


Can't you get an iPod with the Apple as a back to school deal?

Also you forgot to add at the bottom:

OS X [Priceless]
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1-update1; en-gb; Dell Streak Build/ERE27) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17)

marksman said:
I own the Aria and the iPhone (3G/s/4) and I prefer Windows to Mac. I think Macs are way to overpriced....


Can't you get an iPod with the Apple as a back to school deal?

Also you forgot to add at the bottom:

OS X [Priceless]

Plus iLife! :D

Out of the box, Macs are far more useful (IMO).

Why does this post need to be in the iPhone forum? This would be better suited in a the general discussion boards.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1-update1; en-gb; Dell Streak Build/ERE27) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17)

Plus iLife! :D

Out of the box, Macs are far more useful (IMO).

Why does this post need to be in the iPhone forum? This would be better suited in a the general discussion boards.

me too, i havent had to buy one piece of software for my mac and its gets all my college stuff done, and me and my college friends did a mac v pc battle and mac was preferred by all the dorm rooms on campus. they said they didnt care about the price because out the box it won hands down
Microsoft couldn't pay me enough money to start using Windows.

Apple couldn't pay me enough money to stop using OS X.
Yup, until the 7th I believe

Ha =D

Also, try to beat this!

There are many flaws with this diagram.

- Most likely horrible displays that come with the windows box
- Horrible Keyboard IMO
- A teenage boy with ADHD MIGHT be attracted to that tower...OOH, Seethru and LED filled!
- Pentiums? How old (Read: Outdated) is this comparison

The Mac Pro is definitely overpriced, but that picture just isn’t right.
There are many flaws with this diagram.

- Most likely horrible displays that come with the windows box
- Horrible Keyboard IMO
- A teenage boy with ADHD MIGHT be attracted to that tower...OOH, Seethru and LED filled!
- Pentiums? How old (Read: Outdated) is this comparison

The Mac Pro is definitely overpriced, but that picture just isn’t right.

oooohhhhhh you're good :D
You can put as many cpus and cores and videocards into a box, slap a price tag on it and call it an insane deal.

But if it doesn't run OS X, what good is it?

User Experience, User Experience, User Experience. At the end of the day, THIS is what separates beauty and function from cobbled-together shovelware. THIS is why Apple makes insane amounts of money, bad economy or good economy. THIS is what makes for record quarters.

The entire point of a Mac is to gain access to and experience the Apple software ecosystem. The beautifully-designed hardware is simply a bonus, but also fully in line and complementary to that software ecosystem.

I can probably build a PC, case, fans heatsink, parts and all, that'll best the top-end Mac Pro in raw specs/peformance. But why would I want to?
Droid X (work phone on Verizon. Was my choice because I have no firm date for an iPhone 4 on Verizon... thinking of selling when iP4 does come out).

I am also not a happy Droid X owner. Too many little user experience issues for me that just annoy the hell out of me. Its a good phone, but the OS only has one feature it can hang over iOS's head. The notification bar.

The customization of the OS that everyone makes a big deal about is, for me, the biggest problem and waste of time. I honestly like the lack of customization in iOS. Even with Windows I now have a tendency to leave it stock where I used to try to customize every facet. Without the choice of customizing I spend more time actually using the phone. I see why people like that option, but its just annoying me (yes I know I don't have to, but the inner nerd in me can't not do it if the option is there).

Gimme a Verizon iPhone 4 any day (please).

See sig for what I have minus my gaming tower at home.

I know this isn't supposed to be a Mac Pro vs Diy PC thread but a couple people already started that one.

I always say that if you complain about the mac pro, you should compare like parts.. and go dual processor. Yes Diy computers are cheaper, but i'll take an immaculate, quiet, and easy to work on computer any day. I have been building windows boxes since I was 12 years old (i'm 27 now) and have about had it with them.

I enjoy building them for other people and I enjoy fixing them for other people, but I am so ****** tired of the noise and poor design of the products in that market at home. As soon as my current gaming tower dies there is a good chance I will end up with a kind of upper end single chip mac pro at home. With an 8 month old baby I don't have time to worry about gaming all the time, much less whether I have the best hardware every 6 months. I just want to buy it and have it work and you can bet I won't be buying an HP or Dell (wouldn't make much sense if I can build them with better parts for the same price). And the Mac Pro case is the ultimate case. There just isn't a better one out there barring certain needs such as 4-way crossfire or needing to plug in way more peripherals via usb than I have ever owned.

Say what you want about them being overpriced, but we all value different things and user experience as a whole has Apple winning this one, for me.


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I have an HTC Eris which is crappy. But I recently rooted it so I may change my mind about it.

As for computers, other than the MBA in my sig I own a Dell Zino HTPC and a gaming PC I built myself, both are AMD-based. I think Apple's laptops are excellent as well as the Mac Mini in some cases. Their desktops suck very badly though. My gaming PC will wipe the floor with a $5K Mac Pro in pretty much any game and I probably spent around $1200-1400 on it tops over the course of 1 year (I do upgrade it piece by piece over time).

Since I use both OS X and W7 I'd say they're actually on par with each other. I do love UNIX on which OS X is based and it was another reason to get a Mac laptop. But when it comes to gaming/compatibility Windows is king still and since that was important for me too I use both OSs.
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