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I went from iPhone First Gen -> 3GS. Around when I got the 3GS (A little earlier actually) I got a PowerMac G5. Then got a Macbook Pro March of '10. Then I got a Samsung Captivate when it was released.

So, I use a Captivate, and a Macbook Pro/G5.
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iMac 20" 2.4 Ghz C2D
ATi Radeon 2400xt
2GB Ram
Mac OSX 10.5.6

Intel E2140 @ 2ghz
Asus p5kpl-am
Nvidia 8500GT 512mb
4GB Ram
Windows 7 x64, Mac OSX 10.5.8, Ubuntu 10.4 x64 triple boot
Nexus One. Custom built PC (core i7 930, 6 gigs RAM, etc) and a 13" MacBook. Best of both worlds.

You can put as many cpus and cores and videocards into a box, slap a price tag on it and call it an insane deal.

But if it doesn't run OS X, what good is it?

User Experience, User Experience, User Experience. At the end of the day, THIS is what separates beauty and function from cobbled-together shovelware. THIS is why Apple makes insane amounts of money, bad economy or good economy. THIS is what makes for record quarters.

The entire point of a Mac is to gain access to and experience the Apple software ecosystem. The beautifully-designed hardware is simply a bonus, but also fully in line and complementary to that software ecosystem.

I can probably build a PC, case, fans heatsink, parts and all, that'll best the top-end Mac Pro in raw specs/peformance. But why would I want to?

This thread is for Android users. Why are you crapping it up?
I can probably build a PC, case, fans heatsink, parts and all, that'll best the top-end Mac Pro in raw specs/peformance. But why would I want to?

I agree. Over the years I have built myself and others scores of pc based computers. I could make super powered, over powered monster powered machines... But it all left me so empty inside. Much better to just pay more and get OS X.

Sure in my younger days I might drool over a spec sheet as well. As you get older, and hopefully wiser, though, you learn what is really important.

I understand if your primary focus for a computer is high end gaming, then most certainly the pc route is the way to go. Outside of that though, I don't see any other scenario where it would be the better option regardless of price.
I'm considering a Droid X (or Galaxy-whatchamacallit) and by the time I get that I'll be on a homebuilt PC.
At the moment I'm on an iMac (mostly use XP though) and Macbook.

I couldn't live with the iPhone 4's problems and I need more power than what a Mac can give me (at least within my price range).
I can probably build a PC, case, fans heatsink, parts and all, that'll best the top-end Mac Pro in raw specs/peformance. But why would I want to?
I did, saved myself over 1,500 bucks compared to what the mac pro has. I'm also running OSX on it.

The case I opted for has nearly the same level off design as apple's, the cables are hidden away thanks to cutouts and the air cooling design, makes it possible for me to easily over clock this bad boy. I'm running my 2.8ghz at 3.25 right now and I'm seeing temps in the 38c range. I've NEVER saw that low of a temp in a mac so there's a win right there.
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