Anyone have an actual Apple Watch commerical to show, so we can see a comparison? Is there even one out yet?
Apple released an Apple watch commercial, quite a good one IMHO. Here's the link:
I think it perfectly highlights the beauty and the functionality of the device without having to rely on gimmicky tactics that *may* appeal to one generation, currently the norm is to entice Millenials, like myself. This ad makes you stop, makes you wonder, lust and obsess over the watch. The Android Wear ad doesn't do that for me. It shows a bunch of kids all kind of line dancing or something and goes for the gimmick that all Millenials like neon colors and mixed diversity social groups and being
different. That's what a lot of Android based things do, and for many, especially Milenials, we subconsciously want to conform, not differ. The ad also highlights very little of what the watches do. Sure they seem to bring a generation together for a greater cohabitation, and appear with a seizure inducing neon color scheme, but what else do they do? This ad also makes me think too hard, by which I mean, I spend far too much of the time that the ad is occupying trying to figure out what's happeneing that I miss the point (if there is one, like I said, it comes across as aimless and off balance) and the next time it comes on, I can't really be bothered to notice it, so I ignore it like most ads and continue on with my life. And just like that, Google lost out on a potential coustomer for their watches and obviously their phones.
Side note, I noticed that Google only began this Android Wear advertising once Apple Watch was on the horizon, and I only saw those Android adverts for the Operating System when iPhone 6 arrived. Weird to me...