Is the front page news story, submitted by myself, BTW. Arn didn't see this thread, obviously.
Personally, I don't think Apple should have rejected this app. Why are all 200,000 tip calculators allowed on the store, yet a new, unique, definitely NOT a duplicate functionality, denied?
For those of you saying that this does duplicate functionality, I bet you $10 that you cannot download podcasts to your iPhone WITHOUT syncing it to your computer, OR going to each site and streaming it. Nope. Can't do it. So definitely NOT duplicate functionality.
Also, for those saying bandwidth issues: 1) YouTube can be used over 3G/EDGE/WiFi, does Apple care about bandwidth on that app? NO! 2) Pandora, Last.FM, etc have the potential to pull massive amounts of data. Approved? YEP! And they BOTH have the capability to listen to music (Just search for a song on YouTube - GUARANTEED to be there!), which totally defeats the iTunes Store. So, why are these apps still up in the App Store/On the iPhone? HUH!? Can't explain that... I thought so.
Also, if anyone says that it probably would have only taken a week to make, no effort was put into it, whatever, I KNOW FOR A FACT that this developer has been up all night every night working on this app, and as much of the day he can work on it. He has given up family time for this app, in the hope that after he finished it, he would have an extra source of income, and wouldn't have to work as hard at his day job, therefore able to spend more time with his young, hungry family by selling this app for USD $4.99.
Finally, if anyone says that $4.99 is a rip-off, I'd seriously be wondering how the heck you afforded a USD $199/$299 iPhone 3G... or AUD $500 iPhone 3G......... I don't think $5 is much........
If anyone else has any objections, feel free to let me know. Happy to answer. I have a close contact with this developer.