Anyone else getting fed up with the same critical remarks about your iPad from those who have never even been within 10 feet of one and don't have a clue what they are talking about?
Here are some recurring remarks:
1. It's just a big iPod Touch isn't it?
2. What's it for?
3. What's wrong with a laptop/netbook?
4. It's not got a proper keyboard - you can't type on that can you?
5. It's expensive isn't it? A netbook is cheaper you know...
So, what sort of responses have you guys come up with for the above (and other) annoying remarks?
What I find quite sad is that some people react in a completely negative way and attack fervently that which they know nothing about. It's almost as if they are offended in some way that I have had the audacity to "waste" *my* money on such a device. I'd have a lot more respect for their criticism if it was actually based on conclusions born from factual analysis rather than bigoted intolerance. Really quite sad as I said...
Anyway, I'm loving my iPad and there are many with enough curiosity to overcome any prejudice which may exist to take the iPad at face value and enjoy it for what it is. I think the key to this is a "can do" attitude and some imagination.
I'm interested to hear any good, snappy responses to help put the "glass half empty" brigade on the back foot without sounding like Apple's press officer...
Anyone else getting fed up with the same critical remarks about your iPad from those who have never even been within 10 feet of one and don't have a clue what they are talking about?
Here are some recurring remarks:
1. It's just a big iPod Touch isn't it?
2. What's it for?
3. What's wrong with a laptop/netbook?
4. It's not got a proper keyboard - you can't type on that can you?
5. It's expensive isn't it? A netbook is cheaper you know...
So, what sort of responses have you guys come up with for the above (and other) annoying remarks?
What I find quite sad is that some people react in a completely negative way and attack fervently that which they know nothing about. It's almost as if they are offended in some way that I have had the audacity to "waste" *my* money on such a device. I'd have a lot more respect for their criticism if it was actually based on conclusions born from factual analysis rather than bigoted intolerance. Really quite sad as I said...
Anyway, I'm loving my iPad and there are many with enough curiosity to overcome any prejudice which may exist to take the iPad at face value and enjoy it for what it is. I think the key to this is a "can do" attitude and some imagination.
I'm interested to hear any good, snappy responses to help put the "glass half empty" brigade on the back foot without sounding like Apple's press officer...