Hulu Plus can be as polished as it wants to be. $10 per month for content where I still have to deal with ads is ridiculous. They want their cake and eat it too. Make it free and I'll deal with the ads. Charge me $10 a month and keep the ads away....but not both.
They can keep it.
I subscribed last night. I'm a little annoyed that certain episodes of seasons are not available for viewing on the iPad even with a Hulu Plus subscription. Apparently, they are working on that.
downloaded it... Tried it. hated it. I don't mind paying for something, but visual quality was the pits, ...
in contrast, the ABC app that churns out FREE shows works well. Much better than HULU. Wondering how they justify charging for material that is mostly free on my laptop. Netflix/ Roku seems to be a better bet for now. Also stream movies and shows via Air Video, which looks great quality wise, but the app has a few bugs and the stream seems to choke every now and then.
That's another complaint too. Quality seems to very depending upon network and/or show. Some older shows like Ally McBeal look awful, well below even DVD quality.
For all of those dying to defend a double dipping Hulu Plus, it is ironic that ABC can deliver the goods for free, and at quite good quality at that. Sounds like Hulu is testing the marketplace to see what consumers are willing to pay, and its working on some of you. Not sure what the 'I cancelled my cable due to Hulu Plus on the Ipad" is all about, but surely its a want and not a need.
It's crazy how much we pay for cable, yet 90% of what we watch is on network TV anyway. Cable is mostly crap.