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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 2, 2010
Got my invite a few days ago. Have to admit that Hulu Plus is really something on the iPad. Lots of shows and the interface is very easy to navigate through. Very polished for a beta preview. What do you think?
Hulu Plus can be as polished as it wants to be. $10 per month for content where I still have to deal with ads is ridiculous. They want their cake and eat it too. Make it free and I'll deal with the ads. Charge me $10 a month and keep the ads away....but not both.

They can keep it.
I joined. People can gripe all they want about the presence of ads, but the way I look at it:
  • I get a ton more content than the free version, and
  • Yes there's ads, but I get about 3 mins of ads per 1 hour broadcast as opposed to about 15 minutes worth per hour with cable.
So far it's been well worth $10 a month.
I'm using it right now and I think its amazing. The grip about ads I kinda understand but if I'm watching tv I'm burning through around 18 minutes of ads an hour. Hulu Plus isn't even close to that. It is one ad a time to so I think it is a lot harder to get annoyed about them because the show is back so fast.

Also I pay for xbox live and still have to see ads everytime I turn my console on.
Have it, love it! I respect others views about the ads, but for me I think the 10.00 per month is worth it. There are SO many shows and the ads are very short. Having Hulu Plus on the iPad is or no ads...they got me as a customer :)

The thing about cable ads is you forward over them with your DVR (nobody actually sits thru ads on TV in the 21st century I hope). With Hulu you cannot do that. Right now the ads are pretty short but if they ever make them longer it would be a deal breaker.
It's either worth it to you, or it's not. I don't get the whining. Big issue now is that they have not got all the content on the iPad version. I'm still not sure if it is contracts or if they are just not all compressed and ready to go.

People need to realize that the unions and content CREATORS are demanding revenue from mobile delivery. Hulu is the distributor. Netflix is showing stuff that is on DVD, different rules.

ash =o)
I'm using netflix right now and I get previous seasons of the same shows they have on hulu, maybe when hulu goes to a one time fee of $30 or so I'll consider it but right now I just don't have a need for hulu when I get almost the same exact content and a DVD rental for $8.95 =)
Hulu Plus can be as polished as it wants to be. $10 per month for content where I still have to deal with ads is ridiculous. They want their cake and eat it too. Make it free and I'll deal with the ads. Charge me $10 a month and keep the ads away....but not both.

They can keep it.

Definitely not the proper way to apply that.
Love it. There are a few old series that I love that do not appear to be available from any other source or on DVD / VHS so for now it's worth the $10 / month to me.
People who complain about ads are the same ones who complain about taxes. Nothing is free in this world except iPhone 4 bumpers!
I've yet to receive my invite to pay $10/mo. for their wonderful offerings. *barf*

Most of their videos don't appeal to me. If I can't find it on my ton of cable channels or via an Internet search, it's not for me to see.

But if it works for you, great!
Hulu is only licensed to deliver their free content over the web. They would have to pay a separate licensing fee to deliver the same content over their iPad app.
Subscribed yesterday. Cancelled cable today. Saved $50 a month.

In addition to full seasons of shows new and old, iPad/iPhone/PS3 access, you also get 720p. HD was the only reason I kept cable.

It's funny that people name Hulu as a big reason for flash, yet the iPhone is the only mobile device that has access to it,
I'm still waiting for the invite.

I'm undecided at this point still - i think that *right now* it isn't worth the $10 to me. When my life after divorce is sorted out - i think that the $10 for it and the $9 for Netflix, and OTA for local will cover all we will need.

I haven't turned on Netflix over the Wii yet even though the disk is sitting right here! I'm the freak that thinks that my kids playing on the floor in front of the dark TV (which they are doing right now) is better than them being on the couch watching it. So right now all that TV does is Wii and DVDs. Their father enables them with the Disney junk in his room over satellite. I think they only watched TV 2-3 times in the last 2 weeks.

ANYWAY, all that to say, the jury is still out. I was hoping for a free trial period/preview to be able to decide on how it worked into our lives.
I subscribed last night. I'm a little annoyed that certain episodes of seasons are not available for viewing on the iPad even with a Hulu Plus subscription. Apparently, they are working on that.

The actual application also has problems. It's quit on me a few times, there's no double tap to enable full screen viewing and you have to watch a stupid ad before you can even skip to section of the video you want to view.

Also, after an ad the application skipped forward 20-30 minutes into a video without my input causing me to have to move the selector back (and therefore watch another ad).

They have a lot of work to do.

I haven't tried using the composite or component cables out yet. So, not sure if they work.

I cancelled cable months ago and just have OTA programming. Between Hulu Plus, Netflix and my upgraded Internet speed, I'm still saving $35-40 per month compared to what I was paying for cable tv.
I subscribed last night. I'm a little annoyed that certain episodes of seasons are not available for viewing on the iPad even with a Hulu Plus subscription. Apparently, they are working on that.

I have had this happen on Netflix even - an episode or 2 not available for streaming on a disk. What i had read in some of the comments was that there were licensing issues with the MUSIC used.

So many fingers in the licensing pie it is crazy....... hopefully they realize that more views means more royalties and get on with it quicker.
I had my invite for a few days, I first tried out the sample videos on my PS3, I really like that for $10 I can watch on a variety of platforms. I signed up through my invite last night though.

My view on the ads though, I would prefer they weren't there, but if there were no ads I have a feeling the $10 monthly fee would be somewhere upwards of $25+ for ad-free hulu plus. Which might not be a bad option for some when they fully launch hulu plus. So for the 1 minute of ads I see per 1 hour or so, I will deal with it.

I haven't been able to try it on an iPad though because mine is not due to ship until August 3rd. I have used it on my iPhone 4 though and it is really nice! :D

I am curious how many devices can view off of one account though...I have my PS3, 2 iPhones and an iPod Touch logged in to my account so far.
Errr, yuck...

downloaded it... Tried it. hated it. I don't mind paying for something, but visual quality was the pits, even over my home wifi network. Commercials reek of triple dipping. Thought app was buggy as well.

in contrast, the ABC app that churns out FREE shows works well. Much better than HULU. Wondering how they justify charging for material that is mostly free on my laptop. Netflix/ Roku seems to be a better bet for now. Also stream movies and shows via Air Video, which looks great quality wise, but the app has a few bugs and the stream seems to choke every now and then.

Not sure if you have read this, but Comcast is planning on releasing it's content for mobile customers soon... At least for it's premier package subscribers. That would be a welcome change, and also stem some of the flight away from cable they are bound to experience. The release just said... Coming soon.
downloaded it... Tried it. hated it. I don't mind paying for something, but visual quality was the pits, ...

That's another complaint too. Quality seems to very depending upon network and/or show. Some older shows like Ally McBeal look awful, well below even DVD quality.
in contrast, the ABC app that churns out FREE shows works well. Much better than HULU. Wondering how they justify charging for material that is mostly free on my laptop. Netflix/ Roku seems to be a better bet for now. Also stream movies and shows via Air Video, which looks great quality wise, but the app has a few bugs and the stream seems to choke every now and then.


For all of those dying to defend a double dipping Hulu Plus, it is ironic that ABC can deliver the goods for free, and at quite good quality at that. Sounds like Hulu is testing the marketplace to see what consumers are willing to pay, and its working on some of you. Not sure what the 'I cancelled my cable due to Hulu Plus on the Ipad" is all about, but surely its a want and not a need.
That's another complaint too. Quality seems to very depending upon network and/or show. Some older shows like Ally McBeal look awful, well below even DVD quality.

I've only watched a few shows so far and the quality is pretty good. The quality is really bad on my iPhone 4 on WiFi though. I have a retina display yet it seems lower than 480x320.

Lol, I remember it was not too long ago when DVD was the pinnacle of image quality and now it's considered awful.

For all of those dying to defend a double dipping Hulu Plus, it is ironic that ABC can deliver the goods for free, and at quite good quality at that. Sounds like Hulu is testing the marketplace to see what consumers are willing to pay, and its working on some of you. Not sure what the 'I cancelled my cable due to Hulu Plus on the Ipad" is all about, but surely its a want and not a need.

It's not just "Hulu Plus on the iPad". When you subscribe to Hulu Plus, you get HD streams through, and access from your iPhone, iPad, PS3, and select Blu-Ray players.

It's crazy how much we pay for cable, yet 90% of what we watch is on network TV anyway. Cable is mostly crap.
It's crazy how much we pay for cable, yet 90% of what we watch is on network TV anyway. Cable is mostly crap.

But now that I've canceled cable I watch the networks for free. All I needed was a crappy little antenna. I thought I would miss cable but after the first couple of weeks - no, nothing, nada.
I kind of want to try it but at the same time I don't know if I will. I already subscribe to netflix. Most of the shows I would use hulu for can be streamed (in flash though) from the networks websites. And on top of that I signed my life away to direc tv. I think I'd rather pick up my laptop and stream for free than pay $10 to watch it on my iPad.
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