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i signed up last night cause i wanted to see if it was worth it. it doesnt appear so.
in my previous post i said i joined last night. i tried to play an episode of the league and it said its not formatted for the ipad. anyone else see that?
I was a user. Tried it for maybe two weeks.

I have NetFlix and Hulu seems like a total waste unless I want to catch up on episodes of Alf....

The interface is slick, much better then NF but not worth the $$
Megavideo trumps

I'd take netflix over hulu but for me neither are very justfied because HBO and Showtime is my life so because of that I chose Megavideo, it costs 10$ a month and there are no ads, and no limit to your streaming. Plus it has countless shows and movies. The only downside.. I cannot watch it on my iPad
Lots of ignorance about the system here. ABC can stream it's own shows because they have deals to do so. Netflix has a much larger library of movies but even if you count JUST shows on iPad, the selection is much better on hulu. If you talk about current shows, it's not even close. The dynamic will change here in a few weeks when new seasons start.

You are paying to access the service in a non-traditional manner, you are not paying for an ad free service. There are ads in movies, on most cable channels, in most magazine, in almost all media THAT YOU PAY FOR.

ash =o)
I have hulu+ and netflix.

Hulu wins big in the picture quality and UI department. Dissapointed that not all hulu content is available through hulu+. Really makes me want to cancel. I'm going to hold off until after the fall season gets into swing and decide if I need to keep it.

Netflix fails in the UI department, video quality is pretty good. The big win is the content. It really does get better every day. To me with the one disc plan it's pretty worth it.

I wait for the day where the lines between cable and OTA are blurred and we all get to subscribe to channels (or even better, shows) ala carte.

I would love to be able to just pay a reasonable amount and get everything I do want and nothing I don't.

Like more trueblood and man vs. wild and less HGTV and Oprah

It's time the business model changed. There has got be a better way
Natesac said:
I have hulu+ and netflix.

Hulu wins big in the picture quality and UI department. Dissapointed that not all hulu content is available through hulu+. Really makes me want to cancel. I'm going to hold off until after the fall season gets into swing and decide if I need to keep it.

Netflix fails in the UI department, video quality is pretty good. The big win is the content. It really does get better every day. To me with the one disc plan it's pretty worth it.

I wait for the day where the lines between cable and OTA are blurred and we all get to subscribe to channels (or even better, shows) ala carte.

I would love to be able to just pay a reasonable amount and get everything I do want and nothing I don't.

Like more trueblood and man vs. wild and less HGTV and Oprah

It's time the business model changed. There has got be a better way

That's been talked about for a long time but for cable and sat. companies ala carte, which would be awesome, is money loser. Because then no one would get the 250 package or the super supreme and they lose money. They pay ESPN for their service and instead of everyone getting and paying for the channel (recoup the fees) only 92% get it. Lost money.
That's been talked about for a long time but for cable and sat. companies ala carte, which would be awesome, is money loser. Because then no one would get the 250 package or the super supreme and they lose money. They pay ESPN for their service and instead of everyone getting and paying for the channel (recoup the fees) only 92% get it. Lost money.

I understand your point, but the future can't be stopped. If enough people want it. They will have to figure out way way to give it to us.

In this time shifted "DVR" age we have learned to watch tv differently. We want what we want when we want it and we don't want to be bothered with all the extra fluff.

Just look at music

I bet 10 years ago nobody thought music would be sold song by song @$.99
Hmm, then tell me, which model does TNT, USA, TBS, Bravo, MTV, VH1, ESPN, MSNBC, CNN, etc, etc use?

A weird model that is rapidly becoming outdated. They contract with the cable providers to get a fee from every subscriber. But they are all bundled together and thus you do not get to pick and choose which channel to pay for and which ones to ignore. You get them all.

As a result of not paying directly, those channels show commercials.

We hate this model and want a la carte channel selections instead. Then we can go with the model that says we pay for our channel and get no commercials (e.g. HBO). Or we pay less and get commercials (maybe TNT). But if they charge too much and still show commercials, we ditch them and they learn to price appropriately.

It's the artificial nature of the cable bundles that gives us this weird hybrid model that many people hate.
As someone who hasn't owned a TV for several years but loves Hulu and did get his Hulu Plus invite i'm holding off for now because of this:

Well I guess my biggest concern is the fact you don't get the same content that you do with the regular Hulu which is free

I really don't mind paying $20 a month for Netflix and Hulu. That's an hour of work for me before taxes, and a small fee to pay to support studios instead of grabbing stuff of SuperTorrents. I don't even mind the ads on Hulu, as they're nothing compared to what's there when I had a TV and cable.

While I have nothing against Hulu charging for their services, I do have an issue for them charging or offering less for a service they already do for free. I don't mind paying them for the convenience of having VOD/DVR capabilities even if there are ads, since I'd have to pay to get that with a cable or satellite provider anyways. I think they're entitled to charge for any Hulu use. However I think it's kind of ridiculous to charge people in one capacity but not in another for the same or less product/service. I understand there are some extras to Hulu plus like access to a program's entire season as opposed to the few episodes they normally have. But one of the selling points is being able to access Hulu on my Apple devices. Once I can do that 100% I'll be more than happy to plunk down $10 a month.

I'm not just some freegan complaining here. I actually like how iOS is getting companies to consider decent and even appealing alternatives to piracy. I welcome it with open arms(I'm looking at you Comixology).
I joined. People can gripe all they want about the presence of ads, but the way I look at it:
  • I get a ton more content than the free version, and
  • Yes there's ads, but I get about 3 mins of ads per 1 hour broadcast as opposed to about 15 minutes worth per hour with cable.
So far it's been well worth $10 a month.

what your doing is allowing yourself to be baited. what their doing is getting people to use the service. heck why not, its only about 3 minutes of ads per hour. then, its 4...5...6 minutes. you might be too young to remember but thats what happened to cable. it started out as commercial free. now look at it. greed greed greed. and now we still have to pay. total scam.
People who complain about ads are the same ones who complain about taxes. Nothing is free in this world except iPhone 4 bumpers!

laughs, and you think taxes are on the up and up? gooood american :rolleyes:

I understand its ones own decision to except ads even though its a PAID for service, but to say those who dont except it wants something for nothing is a bit naive.

Its $10 a month, not $2 or even $5. Hulu is charging you a premium AND making you sit through ads. Not because it makes it a better experience for you. Their doing it because they can get more money.

Im not going to charge a client for my services and then tell them that they have to watch a three minute commercial...just so i can make some extra cash.
I like the idea but I would consider it even more if we get this new iTV and we can get apps such as this one to my tv, but I guess it all depends.
laughs, and you think taxes are on the up and up? gooood american :rolleyes:

I understand its ones own decision to except ads even though its a PAID for service, but to say those who dont except it wants something for nothing is a bit naive.

Its $10 a month, not $2 or even $5. Hulu is charging you a premium AND making you sit through ads. Not because it makes it a better experience for you. Their doing it because they can get more money.

Im not going to charge a client for my services and then tell them that they have to watch a three minute commercial...just so i can make some extra cash.

I think at this they have to do ads+ monthly fee to be able to show the content they do. All the back episodes, etc etc

The future is coming. The way the money gets split-up in the tv business is crazy. The unions, the studios, the actors, the crew.

They all get a slice.

The whole system "soup to nuts" needs an overhaul. It's a dynamic ecosystem that has not kept up with the new age of content delivery.

It's going to be a bumpy road, but I believe the next 5-10 years are going to be very interesting.

The people know what they want and how they want to get it. With smart phones, laptops, PC's, tablets, gaming consoles, etc...

The slow to change entertainment industry has already fallen way behind in the last 8 years or so and they have watched themselves fall victim to "piracy".

In my opinion "piracy" had such a sharp rise because it filled a need. A need for near "on demand" content that we could consume when, where, and on what device we wanted. Hell lots of people actually pay for some aspect of their "piracy". Through, paying for newsgroup access, paying for private torrent trackers, or spending hours and hours of their life improving their status on IRC channels.

If these "pirates" were given a reasonably priced alternative that was attractive, user friendly, virus free, and high quality. We would see "piracy" drop like a rock.

Another important part of this theory is that these services be world wide. A lot of "piracy" comes from people in other countries that simply have no legal access to American content and vise versa.

iTunes is a step in the right direction. But in my opinion it's a very "interim" system. The prices for tv content are way too high to battle "piracy".
The number of people complaining about how Hulu Plus costs money is high enough that at least some of them are people who pay $70 a month for cable that includes 9 times as many ads per hour of programming.

So what? I keep seeing this example yet keep asking the same what?

Hulu Plus is going up against Netflix and Netflix (IMO and others) has the better selection AND no ads. So when people pay the money for Plus, they are expecting a service that is similar in selection and void of ads

I understand my Cable has Ads but I fail to see why that has absolutely the slightest thing to do with my debating Hulu Plus.

As evident by the fact that on this site and others, the ads are a BIG DEAL to many people for whatever their reasons may be.

Netflix has put an incredible product out there ad-free for a price and paying that same price for a worse selection and Ads is not going to see Hulu Plus pushing Netflix for the top spot anytime soon
For a service that is charging a premium, they sure are slow to add new content. Not much new added since over a month.

Also what the hell are they doing with Hulu Desktop? Either support it properly or get rid of it, is this a professional operation or what?
Again, ignorance abounds. Hulu, greedy? They are barely profitable. It's the actors, writers, etc. that raw demanding more money. They have the right to.

A la carte programming won't happen because, if you saw the real numbers, it would no longer be appealing. You want ESPN and HBO? That'll be $500 a year please. If you broke it out, the top 13 cable channels a la carte would surpass the highest tier cable bills currently.

It's not just "Hulu Plus on the iPad". When you subscribe to Hulu Plus, you get HD streams through, and access from your iPhone, iPad, PS3, and select Blu-Ray players.

It's crazy how much we pay for cable, yet 90% of what we watch is on network TV anyway. Cable is mostly crap.

I just moved to a new apt and completely left cable out of my installation.

been there for a month, and haven't missed it for a second.

the combination of torrents+basic hulu-esque services and streaming programs to iphone/ipad/xbox = BETTER tv experience than cable ever offered.
Comparing Netflix to Hulu Plus is no comparison for me. After watching movies on Netflix, watching an intense movie on Hulu Plus and then having an ad interrupt the viewing at a time of high tension was incredibly jarring. I'm close to canceling my Hulu Plus subscription because of this.

Ads on TV shows are less jarring, because I'm used to them and the shows are designed for "breaks" in the action.

Hulu, if you are going to show movies for a fee, ditch the ads (or put them all at the front if you must).:mad:
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