Yes indeed... But not so much a counterpoint... more like a common sense refutal.
And that's the crucial issue as I see it. I mean we're talking about throughput bandwidths of over 1GB (gigabyte) per second. That's like 15min. of 4:4:4 uncompressed 1080p video - IN ONE SECOND. What card uses that or does that? Sure some load up data and such like that and then use it for whatever but it has little to do wither overall performance and just about nothing to do with frame rates for either video or CG.
I haven't tested any of this - it's just my opinion - but it makes sense to me. It shown also when someone places a fast card in an upper slot and repots here and elsewhere that there was absolute no performance hit - as so many have already.
Are people still working at 1080p?
Is this 2008?