I've always thought though that if you are just doing code editing then there are plenty of good text editors for Mac, many of which are way cheaper.
Agreed, I probably wouldn't pay for Dreamweaver on its own, but if you want Photoshop, Illustrator, and Flash, it comes bundled... and it does have its uses:
- editing old table-based sites
(I have clients who use them and aren't willing to budget to re-code)
- formatting long chunks of text
(it's a lot quicker to let it apply the paragraph tags for you than add a bunch of tags by hand; and ti also makes it painless to apply heading levels and list formatting, etc).
- tag-based search-and-replace
(I often have to clean up messy machine-generated (or idiot-generated, *sigh*) code, and the regexes to accomplish some of the things the search can do trivially easily would be extremely long and complex (if I could build them at all). Want to strip only span tags that are inside an unordered list with class "xyz" and that contain links with a target specified? Leaving the contents? Nothing else I know takes less than 30 seconds to set up those search/replace criteria -- AND know they're correct.)
The site sync is also handy, especially with the built-in diffing feature, although not unique... Of course, I prefer to just use SVN if the client is willing to move to hosting that supports it (damn you 1and1!)
There's really nothing DW's code view lacks for plain-HTML development that other editors support. On the other hand, Dreamweaver makes a pretty poor editor for PHP and other web scripting languages; and even when editing stylesheets I miss the symbol menu from Textwrangler that lets you easily locate and jump to a rule in a file several hundred lines long.