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Sounds like the OP just has sour grapes because he has already spent $$$$ on equipment to do this stuff.

Most of the market doesn't already have an ATV and a HTPC though. And it is going to be very attractive to get much of that functionality at the rumored $99 pricepoint. These other boxes don't have an app ecosystem and/or don't stream from you computer.

1. STreaming works great for many now and only will get better for all.

2. remote. I would assume remote stays although probably as an Apple tax. I don't think Apple is going to require a Touch or iPad. That would tank sales. Could use a remote with more functionality like tv input and power.

3. Apps will get you better 10-ft interfaces than web pages. Sorry Apple is going to put apps into a cheap device. Bad Apple. This guy has a HTPC.

4. This goes hand in hand with #1. Streaming isn't going to work so great pumping around 1080p files right now. In time you will see 1080p, but right now 720p is the sweet spot.

Anyway this all a rumor so who knows how much is true like the pricepoint. And even if they sell it at $99 it doesn't mean it will be the most attractive version. We'll likely see versions at $179 and up with more flash memory just like with the iPad, iPhone and Touch.

And the remote will probably be an add-on.
The one thing that AppleTV does great is the almost instant downloads. Press buy and a few seconds later the show is ready to watch (even before the end has finished downloading). Only thing is I'll watch the episode that one time and then thats it, eating up hard drive space and network bandwidth as it makes it's way back to my Mac.

A disposable rental model sounds great to me.
why bother?

I like my ATV, I’ve had it for two years and it does what I want it to do when I want it to do it.

This new ITV why bother? I do the same thing with my old iPod and or my IPhone with a $12 plug I bought from bestbuy.
The lack of a HD would be fine if they allowed playback via the USB port and some kind of iTunes server running on a TC. Maybe even have an SD slot to view camera pictures and video. If they do that 16GB would be fine, I bought a 32GB iPad as it was the biggest I could afford, but after using it I'd get by with 16. I have the web server switched on on my iMac and it streams my film and telly collection at 720p fine over G.
I've had an ATV for a couple of years and it's ok. My biggest complaint is that it only connects to computers actively running iTunes and not to my NAS box. The new product needs to connect to NAS units. DLNA?
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