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Update to last post

I discovered that the Intel Pentium M Processor 740 is:

90nm architecture, 2MB L2 cache, 1.73 GHz clock speed, 533Mhz front side bus.

The cheaper version has the Celeron M Processor 360:

90nm, 1MB L2, 1.40 GHz, 400 Mhz.

I am pretty sure the mini's, I mean the Mac Mini's, are still the better machines, but someone sure sat up and took notice at Seanix.

Mr Paw said:
I am pretty sure the mini's, I mean the Mac Mini's, are still the better machines, but someone sure sat up and took notice at Seanix.

Yeah, I posted before I saw that ad too, that's actually a reasonable machine (almost) and even after the exchange rate conversion, you're still looking at the Celeron M being probably 699 or 649, so it loses to the Mini, and the Pentium M 1.7 isn't dual-core
There is an Aopen XC cube that's about the same height as the mini. It requires a slot loaded drive obviously.

it has all the features of the mini, except it GMA900 rather than 950

I priced one up with Pentium M 1.73Ghz, 512mb Ram, 200Gb SATA, NEC DVDRW total was 830 Euro......
jsw said:
So, would someone please post links to PC products which have the same volume (roughly) as the mini, include Core Duo chips (or faster) and have non-integrated graphics?

Well, if you really want to beat the mini's size/performance, just jump to a cheap laptop.

Compaq's V5000Z series outperforms the mini for under $800 (go to customize, highest chip avaliable, up the system memory, wireless)

There you go. A Cheaper solution with similar volume :)

Probably aren't going to find a nonintegrated graphics choice for the size/price though.
jsw said:
Since people seem to be complaining so much about the huge mistake Apple made in using integrated graphics and by bumping the price, I can only assume that there must be comparable products in the PC world that they're using for comparison.

So, would someone please post links to PC products which have the same volume (roughly) as the mini, include Core Duo chips (or faster) and have non-integrated graphics?

I'll ignore the remote control which was added. I'll ignore the value of the OS and the suite of bundled apps. I'll even ignore the styling.

I'd just like links to PCs which are as fast, as small, at least as cheap, and which include better graphics solutions.

Thanks! I'm sure there must be many examples, because otherwise people wouldn't be complaining so much.

And I to some degree ignore the size. Your average Shuttle which can be placed next to a livingrooom flatscreen is small, looks better next to the screen than a tower or imac, has the same capabilities as a mini and a pcie16 slot to take the fastest currently available gfx cards.
weg said:

These things have the advantage that they can be upgraded. If your DVD-drive dies, you don't have to throw away the whole computer (yeah, I know that Apple will repair your mini - for the price of a new computer).
That case is 325mm x 220mm x 210mm, or ~15000 cm^3.

The mini is 50.8mm x 165.1mm x 165.1mm, or less than 1400 cm^3.

Less than one tenth the size!

Please. That isn't even remotely close.
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