Inflation in Brazil: price increase without any explanation.
Inflation in USA: price increase plus a redesign.
Inflation in USA: price increase plus a redesign.
Lets say I want to run my nMP with the case (enclosure) off. Whats preventing me from plugging in a 780, 7950 etc? is the interface difference, will it not accommodate a double-wide card?
The more I think of this, the more I think that these were re-named for a purpose.
When I mentioned workstation buyers getting nMP with D700 if total was less than $7k I did not mean they would yank cards and put in real workstation. I meant that they would buy nMP and erase OSX and install Windows and get to work. From their perspective, getting $7K in cards for $6k would mean the rest of computer was FREE.
I tend to think Apple is going to price the FirePros low. And yes, it would cause Windows based editors to migrate over based on the FirePro prices alone. That's the point, isn't it?
I could possibly see an 8 core/D700 combo for $5k-$5.5k.
$7k doesn't sound totally unreasonable for a 12 core.
Even better: buy the same FirePros, juice up the clocks with that cool system, and then watch Windows editors flock over.
If Apple wasn't busy stripping VRAM off the cards they announced prices for I'd be inclined to say they were going to be aggressive with pricing. These cards have been stripped to boost margins. The D700 is the only card in their offering that isn't stripped relative to W7000-W9000 line up.
How much VRAM is needed for apps like FCPX to really fly for example? I simply have no concept of what's good, bad, or ugly with respect to VRAM.
How much VRAM is needed for apps like FCPX to really fly for example?
FCPX at the moment doesn't use all that much in terms of CPU, or GPU cores,
How old is the CPU? If it doesn't have AVX then FCPX won't particularly think the CPU is capable of much significant "embarrasingly parallel" work and won't work in that mode.
It's a 2010 Xeon W3680, it doesn't have AVX, and it's hardly in-capable of decent parallel work.
In multi-threaded work is still outpaces any intel Quad core, and isn't that far below the Sandy, and Ivy-bridge EP CPU's.
Bloody hell!
Hmm, I wonder how my 5.1 will perform with the new version of FCPX coming out soon then.
So far I;ve been nothing but happy with it
If it suits your needs and you're happy with it, then keep chugging along with it. Just understand that FCPX on the newer Macs will probably outperform your ol' workhorse; in some cases, fairly significantly.
Was going to say the same thing; these D series cards are using a fully custom connector, form factor and cooling system so they're not even remotely compatible to AMDs vanilla offerings, so I really doubt their margins are threatened, and I'm sure AMD will make plenty of money anyway by licensing to Apple and supplying the GPU, memory etc.If you looked up a few posts, there was a theory that the D700 cards needed to be a multi-thousand dollar upgrade otherwise PC users would no longer buy the W9000 cards from AMD and would just cannibalize a nMP. So I was just asking about the feasibility of that. It seems then that the D-series are completely custom then. They will only connect in a nMP. So you can't ripe them out and use them elsewhere. You would be stuck running windows or maybe linux on the nMP, with potentially questionable driver support. And having to buy lots of TB conversion cables. This doesn't seem a very likely scenario for a windows user with a workstation - far less options and sacrifice for a cheaper, but likely down geared W9000.
So here's hoping the they got an amazing deal on the D700 and it is less than $1500 BTO.