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I take mine everywhere and think it is supremely portable. No lugging involved!

That said, I can't imagine using it while walking down the street -- would be like reading a book while walking. I just don't do that sort of thing.
So for gps type directions to a place I use my iphone but even then I jus take it out occasionally to check my position.
I thought using it while walking down the street would be awkward, but as I was walking to a place to sit down, I gave it a try and found it actually works pretty well. I wouldn't use it in a crowd or if I needed to pay much attention to car traffic, though. This was a back street with wide-open sidewalks and nearly empty traffic lanes, so I was at no risk of bumping into people or stepping in front of a car that had to slam on brakes.

The actual function of holding the iPad in my left hand and typing with my right hand was just as easy as it is at home, ie rather easy.
My intention was purely reflexive, in a sense that one cheated one's self by not purchasing the 3G. Apple didn't cheat anyone as they laid everything out on the table, literally, with iPad demos.

I understand what you're saying though.

I think your only intention is to try, I say again TRY, to make yourself feel superior to those you decided on wifi only.

Not sure why its important to you but go ahead. Make your day.
I think your only intention is to try, I say again TRY, to make yourself feel superior to those you decided on wifi only.

Not sure why its important to you but go ahead. Make your day.
That's ironic. You've responded twice to this thread with a smug attitude. :rolleyes:

Have a great day. :)
There is a twinge of rebellion in my choice of a "WiFi only" iPad. AT&T's 3G coverage is spotty and weak, no matter what Luke Wilson tells you. It's time for Apple to end the exclusive agreement with AT&T. They should use some of their profits on the iPhone and other products to offer an iPhone (and iPad) that works on all service providers. How can Apple so big on innovation and so behind the 8 ball on wireless broadband?

WiFi represents freedom and choice. It's available almost everywhere and continuing to grow in its use and availability. With portable WiFi hotspots like MiFi from Verizon, Overdrive from Sprint, and Clear One from Clear, there is even more freedom and choice.
I use my iPad in my apartment and on campus. Both places have a constant wifi connection. I'm more than happy with my decision - why would I feel 'cheated'? I got exactly what I paid for.
While I would rather have a stronger signal, I feel confident that my iPad rocks. But I only use it around the house.
I have tethering on my iPhone, yet I still haven't used it because everywhere I go I have wifi.
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