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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 26, 2011
New Zealand
Is anybody here buying a 2012 Mac Pro from :apple:? I'm just really curious, given that we know Tim Cook and Co. are planning "big things" for their pro customers in the future.
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Is anybody here buying a 2012 Mac Pro from :apple:? I'm just really curious, given that we know Tim Cook and Co. are planning "big things" for their pro customers in the future.

If they have any left :p Its literally been 3 years since any kind of update for the Mac Pro, ( 2012 doesn't count ). And with the iOSifation of OSX, I think most pros are looking to Windows/Nix boxes at this point.

Probably not, everyone was expecting big things for this years Mac Pro, and all we got was a slight speed bump, I wanted one just to have a Mac Workstation at home, ( I'd be boot camping it in W7 most of the time for actual work releated stuff ), but after this, Its meh. I think Apple has already lost most of its pro customer base.
Thinking there would be a refresh I had planned on buying one. But now it's likely that nothing will happen till the new year. Apples too busy with highly profitable iToyz till 2013.
Yeah I bought one, a hex core. It's nice. My only complaint is that the fans are louder than on my early 2008 Mac Pro but, with AppleCare, I had one fan replaced and will have two more replaced tomorrow. To be honest, I'm skeptical that that will solve my problem -- I'm inclined to think that the 2012 is noisy, period -- but I appreciate the effort AppleCare makes.

Good luck to you waiting for 2013. I'd not be surprised by some slip twixt cup and lip...
I had cash in hand waiting for a 2012 update. Opted to upgrade my processors instead for now. Should hold me over at least another 6 months.
I had cash in hand waiting for a 2012 update. Opted to upgrade my processors instead for now. Should hold me over at least another 6 months.

Assuming it will be in 6 months, all we have is " sometime in 2013 ".

This is why so many business's and pros are switching to Windows workstations. They get a roadmap, lots of long term support, and up to date hardware.
Assuming it will be in 6 months, all we have is " sometime in 2013 ".

This is why so many business's and pros are switching to Windows workstations. They get a roadmap, lots of long term support, and up to date hardware.

Hope you enjoy Metro, otherwise be prepared to be stuck on W7 for the next 5 years (at least). :p
Hope you enjoy Metro, otherwise be prepared to be stuck on W7 for the next 5 years (at least). :p

Yeah, I can just hit a key and go back into the Windows 8 desktop/explorer mode.

Why does everyone not realize this?


And hey, between iOS and Metro, I'd take Metro :p
Assuming it will be in 6 months, all we have is " sometime in 2013 ".

This is why so many business's and pros are switching to Windows workstations. They get a roadmap, lots of long term support, and up to date hardware.

I'm waiting out the storm to see what this "2013" thing will be. It should give me a pretty clear idea if I want to stay with Apple or move on.
i dont recon there will be a 2012 (2013) thing... no mention at all of a macpro on the ML ad. makes me worry..
i dont recon there will be a 2012 (2013) thing... no mention at all of a macpro on the ML ad. makes me worry..

You have a good point. The thought of being forced out by Apple, is something I would have never imagined just a few years ago. Why they insist on bringing iOS & OS X together, is something I understand from a pure business perspective, yet by the same token I could make a strong argument against it.

But it is what it is, so at this juncture it's just a matter of how much they're going to let it dilute the day to day workflow for professionals.
I'm about to buy one. I don't care too much for the OS as long as my 4-5 programs work fine..that's actually all I do with my workstation. But I love the case, functionally as well as formally, and with Apple I have the hassle-free Bootcamp possibility which is great.
I believe the 2013 redesign is heading towards a kind of super-mini..with more glue than screws and that seriously scares me!
Yeah, I can just hit a key and go back into the Windows 8 desktop/explorer mode.

Why does everyone not realize this?


And hey, between iOS and Metro, I'd take Metro :p

Metro is still unavoidable, you are forced into using it..

The iOS features in ML are not forced to be used, Launchpad etc. can just be ignored if wanted, but Windows 8 forces you into using Metro for the most simple tasks, and in my experience, it takes a lot longer to get things accomplished then in OS X.

I'm forced into using Win 8 for using Visual Studio 2012, and other than the speed improvements over Win 7, the entire OS is massively more frustrating.

Other than Launchpad, I'd say the 'iOS' features in ML are all useful. I've found myself using Notification Center, Resume, iCloud etc. quite frequently.
Metro is still unavoidable, you are forced into using it..

The iOS features in ML are not forced to be used, Launchpad etc. can just be ignored if wanted, but Windows 8 forces you into using Metro for the most simple tasks, and in my experience, it takes a lot longer to get things accomplished then in OS X.

I'm forced into using Win 8 for using Visual Studio 2012, and other than the speed improvements over Win 7, the entire OS is massively more frustratingy.

How is it unavoidable? If you don't want to use metro, you don't have to.

Don't like metro? Drop back into explorer.

Really don't like metro? Just set it up so you always boot into explorer.
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How is it unavoidable? If you don't want to use metro, you don't have to.

Don't like metro? Drop back into explorer.

Really don't like metro? Just set it up so you always boot into explorer.

You haven't actually used Windows 8. Metro is unavoidable and you cannot just boot into the desktop.
You haven't actually used Windows 8. Metro is unavoidable and you cannot just boot into the desktop.

If your on preview.

And 5 more ways to avoid it.

The final release will make it actually easy, you'll even be able to make a hot key for it ;)
I had cash in hand waiting for a 2012 update. Opted to upgrade my processors instead for now. Should hold me over at least another 6 months.

Same thing for me. Esp. with some of the rumours that the MP would be released on the day that ML was unveiled. I upgraded the RAM on my 2009 Nehalem and sat back to begin the wait all over again... 2013 here we come....
Yup. Just bought a 6 core.

And no, the timing's not terrible for me. First off, I was rocking a 1,1 which won't even run Mountain Lion without jumping through hoops. But more than that, it's really just slow. I'm overdue for an upgrade and was waiting to see what came out this year.

Was it an underwhelming update? Sure, but here's the thing: I'm not going to buy a 1st gen "all new design" next year. I'd wait for the second version. (I've been burned by that 3 separate times. Eventually I start to learn!) So the earliest I would be buying another Mac is fall of 2014 and, let's face it, Apple doesn't really update their towers all that fast which means I'm probably looking at 'mid 2015' as the next point in time I'll want to buy a new Mac.

So I just bought a machine that I plan to use for 3 years. That seems perfectly reasonable to me.

Is it the best tech available? No
Is it way better than what I had? Yes

It makes sense for me. I know it doesn't for most everyone else whose bought more than 1 Mac Pro upgrade in the past, but that wasn't my situation.
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Can I ask which programs you use? I'm thinking about the 6-core as well.

Final Cut Pro, Compressor, Aperture, and Photoshop are my main system hogs.

I went with the 6 core because in my price range I'd either get the solo-chip 3.33 GHz or the dual-chip 2.4 GHz. While a 12-core 2.4 could beat my 6-core chip in certain situations, I feel that I'm still more likely to have programs that benefit more from a higher clock speed than from extra cores. Both things are good, it's just an issue of weighing which one matters more at this point in time.

It's not a clear-cut choice with an absolute answer, but for me, with my uses, I think the faster 6 core is better right now than the slower speed 12 core.
MS is going out of their way to disable these hacks so let's see what happens in the final version.

In the final version, you'll be able to drop down to explorer whenever you want ( ill find link when I'm not on my phome ). So you'll be able to do desktop mode if you want.

Like on the surface, you have metro mode for yoyr touch based stuff, and your kb and trackpad for your desktop mode. Win
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