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Oct 15, 2020
The amount of storage for “other” is almost the same as the system files!! And no way to delete it. So now we are stuckwith double the system data?? No way. iOS is supposed to be better than that. And I’m tired of that “the system will know when you need the space and automatically give you space” bull, that never happens here.

this ipad may be low on storage, but it runs iOS 14 (ipad air 2) so the system should work better. The only solution is to reset the whole ipad every month, again bull.

that storage is larger than my “apps” storage for gods sake, so tired Of this.


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Have you tried looking at the storage that your apps are using? You can reduce the amount contained in ‘other’ by making sure the storage containers for whatever apps you have are not overflowing. Particularly relevant if you use any pro apps like lightroom or affinity photo etc.
Have you tried looking at the storage that your apps are using? You can reduce the amount contained in ‘other’ by making sure the storage containers for whatever apps you have are not overflowing. Particularly relevant if you use any pro apps like lightroom or affinity photo etc.
I looked into that, but I use really basic apps, the larger being Numbers. I actually had to delete many basic apps because the space ran out!! Like my email app (protonmail) 100mb, and kindle, another 100mb, I can’t install them anymore. It’s ridiculous!
I think that the main reason for your situation is that this particular iPad has only 16GB of storage in total.

As already recommended, you can make sure that the apps loaded on the device are only the ones you need to have, and manage the space they are using as mentioned.

This article may be helpful (is written for iPhone but should be applicable):

I think that the main reason for your situation is that this particular iPad has only 16GB of storage in total.

As already recommended, you can make sure that the apps loaded on the device are only the ones you need to have, and manage the space they are using as mentioned.

This article may be helpful (is written for iPhone but should be applicable):

Thanks, I’ll read the article. Actually I would assume that because the ipad has only 16gb of total storage the system would not add this ”other“ stuff. isn’t it supposed to just work
Thanks, I’ll read the article. Actually I would assume that because the ipad has only 16gb of total storage the system would not add this ”other“ stuff. isn’t it supposed to just work

It needs that Other as part of normal operation (system and app cache, temp files, etc). I've said it before but 16GB was just too little storage even back in 2013.

Alas, iOS has gotten much bigger. Reckon this is a damned if they do, damned if they don't situation for Apple. They could have chosen not to release iOS 14 for Air 2 and mini 4 (last models with 16GB) but then they'd have people complaining about planned obsolescence.

Tip, trying to install a large app like Hearthstone usually triggers a cache cleanup for me. Maybe force close all background apps in case they've got save states in Other.
The amount of storage for “other” is almost the same as the system files!! And no way to delete it. So now we are stuckwith double the system data?? No way. iOS is supposed to be better than that. And I’m tired of that “the system will know when you need the space and automatically give you space” bull, that never happens here.

this ipad may be low on storage, but it runs iOS 14 (ipad air 2) so the system should work better. The only solution is to reset the whole ipad every month, again bull.

that storage is larger than my “apps” storage for gods sake, so tired Of this.
Maybe you should consider getting the 8th generation iPad. The base model has twice the amount of storage compared to your iPad Air 2.
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Maybe you should consider getting the 8th generation iPad. The base model has twice the amount of storage compared to your iPad Air 2.
I would highly recommend going for the 128GB version as i feel 32GB is just to low for 2021,
Unless you only really want it for browsing the internet and streaming Netflix, You tube etc
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I would highly recommend going for the 128GB version as i feel 32GB is just to low for 2020

This would still depend on usage.

However, I would consider 15-20GB unavailable (used by System + Other) and would buy in accordance with that assumption. Basically ~10-15GB available space on 32GB, ~45-50GB on 64GB, ~110-115GB on 128GB, etc.
Yes at this point the older 16gb versions are only suitable for streaming and browsing mainly. Still perfectly good at it but 16gb isn’t enough for much else
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Yes at this point the older 16gb versions are only suitable for streaming and browsing mainly. Still perfectly good at it but 16gb isn’t enough for much else

Even then, having enough space for all one's streaming apps may be an issue.

I have a 16GB iPad Air that's still on iOS 9. iOS 9 doesn't report System and Other but I added up the storage used. My Apps & Data use ~4.5GB so it seems like Other uses ~6GB and System takes up 3.2-4.3 GB (depending on whether it's reporting as base 2 or base 10).
This would still depend on usage.

However, I would consider 15-20GB unavailable (used by System + Other) and would buy in accordance with that assumption. Basically ~10-15GB available space on 32GB, ~45-50GB on 64GB, ~110-115GB on 128GB, etc.
Maybe it due to am the kind of person that feels having to much storage is far better then not having enough
Plus many people keep there ipads for many years where there usage could change over that time..

For example my mother has an ipad and never hardly uses any storage, but now when she looks after her young grand children they use it and fill all the storage up with loads of games & stuff 😆
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. . . isn’t it supposed to just work . . .
You haven't mentioned the age of this iPad, but if it is an iPad Air 2 with 16 GB then it was probably purchased in late 2014 or sometime in 2015. I believe that the minimum storage in the Air 2 was increased to 32 GB in 2016.

It is at least 5 years old, was initially released with iOS 8.1, I believe.

It does work, it is just not reasonable to expect a 5 or 6 year old device to do everything you would like in 2021 and with 6 generation of operating system releases having taken place during that time.
Maybe it due to am the kind of person that feels having to much storage is far better then not having enough
Plus many people keep there ipads for many years where there usage could change over that time..

For example my mother has an ipad and never hardly uses any storage, but now when she looks after her young grand children they use it and fill all the storage up with loads of games & stuff 😆

I've always gotten top storage on iPads for myself. However, I recognize plenty others don't need that much and are better off saving their funds.

I'm the tech buyer in the family so all my family's iPads have 128GB storage (Air 2, Pro 9.7 and 7th gen). Even after years of iPad usage, the apps and data stored on their iPads is less than 10GB. Left to their own devices, they would've all just gotten base storage and been fine with it.
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You haven't mentioned the age of this iPad, but if it is an iPad Air 2 with 16 GB then it was probably purchased in late 2014 or sometime in 2015. I believe that the minimum storage in the Air 2 was increased to 32 GB in 2016.

It is at least 5 years old, was initially released with iOS 8.1, I believe.

It does work, it is just not reasonable to expect a 5 or 6 year old device to do everything you would like in 2021 and with 6 generation of operating system releases having taken place during that time.
It was a bit late though, a lot of people expressed 16GB entry storage was really pushing it with the 6s iPhones and it was controversial with the 6 a year earlier. Apple even sort of admitted as much when the 6s storage options were doubled when the iPhone 7 launched! That was one of the cooler moments Apple has had with iPhone launches, but the Air 2 probably should have been the first 32GB base iPad when it launched, even if it cost $50 more to do that.
It was a bit late though, a lot of people expressed 16GB entry storage was really pushing it with the 6s iPhones and it was controversial with the 6 a year earlier. Apple even sort of admitted as much when the 6s storage options were doubled when the iPhone 7 launched! That was one of the cooler moments Apple has had with iPhone launches, but the Air 2 probably should have been the first 32GB base iPad when it launched, even if it cost $50 more to do that.

The iPhone 7 had 32GB but iPhone 8 moved up to 64GB base already. On flagship iPads, 32GB was base for 1st gen Pros but 2nd gen moved immediately to 64GB.

16GB was base storage for way too long (2009-2015). I still maintain OG Air should have had 2GB RAM/32 GB base storage when it launched in 2013. The 2012 iPads gave us retina and when 2013 rolled around, app sizes had already gotten larger due to bigger assets.
I think the only reason apple gave the 8th gen ipad only 32GB was so it wouldn't effect the sales to much of the new more expensive 64GB ipad air 4

I myself has just bought an 64GB air 4 for my mother a few weeks ago, But if the over £200 cheaper gen 8th ipad had 64GB i would bought that for sure.
So for me it was a toss up between buying the 128GB 8th gen or 64GB air 4 for her
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The amount of storage for “other” is almost the same as the system files!! And no way to delete it. So now we are stuckwith double the system data?? No way. iOS is supposed to be better than that. And I’m tired of that “the system will know when you need the space and automatically give you space” bull, that never happens here.

this ipad may be low on storage, but it runs iOS 14 (ipad air 2) so the system should work better. The only solution is to reset the whole ipad every month, again bull.

that storage is larger than my “apps” storage for gods sake, so tired Of this.
what I get tired of is people complaining about things but refuse to spend more money and get a device that has plenty of storage. I have family members that will just not upgrade, they'd rather complain about it instead. sell the iPad and get one with plenty of space.
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The iPhone 7 had 32GB but iPhone 8 moved up to 64GB base already. On flagship iPads, 32GB was base for 1st gen Pros but 2nd gen moved immediately to 64GB.

16GB was base storage for way too long (2009-2015). I still maintain OG Air should have had 2GB RAM/32 GB base storage when it launched in 2013. The 2012 iPads gave us retina and when 2013 rolled around, app sizes had already gotten larger due to bigger assets.
Yeah I think they have now got quite good with storage options, making the iPhone pros start at 128GB was really the last thing I’d have called for. 32GB still seems ok on the base iPad for now and even the SE gets at least 64GB which is cool.

As the 6s brought 12MP Live Photo’s and 4K video it really rubbed salt in the 16GB situation as it effectively meant you couldn’t use those camera features without really struggling with offloading regularly (1 hour of 4K30 video takes up more space than the clean phone has!)
what I get tired of is people complaining about things but refuse to spend more money and get a device that has plenty of storage. I have family members that will just not upgrade, they'd rather complain about it instead. sell the iPad and get one with plenty of space.
“What I get tired of” is people thinking that because they have a little money they can get better treatment than other people. Saying things like “I can buy the latest ipad so you have no right to complain cause you bought last years ipad, I dont wanna hear you” that only speaks volumes about YOU. It is very simple if Apple does not want to hear complains from people other than the people with the latest models, well, just dont sell anything besides the latest models!! But Apple is smart, they know they cant do that, the problem is people like you.
Also, to clarify, the original post was about the way storage is managed. Nobody expects top performance from an ipad air 2, but we also dont expect this trouble for basic use.

The main issue, as stated, is that we have double the data of the system files, with no way to delete it, not that the data exists. Why not just put the data against the app that is producing it?? So I can get rid of the app.

THAT is the complain. not that we want an old ipad to function as a new one.

Probably the most heavy use app I have on it is Numbers. I cant figure out where all the ”other” stuff is coming from.

I have a Flixtor pro account for streaming in Safari, but I clean cache like 20 times a day.
“What I get tired of” is people thinking that because they have a little money they can get better treatment than other people. Saying things like “I can buy the latest ipad so you have no right to complain cause you bought last years ipad, I dont wanna hear you” that only speaks volumes about YOU. It is very simple if Apple does not want to hear complains from people other than the people with the latest models, well, just dont sell anything besides the latest models!! But Apple is smart, they know they cant do that, the problem is people like you.
i don't have a problem that you have an iPad 2 and don't upgrade, it's when people complain about something that they can fix themselves, but refuse to do so. i never compared myself to you and said anything about me having more money than you, you made that up completely. Don't complain when you are sitting on super old technology with no space and are shocked that you have no space left and your iPad can't function like you want it to. Apple is in the business of making money, which is why they have tiers of iPads with different size data storage. They aren't gonna go out of their way for people who refuse to upgrade from the smallest one. You either upgrade or you quit complaining, it's pretty simple.
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Also, to clarify, the original post was about the way storage is managed. Nobody expects top performance from an ipad air 2, but we also dont expect this trouble for basic use.

The main issue, as stated, is that we have double the data of the system files, with no way to delete it, not that the data exists. Why not just put the data against the app that is producing it?? So I can get rid of the app.

THAT is the complain. not that we want an old ipad to function as a new one.

Probably the most heavy use app I have on it is Numbers. I cant figure out where all the ”other” stuff is coming from.

I have a Flixtor pro account for streaming in Safari, but I clean cache like 20 times a day.

The absolute amount of "other" on your device is not out of the ordinary, it just stands out due to the percentage of total space available on your particular device and it is not regulated according to total space - it is driven by usage.
Also, to clarify, the original post was about the way storage is managed. Nobody expects top performance from an ipad air 2, but we also dont expect this trouble for basic use.

The main issue, as stated, is that we have double the data of the system files, with no way to delete it, not that the data exists. Why not just put the data against the app that is producing it?? So I can get rid of the app.

THAT is the complain. not that we want an old ipad to function as a new one.

Probably the most heavy use app I have on it is Numbers. I cant figure out where all the ”other” stuff is coming from.

I have a Flixtor pro account for streaming in Safari, but I clean cache like 20 times a day.
Having 16GB means you just have to be more vigilant in your apps count and other things like downloadable content/music/videos/podcast/etc.

If you can post the full screenshot showing the space used by each apps, that will probably give us a better picture of your usage.
It is very simple if Apple does not want to hear complains from people other than the people with the latest models, well, just dont sell anything besides the latest models!! But Apple is smart, they know they cant do that, the problem is people like you.

While I do think Apple should have increased based storage to 32GB with the OG Air and Air 2, this part of your argument doesn't seem valid.

Apple does sell only the latest models. On the Apple Store, the only iPads you're able to buy are the iPad 8th gen, iPad Air 4th gen and the 2020 iPad Pros. All the 2019 models and older are unavailable. Even on their refurb store, I haven't seen the Air 2 being sold in years.

Seriously though, selling base model 8GB iPhone 5c and 16GB iPad Air by 2013 is just way too low when OTA iOS updates require 5GB free space. Very counterproductive to their "It just works" ethos.
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