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macrumors 6502a
Jan 14, 2011
Without having a close look at the 920...... I setup an Lumia 800 last month - and love it!

WP7 is very fluid. The tiles look different from the rest of the pack. 100+ countries Navi is great too. What is really cool is a visual translator - point the camera at some foreign words - and they get translated instantly - even works with Chinese!

WP8 ain't out yet, but to have different size tiles is a really good idea. Finally to have screen shot function is good too.

I wish Nokia the very best!


macrumors 68040
Jun 28, 2012
Damn...watched some more hands-on videos and the 920 is really growing on me. The design is just giving me that "I want u!!"-rush. And this in times where only Apple and HTC (and Samsung in the case of the GNex only) seem to give a damn about how their phones look.

I gotta say it feels really fresh somehow. And I really hope this one goes well for Nokia...more competition will only force the good to get even better :)


macrumors 68040
Sep 16, 2008
Del Mar, CA
Anandtech, Engadget, Gizmodo, 9to5Mac, Macrumors.


List all the features and hardware that are proven fact to be on the new iPhone. Not websites.


Last year the leaks were so bad to the point that manufactures started making the case, only to find out that the design was 100% off. Unless it's said straight from Apple themselves, don't assume its fact.


Leaks of what the iPhone this year seem to be looking true but you can't tell us you already know all the features and hardware the new iPhone will provide and to go get a Nokia instead.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 8, 2008
List all the features and hardware that are proven fact to be on the new iPhone. Not websites.

Sweety, I'm not going to navigate to the websites and copy & paste the articles for you.

Do you still beg your mom to spoon feed you?


macrumors 68040
Sep 16, 2008
Del Mar, CA
Sweety, I'm not going to navigate to the websites and copy & paste the articles for you.

Do you still beg your mom to spoon feed you?

No ones asking you to. Copying and pasting articles/leaks isn't the same thing as known facts of what the next iPhone will be.

I don't need to beg my mom to spoon feed me when your mom already does it.

scott craft

macrumors 6502a
Feb 10, 2011
I'm very interested in the 920. I have a WP7 and I can't wait until I can get WP8. I just hope Nokia brings back the cyan color for the 920.


macrumors 68010
Feb 28, 2011
While the GS3 has been quite a fun phone so far (despite some things i hate like slippery back plastic, a bit too big size and touchwiz) i am ready to pick up a lumia 920. Can't wait until November :(
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