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<snip> I am belabouring a point here <snip> WHERE IS THE SERVER THEN APPLE? <snip>
No worries.

Plus I do agree with you.

It would sell like hotcakes to Apple users. The rest of the world? They'd rather buy a cheaper Linux NAS or server machine,
Maybe, maybe not.

Apple users are a big enough market. However, as Apple learned from it's iPod experience it is better to be cross platform. So we may see Apple creating a cross platform solution. Now that would be sweet. :)
It would sell like hotcakes to Apple users. The rest of the world? They'd rather buy a cheaper Linux NAS or server machine,
True, I took it for granted, I meant to say sell like hotcakes to the apple smitten block.

No worries.
Apple users are a big enough market. However, as Apple learned from it's iPod experience it is better to be cross platform. So we may see Apple creating a cross platform solution. Now that would be sweet. :)

That would be super sweet! :D
Have been using Mac's since 1988 and bought the 1.6/80, then upgraded to the 1.86/128! Awesome! Good on your Apple!

Anyone interested in buying my mint 1.6/80?
As a long time Windows user, and someone who hasn't used an Apple-based machine since the IIe (yeah, i'm kinda old), I've been having a super hard time *not* using my MBA when at home

- I absolutely dig iPhoto and have been having fun organizing and reliving thousands of photos i have saved.....

- Flock (Firefox based browser) runs excellent on it

- Cisco (VPN Client) and Microsoft (Remote Desktop Client) have made it easy to connect to my remote servers with Mac versions of their software

- And it runs Windows XP just as good as my comparable Sony laptop ever did (when booted into via Bootcamp anyways)

So I would for sure lump me into the "addicted to this damn MBA"
Vacationing in Florida with my MBA and getting addicted to the trackpad multitouch gestures... Apple should add a multitouch trackpad to their aluminum keyboard so I wouldn't have to switch back to mouse on my Mac Pro, it's going to be a pain.

Also, I turned on Internet sharing so my iPhone can connect to the MBA wired ethernet connection in my hotel room via WiFi... much smoother than hotel WiFi. Too bad it only seems to support WEP encryption, not WPA-PSK.
I love my MBA! I've had it since last March. I use it everyday. I just checked my uptime: 145 days! No slowdowns or crustiness after all that time without a restart. Still going on 10.5.5. WOW... Air: Best Mac that I have ever used.
I love my MacBook Air so much I joined this forum just to support this thread, lol.

It's my first Mac, I've had a LOT of notebooks such as Sony Z 570, Thinkpad X301, LG P300 then I finally got around to 'trying mac' and buying the MBA, 1.8, 128SSD drive model.

My only regret is that I didn't buy it sooner, lol. I held back from Mac's because I thought the OS wasnt' for me, I'm a business user, window's imprinted and resistant to change. Was I wrong, the Mac OS is GREAT, very simple, intuitive it has a nice flow to it. Windows is well "dry" :)

As for the Air, incredible keyboard, great screen - wow. I'm using it as my main computer, I have no desire to use my pc's anymore.

The only thing I need is Microsoft Publisher, I understand I can install Windows w/Bootcamp then install Publisher and I'm good to go with two OS's. I need to do that soon, then I'd be able to almost use my MBA exclusively, but I'm a little nervous on the Bootcamp/Windows idea...

Do you guys hook up to an External Monitor when you're at a desk for long periods, if so what monitor do you have and how do you hook it up; Mini Display Port to DVI or ?

I have an HP w2408h monitor, it has HDMI so I'm wondering the best way to hook that up. Once the learning curve is behind and I've had time to read up on and use the other features this little notebook gets better and better by the day!
I've been using Apple's since 1980 and have purchased 3 Mac laptops in the past 10 years. The last one I purchased in 2004 still works beautifully and is quite powerful for most all functions needed today.

I will NEVER buy another Apple laptop.... because I believe the tablet will take it over and be a better device within 2 or 3 years.

BUT, I played with an Air at the Apple store and am DAMN tempted to buy one. That is the greatest laptop on the market today for my needs--light, portable, fast. If a tablet isn't released in the next two years I will probably cave in and buy an Air.
Good Grief!!! I can do all that with the trackpad????

Holy Moly! I just bought a Macbook Air (used from ebay) because i'm trying to pare things down and simplify. I've been playing with it over the weekend and had a couple of questions which i found answers for here. (Thanks!)
While browsing, I noticed the comments on using the trackpad. I hate trackpads and always turned them off in my pc laptops so I didn't even bother with the one on the Mac - went straight out and got me a bluetooth mouse. Well, golly gee, looks like I could have saved my self $35 bucks if I had read here first. I checked my System Preferences and turned on a few things and now I absolutely love this trackpad! Amazing.
This thing is absolutely blowing my mind. How could I have worked in the computer field for 20 years and never known about MACs???
I switched from a behemoth 17" HP Pavillion DV9720 with 4GBs of RAM, dual hard drives, blah blah blah. After two days on this tiny beautiful mac air, i've forgotten all about my HP. At first I thought i was going to have to carry around a PC laptop to run the couple of programs that - so far- I haven't found suitable replacements for but then i discoverd (again on this forum) a wonderful little program called Parallels that - get this - runs WINDOWS on my MAC desktop! Get outta here! I don't know any PC that can pull that off.

well, I'm rambling like a school girl in love but I can't help myself. I tell everyone. I tell people I don't even know. I LOVE this thing. Now, I'm saving up for a $3000 17" MacBook Pro. Seems like an ungodly amount of money for a laptop but then i also thought $500 for a cellphone was crazy til i fell in love with my iphone.

Ah, there is love after 50. And it was well worth the wait...
I love my MacBook Air so much I joined this forum just to support this thread, lol.

It's my first Mac, I've had a LOT of notebooks such as Sony Z 570, Thinkpad X301, LG P300 then I finally got around to 'trying mac' and buying the MBA, 1.8, 128SSD drive model.

My only regret is that I didn't buy it sooner, lol. I held back from Mac's because I thought the OS wasnt' for me, I'm a business user, window's imprinted and resistant to change. Was I wrong, the Mac OS is GREAT, very simple, intuitive it has a nice flow to it. Windows is well "dry" :)

As for the Air, incredible keyboard, great screen - wow. I'm using it as my main computer, I have no desire to use my pc's anymore.

The only thing I need is Microsoft Publisher, I understand I can install Windows w/Bootcamp then install Publisher and I'm good to go with two OS's. I need to do that soon, then I'd be able to almost use my MBA exclusively, but I'm a little nervous on the Bootcamp/Windows idea...

Do you guys hook up to an External Monitor when you're at a desk for long periods, if so what monitor do you have and how do you hook it up; Mini Display Port to DVI or ?

I have an HP w2408h monitor, it has HDMI so I'm wondering the best way to hook that up. Once the learning curve is behind and I've had time to read up on and use the other features this little notebook gets better and better by the day!

I have the HP w2207 monitor, and I finally got around to hooking my MBA up to it this weekend. I bought the mini display -> DVI and bought a DVI -> HDMI converter at Wal-mart (monoprice would've been cheaper, but I wanted it now :) ). I've had good results. It works great. The only problem is the monitor is inferior to the MBA display. :( I wish I could pony up the cash for a new Apple display, but I can't right now.
Thanks very much DAMAC3 that helps, I'm going to go buy the adapters tomorrow ... here's to hoping that when I'm shopping for an adapter that I bump into a Mac Monitor and I buy the monitor instead :) .... we'll see, they're pricey and my HP monitor is only a few months old.

I'm only a step in the door with Mac's so far, it's this MacBook Air that's got me hooked, and my love of my iphone and everything about it is what made me look at the Mac laptops again ....

In 2008 at I worked hard, long long endless hours on my notebook, (I'm a business owner), too much work and no play brought me to the edge of burn out, at the same time I was feeling 'blackberry'd out' and bored with my notebook. I went through a Sony Z, LG P300, Lenovo x301 ... none of them really did it for me, each one had something I didn't like, either a poor screen or keyboard, etc etc ... plus I wanted something different, considered downloading Windows 7 for the change... but never did ....

Around that time I bought an iphone, with the idea that it would compliment my blackberry and I'd use it for entertainment, I loved the thing so much that I shut my blackberry off and used the iphone for everything, email was/is not as nifty as the blackberry but everything else is far better, (imo).

I was mac curious and bought the new 15" MacBook Pro in January, I loved the OS, everything was well laid out and interesting/fun to use, but I didn't really like the 15" MBP, for me the screen had too much glare, it was too heavy, ran a little warm, it had sharp edges uncomfortable on the palm of my hand when surfing etc ... there was enough little things that bothered me enough to return it.

I regretted returning it, it left me curious about OS X and what I could of done with it, I missed the keyboard so I kept looking at the Mac's whenever I was in the electronics store.

The Air had caught me eye since it came out, from reading around here I was convinced people seemed to like it enough for me to try one ... am I glad I did, this is the coolest, most fun and pleasure to use notebook I've ever owned.

So much so that now I want to do more with it and use it for my full time machine. To do that I'll need to install windows somehow so I can run Publisher an I'm all set, I still have a fast desktop for PC work, and I'll likely sell my x301 and even our T500, I'm hooked on the Air.

I realize the Air isn't the fastest machine and it's not expected to do everything, so I'm considering the next step and adding a Mac Desktop or even trying the 15" macbook Pro again and leave it on the desk most of the time ... network the bunch of them and I'd have the best of both worlds, I'd install Windows on the other mac for CPU intensive tasks and business software that isn't mac compatible.

The question what to do next, I'm still very much a mac newbie, its time to reorganize and rethink my computer set up, a little reluctant to change yet, but the MBA and my iPhone have impressed me so much ... using my notebook is fun again.

As it turned out I wasn't able to make the change to the iphone 100%, it worked for a few months, but I miss (and need) the push email of the blackberry and how the emails arrive (quickly) in one folder along with texts blackberry still has the edge in that regard .... imagine if Apple if ever improved their email, and brought it to a business level, or similar to a blackberry's email handling they would really bite into the blackberry market, surely Apple knows this too, it's a wonder they don't do it ... I have my blackberry, now a Curve 8900 activated just with a data plan for email and use my iphone for everything else.

That's enough rambling for now ... love this keyboard so much just can't stop typing :)

What do you Mac users suggest? Can the Air be a full time machine? Do you use another computer with your Air, if so is it Mac or PC, Desktop or Notebook?

Any comments appreciated!
The only thing I need is Microsoft Publisher, I understand I can install Windows w/Bootcamp then install Publisher and I'm good to go with two OS's. I need to do that soon, then I'd be able to almost use my MBA exclusively, but I'm a little nervous on the Bootcamp/Windows idea...

Check out Parallels or VMWare fusion -- they let you run Windows inside a Window on the Mac, or even the coolest thing ever, integrate the two side by side so your Windows apps appear next to OSX apps, appear on the dock, etc.

If you hook up a 2nd monitor, you can run Windows on one display and OSX on the other. It's very cool if you still have to keep a toe in the Windows world.

This is one of my complaints about the MBA -- stuck at 2GB RAM. Could use more for Parallels/VMWare.

You have to buy a proprietary adapter for the MBA to use DVI or VGA output (look in the little door hinge on the right). And stupidly it isn't the Mini Displayport that they're using elsewhere.
I'm a new MAC user and got the MAB 1.8/128 SSD to be used mostly for traveling. Here I am at my desk, with a 22" monitor on my PC and yet I'm constantly on my MAB with it's 13" screen. I can't stay away from this thing. Granted, when working on document files, I still go back to my PC, but for everything else I'm on the MAB. Please help me .... is there a MAB Anonymous Forum with a 12 step program? I love this machine and I truly appreciate the expertise in this forum from which I have learned so much.

This is a great post and thread to have reborn again. :)

Summer's here, nothing better than taking advantage of the weather and being mobile with an MBA !!
Trackpad certainly rocks. Haven't used a mouse for a year. (Except for gaming but surprisingly you can still play FPS games with trackpad somewhat.)
This is a great post and thread to have reborn again. :)

Summer's here, nothing better than taking advantage of the weather and being mobile with an MBA !!

I just love how he just keeps saying MAB not making fun of him or anything it just makes me laugh to say macairbook haha there ya go I laughed
I'm addicted to mine... because its my only machine lol.

But I'm constantly using it at places like my kitchen, living room, backyard, starbucks, in the car (really lol). I've put on 44 battery cycles and I've had this system for only 14 days.
I'm addicted to mine... because its my only machine lol.

But I'm constantly using it at places like my kitchen, living room, backyard, starbucks, in the car (really lol). I've put on 44 battery cycles and I've had this system for only 14 days.
I love mine also! 44 cycles ....I have only got 6 in 14 days. I have not touched my MBP since I got my MBA. Glad to see your enjoying it as much as me;)
I love mine so much I may purchase a 2nd! I'm tired of fighting over it with my wife. That Refurb 1.8 128SSD is so tempting to become the twin I am using now to post this.
....I love mine so much I may purchase a 2nd! I'm tired of fighting over it with my wife. That Refurb 1.8 128SSD is so tempting to become the twin I am using now to post this....:p

What makes you love your MBA? I am fighting the great temptation to buy one....
What makes you love your MBA? I am fighting the great temptation to buy one....

Size and Weight. For me, I have access to my dad's iMac if I seriously need heavy tasking. However, pretty much 99% of my stuff is Web Surfing, Chat, Some movies/TV shows, Music, Twitter, Facebook, yadada. Nothing that requires a super computer. I do game, but its so minimal that I probably log in 30 minutes in a week.
So much so that now I want to do more with it and use it for my full time machine. To do that I'll need to install windows somehow so I can run Publisher an I'm all set, I still have a fast desktop for PC work, and I'll likely sell my x301 and even our T500, I'm hooked on the Air.

Can I ask what you use Microsoft Publisher for? There may well be a Mac equivalent available which means you won't need to install Windows at all. If it's for producing flyers, brochures, etc., have you looked at Apple's iWorks and Pages?
I am loving my MBA. the weight and SSD are making this addictive to me.

The fact that it is up and running so fast (with SSD) makes this an instant on machine almost.

I use a uMacbook at work and using this MBA is making that thing seem like a slug. I get frustrated waiting for it to start up or resume from sleeping.

MBA is up and running within 30 seconds boot and a split second from sleep.

The weight makes it nothing to carry around and so I dont mind dragging it around the house :)

not to mention it can handle about 99% of the videos I watch (flash is sluggish because it sucks and because its always been an issue in OSX)

I love the screen size as well, I tried buying a Netbook but the screen size was just too small ( i had a 10inch) and the keyboard was atrocious. The MBA having a full size KB makes this amazing.
I'm now gonna sell the damn thing, (RevA week1) it's just too handy.... I'm becoming addicted to bed...breakfast table..all day....sofa...bed again...affecting my life!!!!

Trading up for a 17"MBP as need the firewire/screen for HD video editing.

Hopefully my web surfing/messing will reduce a bit!!

Yours worried
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