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That's nothing, I have a PC laptop I use for school stuff and I got one of those blank sticky labels and wrote "MacBook Pro" on it and stuck it under the screen, then did a Apple logo on the back the same way, then for a laugh I stuck one saying "I'm a PC and I sell fish" next to my keyboard :p
wouldn't say lame just wouldn't do it because it rather spoils the look of the notebook
i think i am in a position to say how wrong you are. :cool: after having my laptop for a few years the graphite/silver "finish" has rubbed off in places along the palm rests and it looks pretty hideous.... its getting worse and worse.. i wish i would have thought out putting the stickers on there!

it looks ugly but its a typical mac iFanBoi™ thing to do, if only they were straight! :rolleyes:

The Unibody MBP doesn't have a "finish." It's made of aluminum.
I love the picture responses to this topic lol :p

OP, doesn't matter what we think. If you like it, keep them.

I personally think it would be distracting trying to get work done. Especially since they are crooked. It would drive me absolutely ba-zonkers lol
If you like it keep it,it's an interesting idea,i did the same,kinda,I have a 17in. dell flatscreen hooked up to my Power mac and I got tired of looking at the dell Next to my beautiful Power Mac G4.So,I took a flat tip,popped the Dell name cap thing out and stuck a Mac Sticker over the hole.What do you all think?:eek: it looks half decent,i want to paint it white now and stick a black Mac sticker on it to look like a mac Flat screen.:D
almost as lame as this kids computer at school.
its an epc with an apple sticker on the front (where the logo would normally be)

i have heard that dells can run os x but w/e, even if it does its still bad. heck i like that i have a sticker on the top of my laptop, the logo is a bit much. ooooo had to add, i saw someone with the same type of sticker as mine, but there was a circle cut out around the apple logo. ugh so lame.
almost as lame as this kids computer at school.
its an epc with an apple sticker on the front (where the logo would normally be)

i have heard that dells can run os x but w/e, even if it does its still bad. heck i like that i have a sticker on the top of my laptop, the logo is a bit much. ooooo had to add, i saw someone with the same type of sticker as mine, but there was a circle cut out around the apple logo. ugh so lame.

So you have stickers on your laptop but think they are lame?
Absoutely terrible.

You know what, just toss your Mac off a cliff. It’s probably already dead from embarrassment. Not worth living anymore.

Okay, I’m just being mean. j/k :)
I was bored and decided to do this... my friends will make fun of me but I think it looks decent. Let me know community... is this too lame? They're easy to take off so I don't think they'll harm the surface in anyway?


lol thats the dumbest thing i've ever seen.
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