If your still running an old version of Winterboard you need to update. There is an updated posted this morning in Cydia. It opens apps like your phone is not even jailbroken.
2.2 and new winterboard SMOKES 2.1
This is the main point with this upgrade. I noticed night/day differences after upgrading winterboard this morning.
The thing is that with quickpwn 2.2 i don't think you can deselect installer.app. It already packages that application with the rest. Correct?
Not correct. The four options are still presented before beginning the process.
Who uses it? and what does it have that Cydia doesn't? Waste of space IMO
Absolutely nothing. It completely bogs down the phone every time it's opened. None of the sources I could find online even worked and everything you could need is found in Cydia anyway.