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The only time I suffered from eye strain was switching from 15" lcd to 20" Lcd.
Took a few months for my eyes to fully adjust.
Been doing the wifi version for weeks and now the 3G version and having no problems. In fact I have been pleasantly surprised at how well the screen works not to mention how well the keyboard works for me in landscape mode.

Does this eye strain happen under all conditions? If so might be time to have the eyes checked. Feeling cross eyed after focusing on the iPad for a while is not normal.

I've had no eye strain at all. Maybe your allergies?

I enjoyed reading in bed last night. You can adjust the brightness to see if that helps.
After all the hoopla about E ink and the kindle for sure I expected the dreaded eyestrain with the iPad but vie had mine since launch day and use it for hours at a stretch, including reading, and I have had no eye strain at all. Reading books is a joy compared to the dull low contrast kindle! Lower your brightness -- it needs to be brighter in well-lit rooms and lower otherwise.
My problem is switching between the ipad and the iphone. The iphone screen looks so small it freaks me out.
It bothered me a bit at the beginning, here are some tips:

turn down brghtness
buy an antiglare screen protector
move it alittle away from your face
dont force you eyes to focus when scrolling
every now and then look up and focus on something else
remember to blink
don't spend 20 hours straight looking at it

my eyes adjusted after a few weeks.
I started to experience strain from using my computer at work,unfortunately it started getting worse for close up tasks. Now I wear special glasses for it, something like these (not sure if I get this exact brand)

Probably a bit over the top for just using your iPad. You'll need a prescription too. If you find your eyes are becoming more strained generally, it's worth taking an eye test and maybe asking about them.
I just got my 3G tonight. I've been using it a good bit but not for hour on end.

I've noticed that I'm getting a headache and my eyes feel fatigued after just using the screen for a short time. And when I look up my eyes have to adjust to my surroundings like I was cross-eyed or something.

I stare at computers all day and I never experience this. Maybe it's a brightness issue? Do you want brighter or less for a well lit room.

I also notice its worse when I scroll down while reading websites. I tend to read while scroll and it doesn't seem as smooth on the iPad as with the iPhone or computer.

Anyways, I'm not bashing the iPad at all. I love mine! Just want to see if I'm the only one who experiences this and if maybe I can do something about it.

i have exactly the same problem. scrolling blurs the text and makes my eyes hurt. i convert text into epub format with calibre. then you can flip through it like an ebook without scrolling. however that is only worth it if you read long text passages. i'm reading chapters of the book that my GF currently writes.
Eye strain

I have got the same problem; I work in front of the computer every day for about 8 hours. I was advised to have an eye test at least every 2 years. If you are suffering from eye strain, it is better to go and see the opticians.
I have got the same problem; I work in front of the computer every day for about 8 hours. I was advised to have an eye test at least every 2 years. If you are suffering from eye strain, it is better to go and see the opticians.

I had this issue about a year ago working at my computer. An adjustment to my glasses prescription helped.
No, I consider myself lucky in that I don't seem to get eye-strain, and I am a pretty heavy computer user.
I was playing with the iPad in the Mac store for roughly 20 minutes. I got addicted to GodFinger...all that power..haha. Right when I looked up to leave, I felt dizzy & suddenly got a headache.

It is pretty straining. I'm guessing it has to do with the screen because I stare at my computer's monitor all the time & I don't experience dizziness/headaches.
I don't know what it is about Godfinger, but it made me dizzy as well. No other app, or any other situation, has done that to me. I deleted it.
It's called 'Two-finger pinch out' dude!

But seriously, I think apple should license clear-type from MS. It would look so much nicer on the iPad.
I just got my 3G tonight. I've been using it a good bit but not for hour on end.

I've noticed that I'm getting a headache and my eyes feel fatigued after just using the screen for a short time. And when I look up my eyes have to adjust to my surroundings like I was cross-eyed or something.

I stare at computers all day and I never experience this. Maybe it's a brightness issue? Do you want brighter or less for a well lit room.

I also notice its worse when I scroll down while reading websites. I tend to read while scroll and it doesn't seem as smooth on the iPad as with the iPhone or computer.

Anyways, I'm not bashing the iPad at all. I love mine! Just want to see if I'm the only one who experiences this and if maybe I can do something about it.

I have the same issue with the iPhone - strain on the top back bit of my eyes. Knock the brightness down it helps tonnes. Doesn't help where I work it's such bright lighting.
Eyestrain: Yes

I just got my 3G tonight. I've been using it a good bit but not for hour on end.

I've noticed that I'm getting a headache and my eyes feel fatigued after just using the screen for a short time. And when I look up my eyes have to adjust to my surroundings like I was cross-eyed or something.

I stare at computers all day and I never experience this. Maybe it's a brightness issue? Do you want brighter or less for a well lit room.

Yes. I'm in the same boat, but I'm taking mine back today. I've had this problem with the MacBook Air (headaches) as well -- but not with the 13" unibody Macbook or a 24" iMac, both of which I can use all day long. It's a certain graininess and flicker that makes it impossible to read. Hit or miss with the manufacturers Apple chooses. But at least now I've gotten good at recognizing which are the usable screens and which the unusable ones in just a few seconds.
I just bought a pair of Gunnar Optiks and so far my eyes feel a little better after along day at work. I would sometimes have eyestrain with my iphone but after i got my imac it really hit.
The lenses turn everything a slight yellow color to cancel the blue that emits from lcd's. So if you had a problem with the yellow tined screens on the imac or iphone i wouldn't recommend them.
**I should add my eyes suck in general, even after lasik.
I did two things
1. turn the brightness to the lowest level. => this really help
2. have anti glare screen protector. => this make it better.

I bought matte macbookpro for the same reason. I don't like glassy screen. it make headache

Ditto. I am farsighted (only wear reading glasses when the eye strain is too much) while my spouse is nearsighted. We have very different preferences for my iPad. He prefers increased bightness and wishes I got a crystal-clear PS screen but I find I experience too much strain with high brightness. I also love my anti glare screen protector and am certain that my next laptop will have a matte screen. Point is that every one is different and you can modify you settings and screen to best meet your needs. Also, try sepia tone when raiding on iBook or kindle.
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