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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 3, 2009
I upgraded to 3.0 and while it doesn't feel that big of an upgrade, I really do like some of the new features it has mainly copy and paste and landscape typing which I think were implemented perfectly. What I don't understand is why when you know that Apple knows about the jailbreak community they didn't implement some of the best apps that people want (boss-mods) or at least make a way to easily switch 3G or wifi on or off without having to go three menus deep. I guess what I'm saying is until they jailbreak 3.0 what features do you miss the most or are suprised you don't miss.
I miss sbsettings and taskbar notifications the most. Being able to quickly turn off/on things like 3g, wifi, airplane mode, etc. from any app was fantastic. Also, being able to kill running apps like safari on the fly from any app to free up memory was nice. Having icons in the taskbar to notify me of unread texts, emails, etc was good too.

As soon as 3.0 is jailbroken and those apps are updated to work on 3.0, I'll be jailbraking again.
SBSettings, winterboard, quickSMS, PDANet, Cycorder, macsurgey, categories...

SBSettings was SOOO much more useful than I ever realized.

Really the only thing i care about in 3.0 is landscape, spotlight/search, push notifications, copy/paste...:mad:MMS-TETHER:mad: (garbage ATT)

When will apps begin to push? (AIM)
I miss sbsettings and taskbar notifications the most. Being able to quickly turn off/on things like 3g, wifi, airplane mode, etc. from any app was fantastic. Also, being able to kill running apps like safari on the fly from any app to free up memory was nice. Having icons in the taskbar to notify me of unread texts, emails, etc was good too.

As soon as 3.0 is jailbroken and those apps are updated to work on 3.0, I'll be jailbraking again.

If you wanna quit Safari on the fly, just hit the New Page button and then hit the X. A new blank page should come from nowhere and then just hit the home button. If there are NO PAGES open in Safari, Safari doesn't run in the background.
SB settings and winterboard are the biggest things missing from the basic (non-jailbroken) 3.0 firmware in my opinion.

Oh, also iBluetooth and xGPS.

All that is provisional of course as I'm not upgrading to 3.0 until the great folks at the dev-team work their magic, probably within 2-3 days after the new OS is released.
I miss BiteSMS the most.
SBSettings too.. and "voipover3g" hehe.
Backgrounder is a nice one too.

But i will try to keep my next jailbreak to a minimun..
backgrounder only makes sense now for applications like (sort of a hybrid between spotify and for the spanish market - unlimited music for 4 bucks) so you can check emails while listening to music.
SBSettings, winterboard, quickSMS, PDANet, Cycorder, macsurgey, categories...

SBSettings was SOOO much more useful than I ever realized.

Really the only thing i care about in 3.0 is landscape, spotlight/search, push notifications, copy/paste...:mad:MMS-TETHER:mad: (garbage ATT)

When will apps begin to push? (AIM)

sbsettings might conflict with how you bring up spotlight search, they are both slding from left to right.
-toggles for airplane mode & brightness
-hide apps

Depending on how the tethering menu is, I hope there is a toggle for tethering so that I don't have to drill down to the Network menu every time.
Like others, I really miss SBSettings. I tend to adjust my brightness frequently as the auto adjust just doesn't work to my liking. I also liked having 5 icons in my dock. Most of the other jailbroken features I'm doing OK without (I like the new cut/past well enough), but I will probably jailbreak 3.0 when the whizzes get to it.
The only thing i miss and still dont know why apple doesn't allow it is to have a freaking wallpaper. Has it been explained anywhere or is there a reason why we simply can't have wallpapers.
I miss Categories, themes, and SBSettings. But my phone runs a lot better now and has more RAM at its disposal. I might not go back to JB unless I really feel the need.
I miss BiteSMS the most.

I'm on beta5, jailbroken, using the beta of biteSMS 4. Upgraded to the 3.0 GoldMaster and missed biteSMS Quick reply, so I downgraded back to the beta.

Hopefully it doesnt expire before the "official" jailbreak comes out.
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