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kevin.rivers said:
Well thanks for your nice post. Not. Anyhow. If they don't fix what I want, I won't buy. I will buy a MBP. So, thanks for the luck anyway.

You're welcome, but enough with the 5-year-old banter. Back on topic...That's precisely it. You said you're going to buy a MBP. Both sides win. Your needs aren't met by the MacBook, so you must buy a MBP. Your needs are met, Apple makes more money. If the MBP meets your needs, there's no reason to be disappointed by the MacBook as you aren't the target consumer for that product.
Core Trio said:
Has anyone ever been into the apple store and heard a MB or MBP mooing or whining or anything? I own a PB G4 so i dont have these issues, all I know of them are what I read on here. All the display models seem to be working fine (aside from the fact that the MBP's are scortching hot). So are these problems actually alot more rare than they seem to be?

Ok, this crap has to stop. Computers make sounds, they have since the ENIAC. Let's get over all this mooing and whining bull$#!&. And no, none of the MacBooks I've seen make "mooing" sounds :rolleyes: .
not impressed with the impressed

Hey this is supposed to be a thread for those who didn't like what the MB brought. All you "impressed" people have been heard from in all the other threads. Don't make me start this thread again!

Any complaints about the trackpad?
General aesthetics?
Anyone else feel that it's not as sexy as the 12" PB?

Anyone at all?
MovieCutter said:
You're welcome, but enough with the 5-year-old banter. Back on topic...That's precisely it. You said you're going to buy a MBP. Both sides win. Your needs aren't met by the MacBook, so you must buy a MBP. Your needs are met, Apple makes more money. If the MBP meets your needs, there's no reason to be disappointed by the MacBook as you aren't the target consumer for that product.

But the MacBook is my ideal product, because of size and the features it does have. However, glossy screen, integrated graphics(not to big of a deal for me), and the heat issues. I will pass on this round. I can deal with most of the problems I have with it, except for heat.

Also, who are you to say I can't be dissapointed with a product? I am not denying that it is a fantastic product. I can be dissappointed just as much as you can be excited about it. That is the nature of the market, you can't please them all.

I think they will make glossy an option, especially as the 12" PB crowd has just been smacked across the face. As a photographer having a notebook that is usable outside that is of a small form factor is crucial.

Enter.... The Macbook Mini :)
I am writing this on a MacBook, and the only mooing and whining that I hear is coming from this board.
MovieCutter said:
Ok, this crap has to stop. Computers make sounds, they have since the ENIAC. Let's get over all this mooing and whining bull$#!&. And no, none of the MacBooks I've seen make "mooing" sounds :rolleyes: .

Yes computers make sounds. However I will not buy a product that is supposed to be quiet and shrug it off with, oh well all computer make noses. I am trying this on an Acer laptop(*shudder* yeah it sucks) but it is quiet. I am not buying a computer that moos, and you should not be defending Apple on this when there are tons of people unhappy with their product. Just because you have not heard it on the Macbooks you have seen does not mean the problem doesn't exist. :rolleyes:
netdog said:
I am writing this on a MacBook, and the only mooing and whining that I hear is coming from this board.

very true. people can't just accept the fact that there are too many people to impress, and its evidently not them
I think the macbook is absolutley incredible, especially for the money.

I work at a store that only sells PCs, and most of the people there converse like this:

Me: "I'm probably going to buy the new mac laptop coming out soon"
Co-Worker: "I hate macs"
Me: "Why?"
CW: "Because"

But when I told them this:

Me: "I got a new laptop, 13.3", 1.83 ghz duo, 60 gb hdd, 1.25 gb ram and paid $1120 (I got a little discount in there from a friend)"
CW: "Whoa, I want it!"

Then I pull it out, they see it's a mac (which they've never used before) and fall in love with it.

Anyways, I really like it for a cheap laptop that runs really well!
MovieCutter said:
Ok, this crap has to stop. Computers make sounds, they have since the ENIAC. Let's get over all this mooing and whining bull$#!&. And no, none of the MacBooks I've seen make "mooing" sounds :rolleyes: .

You are admitting your ignorance by saying you haven't heard one make the noise. I personally have a MacBook that does make this noise. It doesn't do it all the time, but it still does it and when it does it is very annoying.
hoopmastaflex said:
You are admitting your ignorance by saying you haven't heard one make the noise. I personally have a MacBook that does make this noise. It doesn't do it all the time, but it still does it and when it does it is very annoying.

You are admitting your ignorance by not reading my post in context. I never said the noise doesn't exist. The question was posed "Has anyone ever been into the apple store and heard a MB or MBP mooing or whining or anything?" I was responding to that question. It is my opinion that everyone is being far too finicky about their machines.
MovieCutter said:
You are admitting your ignorance by not reading my post in context. I never said the noise doesn't exist. The question was posed "Has anyone ever been into the apple store and heard a MB or MBP mooing or whining or anything?" I was responding to that question. It is my opinion that everyone is being far too finicky about their machines.

Im not saying this board doesnt have its member that just like to complain...but when I shove out thousands of dollars for a product I would be a bit upset with the little things I find wrong as well. Its called buyers remorse, and it eventually fades, sadly we have to deal with its effects at the moment as these machines are brand new.

(however I have never had a day of remorse with my powerbook:) )
MovieCutter said:
It is my opinion that everyone is being far too finicky about their machines.
Well Said! Cheers!
OMG!!!! Teh fans turn on an off, and you can hear them!!!!
OMG!!!! Teh MB is hot!!!!!!

Come on, wake up and smell the reality. The keyboard is fine for touch typists (i am one, so i would know). The MB does get warm (some may get hot) but none have been reported to "burn", so get over it. When you cram a laptop case with a CPU that is faster than the some of the G5s it is going to be a bit warm. My uni's Al PB runs hotter than my MB. Does anyone live in a anechoic chamber? No, ok, then the whine and "moo" are not an issue for the masses.

I think many people cant seem to come to terms that a "consumer" *gasp* laptop whips their G5 towers and performs equally as well as their $2000+ MBPs in all tasks except for GPU ones.</rant>
Core Trio said:
Im not saying this board doesnt have its member that just like to complain...but when I shove out thousands of dollars for a product I would be a bit upset with the little things I find wrong as well. Its called buyers remorse, and it eventually fades, sadly we have to deal with its effects at the moment as these machines are brand new.

(however I have never had a day of remorse with my powerbook:) )

I hear you, but when I shove thousands of dollars into a machine, it's usually to get work done and make more thousands of dollars. Nearly-inaudible noises and heat doesn't effect the purpose of the machine. And if there is a problem, I call Apple to get it taken care of instead of bitch and moan on the forums. Bitching and moaning on the forums should be reserved to doing so about forum members :cool: ;)
MovieCutter said:
I hear you, but when I shove thousands of dollars into a machine, it's usually to get work done and make more thousands of dollars. Nearly-inaudible noises and heat doesn't effect the purpose of the machine. And if there is a problem, I call Apple to get it taken care of instead of bitch and moan on the forums. Bitching and moaning on the forums should be reserved to doing so about forum members :cool: ;)

I agree. I think that some members, like myself, are more curious/concerned about whether or not their MB operates normally or not (let's face it, the Core Duos do run hotter and not just on Apples, but other pcs too) while others just want to rant.

If through honest inquiry, we may determine a problem that Apple can address and fix, then everyone is better off. On the other hand, just griping about "this" and "that" never accomplishes anything.
Unimpressed by the only black MacBook costing $300 more than the baseline. Or maybe it's $350.

Impressed by the inclusion of Core Duos.

Unimpressed by integrated graphics.

Impressed by the base MB remaining the same price.

Unimpressed by the reported heat and noise issues.

Impressed by user-removable HDs.

Unimpressed by no-option glossy screens.

Impressed by 13.3 widescreen and monitor spanning.

It's not ideal, and the MB black price-point is high enough to keep me from buying, but it's nothing to sneeze at.
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