I enjoyed my Discrete Mathematics course; the topic is still one of my favorites and I do most of my programming in that area. If you have a good grasp of computer programming, the "discrete mathematics" part should be easy enough. Although, every course is different. My background is engineering, so the course I took was intended for solving N Equations in N Unknowns, computing eigenvalues, finding the roots of a function, determining computer round-off error, being aware of delta epsilon, etc. Writing programs for these tasks uses the same old tools over and over again: do-loops, for-loops, arrays, if-statements, etc. You are really not using many of a language's tools. You can write all these types of programs without having to get into Objects, instantiation, linked lists, etc.--all the more "glamorous" features of the "sexy" languages nowadays.
So if you are a hot-shot programmer, this course might bore you, because you are not learning more about the language and pushing the envelope.
On the other hand, I find it very satisfying to write programs that produce useful results for real-world problems. The programs I wrote were useful to me for solving some of my own problems; they weren't just word processor simulator programs that an instructor chose as an assignment simply for the sake of giving students an assignment.