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if you are speaking of the sleeping thing in one of the orc camps (is that grunt?) than yes. he say's that he's hungry.
if you are speaking of the sleeping thing in one of the orc camps (is that grunt?) than yes. he say's that he's hungry.

Yup that's the one I'm talking about. So you have the Get rid of the grung quest, and you also talked to the sleeping orc/grunt. And still the sage is not giving/dropping you the meat? Is your inventory full by any chance?
no. i have plenty of spaces available. i just tried it again. and the same thing keeps happening. the sage says, "i see that you are back again." "so, you couldn't wake the ogre?" "indeed, that lumbering creature won't let anyone go by easily." "now warrior, for what do you undertake this arduous journey?" 1. to save the world from a dreadful disaster. or 2. to discover untold treasure. if i try to choose '1.', then the dialog starts again with "now warrior, for what...". this can go on for as long as i choose answer '1'. so my only option, to choose answer '2' ends with the sage saying, "not that easy" and the dialog ends. i don't know what to do. i don't want to have to start over again, especially if this ends up happening again. makes me not want to play
no. i have plenty of spaces available. i just tried it again. and the same thing keeps happening. the sage says, "i see that you are back again." "so, you couldn't wake the ogre?" "indeed, that lumbering creature won't let anyone go by easily." "now warrior, for what do you undertake this arduous journey?" 1. to save the world from a dreadful disaster. or 2. to discover untold treasure. if i try to choose '1.', then the dialog starts again with "now warrior, for what...". this can go on for as long as i choose answer '1'. so my only option, to choose answer '2' ends with the sage saying, "not that easy" and the dialog ends. i don't know what to do. i don't want to have to start over again, especially if this ends up happening again. makes me not want to play

I can't remember what I chose during that dialog, maybe you could give the developers an inquiry about your problem. Never really encountered that problem of yours, it's strange since you have the quest, inventory is not full and you talked to the grunt already. By any chance have you killed that green orc labelled "Orc" ? (or is that after you awaken the sleeping orc?)
The only RPGs I have so far are rogue touch and the quest, but both are worth purchasing. I wish I had the other top ones like inotia or vay, but I can't.

So anyways, if it helps your decision here's a brief review of the quest, which btw is by chillingo whom I've been a customer of on the palm os and trust :).

The biggest thing going for it I think is the decently big item list. Items from every type (jewelry, clothing, armor, weapons, plants, potions, scrolls, books, wands, ammo, special items, etc.) are in the game. Some items are enchantable (to varying degrees) and what I like is the alchemy items, which consists of plants and a mortar+pestle to make potions. It's nicely organized, better potions at higher levels, but you can always try. Each plant has three properties, you have to discover the second and third ones, the first is revealed right away.

The stats and skills system is elaborate too. There's roughly 20 different stats to choose between when choosing your main skills and applying skill points. There's also the typical 5 which are called something else though I can't remember what.
Strength, Endurance, Intelligence, etc.

Every magic skill you learn is in a book that you must read, and every book tells a story. Not only that, there are other informative books, story books that do nothing useful as far as I can tell, and books that increase stats. That's a lot of stories to make up lol.

The world is a 3D grid, and everything is turn based. I would have loved no grid and real-time, but this still works fine. Every time you move a minute passes, as there is daytime and nighttime. The sky is fascinating, there can be clouds and storms, but on a clear night the sky is beautiful.

The island you're on looks and feels a bit small, I would love a bigger one, more islands, a mainland, etc. but it's still ok.

You have one main quest, and there are a lot of smaller quests. The smaller quests don't have much depth, which I would have liked, and they don't contribute to your mysterious main quest except that you get money and items which always help. You have a quest log, but what I like is that it only gives you your goal and whether or not it's active, failed, or completed. Any future hints are not recorded.

Wow I went overboard on that. Oh well, hope it helps!
ok everyone says you get the meat from the sage but ive talked to the sage a million times and all he says is some stupid question about why im on the journey or something, can anyone help me?
I've been playing for a while now . . .

Not sure about the meat 'bug' or what to do about it . . .
these have already been suggested but:
- make sure you dont have a full inventory when you talk to the Sage (it could bug out the meat/quest if you did)
- double check to see that the meat didnt go into your ring slot (Maybe it increases your aggro range?)

A few other notes:

- Wells either fill you up, do nothing "Gulp, gulp . . .", spring a trap where you are surrounded by enemies (rare), or give you an Ancient Egg. I have not seen my health level play any role in determining which option it will chose when you step on it. Also, sometimes when you get the 'Gulp, gulp' message, if you move off of the well fast enough, it doesn't empty and you can step on it again - but it will only give you the 'gulp gulp' message again.

- Pets hatch from Ancient Eggs and are random in their appearance and effect. They do not fight but just give you extra stat or other bonuses. The most useful effects I have seen have been strength (affects damage) and Hit x2 which gives you an increased chance of doing double-damage. (there will be double numbers stacked when this procs)
Glowing (magical) Ancient Eggs have a better chance of giving you a double stat bump or better effects (like Hit x2)

- Sundu levels up your pet and is found in two forms: green plants found on the map and little peach-looking fruit/nuts that are dropped by enemies.
- the Pet Experience the Sundu gives you varies on the 'level' that you are in or (if it drops from an enemy) the level of the enemy. (harder levels and enemies give you more Sundu)
- As mentioned previously, speed warping is very helpful for leveling up your pet by grabbing Sundu plants. just continually tap the warp until you see Sundu plants, grab em, then warp again. Better experience for harder areas,but more risk from enemies.

Map Weapons:
- occasionally there will be a sword hilt sticking out of the ground on the map. Click and walk on it to pick it up. For me, 90% of them are 'short swords' which is really irritating since they only sell for 16g each and fill up your inventory fast.
The best pickups are armor as even lower-level armor sells for a hundred gold or more.

- Sometimes you will get a message that says "You must be too exhausted . . ." and it won't let you pick up the sword (nor does it reveal what it is like when you don't have enough room). Some have suggested it means you're too low a level.
Not true. You just don't have enough strength to lift it.
Pop an Ogre's Blood potion which boosts your strength and you will probably be able to pick it up, no problem. Having a +STR pet will also assist in this.
However, I've only run into a sword hilt like that twice in the game.

I find myself grinding for that more than anything else.

Will add more later.
Re: Orc Quest

If your standing in Orc 1-1 you've figured out by now that you have to find the star to transport yourself to the next area from Orc 1-1 go to orc 2-1 , continue to the outskirts of elf forest and into the retreat of the sage , the sage is an old white man in a white robe clear as day you won't miss him if he's on the screen , speak with him he will give you a piece of meat you can feed to the sleeping Orc in 1-1 , I had trouble doing this being I was too low of a level , but I figured out that if I jump back and forth enough times on any given lvl, the folllowing lvls star to move to the next stage will be at the circle you land at , and each time you do this your landscape changes , I happened to see the sage right from the drop because I skipped back and forth between stages trying to gather health , 2 helpful hint that might help some one in my foot steps , after feeding the meat to the Orc on 1-1 he moves revealing another star portal to the Orc grunts recomend lvl 30 for rookies 25 novice 20 for pro
Also check your ring slot for the meat if it does not appear in you inventory , I chose his second selection by actually touching the words preventing disaster
Hello people this is me :D

I have some problems understending some things about this game, but most of it is a normal rpg and i'm a rpg fan so it went verry well understending it.
Some guy says that there are pets that gives a Hitx2 ... in my oppinion that's a DEX pet. I meen, i'v got one and sometimes wen i hit a monster, i see double numbers.

I don't know if i did ok selling my old trident 2-29 and replacing it with a Thunder blade 14-20...but it seems ok at that time ...
Now let me tell you about that blue snake in the dungeon, he drops an amulete... but i really don't know what it does. My fairy item is from the fairy queen in the Sage map (it provides speed - so it says...). The best thing that Urc drops is a 1p 4000G weapon ....

Please if you can give me informations and advices, i am grateful.

Thnx for this forum topic, i learned alot about my favourite rpg on iPhone :D

OMG !!!
Join Date: Dec 2008
how did u get this stats ?! There are items that increase stats ? ... and look at your skill power...that's sick man ...


I can't find this Grunt guy to kill him. I'm currently just killing normal orcs in camp 2-2 and i don't know what to do.
NOO i lost my post, owell ill start over
lvl 27 grinding trents and the larger fairies in the outskirts and sage area (not the boss) trents drop totems, fairies drop clovers

drops ive gotten sell very well
-totems 1p7000g for normal and purple found about 6
-clovers are about 8k cant remember exactly
-many random weapons and armors, highest thing found in a chest was a halbred
-boss fairy dropped a elven sword, best thing from her sofar... yeah i dont worry about finding her shes to anoying i kill her if i see her, the clovers drop from the other fairies
-found 2 eggs in the wells in this area, in stead of "gulpgulp" its "found ancient egg", first pet was +5 agi, 2nd was lvl 4 when i ditched it, did 3crit... 3%? my newest pet is lvl1 ac4 lol

few questions of mine:
-I know what attack armor class but what is crt, cool.t and cnt?
-anyone able to find a multiple clover/totem? every time i see one its never like 2 white or 2 purple, always different in my bag
-my weapon is a purple+6 halberd 1~33 and critical 1%! anyone seen weapons with that b4? i think ill keep it till the end game weap/s
**-wtf is wolf potions?! i wish i could know what exactly and how much potions gave me!
**-ive seen your petistles everyones talking about, but it was in the outskirts! White, lil "steps" and a pentagram? WTF is that ive seen it millions of times!

yeah so kill trents kill trents, few fairies to get clover, trents some more and the pixies i kill only when they are really bunched up for easy pickings...good petfood/potions and scrolls! DONT SELL MAGIC DUST turn them in, you get weapon and armor scrolls! currently hordin those scrolls :)

**Found the answers:
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