Things can give you OCD in the sense of them causing you more grief or obsession over its state of being or how you react to it... did you mean you can't suddenly catch OCD from things? I obviously agree if that's what you meant. But things or people can give you OCD thoughts or just plain trigger the symptoms.Yeah, but things don't "give you" OCD. It's not really the unorganized and out of place that drives you mad, it's the invasive and terrible thoughts that cripple you and affect your everyday life. That's the part that shows like "Monk" don't address, so it's understandable how people thinks that's what it really is.
It took me a while but it doesn't bother me as much the way the term gets thrown around so liberally. But, hey, I'm busy most of the time reliving bad conversations I had twenty years ago, so I dunno...
Also I am the same when reliving past junk... I constantly replay things in my mind that I did decades, years, days, or minutes ago as well (thinking and obsessing over how it bugs me still, even when others are over it,) this whole iPad issue has been a lot more of an issue than I thought it would be; to the point that I almost wanted to call in sick to work, to figure crud out as I got so beyond stressed and depressed. I couldn't focus on anything but this one little tiny thing that I know shouldn't matter (but still does.) It affects me enough to not be able to go out and even try to forget it, or move on somehow... but then I have a brother and mom with severe OCD as well who help bring me back down and after a few days I find the problem starts to lessen. But whenever I pick up the iPad (or something that is imperfect to me... I look at the imperfection and think "maybe I should sell it and lose a few hundred, but then I can get a new one and it'll be better.") But again, luckily I have a great support system and logic luckily takes over and I count to ten, talk with my mom, walk away for a while, meditate, and or distract myself with TV shows.
Thanks for adding to the conversation everyone, it helps give me perspective and in turn helps me let go a little and actually have my mind slow down and my breathing slow as well.
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