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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 18, 2009
Nah, would rather have an iPhone any day. I have an Android tablet, it's okay, but the operating system is far inferior than Apples. The iPhone experience is much more gratifying that any Android I've had the chance to use.

Plus, I remember reading an article that younger people prefer Android while people of all ages prefer Apple iPhone. Kind of says something.

I think Android is a little generic. You see all these Android phones pop up that look like carbon copies of each other. There is only 1 iPhone.
But have you tried ICS yet??


Horrible battery life. Un-polished smoothness. Pentile screen is bad. I don't care what the specs say, pentiles just look horrible.
And what about the GN then????............ glad to here someone else like me likes the Nexus


I agree! Whites are horrible.
Not sure you are allowed to say that!!!


macrumors 601
Mar 25, 2009
Lincoln, England
I completely disagree with anyone who says that android is inferior to ios.

iOS is simplistic and integrates very well with the cloud and iTunes, but when it comes to advanced tasks and customisation, android reigns supreme.

And for everybody who says that iOS is more intuitive; it is in parts, but not always. One area where android is better is when adding recipients to a message. It opens up a list of your contacts with a tick box next to each name so you can add as many as you like quickly. With ios you have to begin typing the names and add them all individually. Android is more intuitive in that regard.

Another example of where android is more intuitive is attaching stuff to email. You can do it from within the email app itself, or you can go into photos/music/etc and attach from there. You can simply tick lots of photos to attach more than one.

Another example of android being more intuitive is common settings like wifi etc in the notification bar, or as widgets on the home screen.

The OSes are different with neither having a clear advantage over the other. I personally prefer android on my smartphone because I like the widgets and stuff.

However I like the iPad for all of the apps.


macrumors 6502
Dec 17, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
But have you tried ICS yet??


And what about the GN then????............ glad to here someone else like me likes the Nexus


Not sure you are allowed to say that!!!

I have not used Ice Cream Sandwich yet, I've seen some videos and it looks greatly enhanced compared to previous versions of Android, they did a good job. I just feel like Android isn't very intuitive. iPhones can be turned on and learned in a second, with Android there is all these extras, and widgets, etc. It's fun to use, but not as practical as the iPhone...

And again, I hate how all these phones out now are all Android. Like every other smartphone. You can barely tell the difference between them. Not saying that Apple is the best, but I would 100% rather have an iPhone than an Android. I do love my Android tablet however. But for my phone? iPhone all the way.

But, when it all comes down to it. Arguing over Apple vs Android is pointless. It all comes down to what you prefer and what works for you.
Last edited:


macrumors 604
Feb 3, 2010
United Kingdom
I tried one out at my 3 Store, but I just didn't like it. I mean, it's a great phone, but after four and a half years of iOS, Android just doesn't appeal to me.
Also the GN felt like a mammoth; I think I found it just too big. I'd kill for a 4"-4.1" screen on the iPhone, but whatever the GN's was was just *too* big.


macrumors regular
Mar 11, 2007
Eugene, OR
I had an OG Droid before jumping to the 4S on release day and have enjoyed iOS so far. Very fluid, smooth and no lag and I really love the iTunes integration.

However the GN is tempting especially wince it will have developer support an I loved tweaking and flashing ROMs on my OG all the time as I get bored easily. My roommate is getting it so I will play with his when I can before considering selling the iPhone and buying a GN.


macrumors 6502
May 7, 2011
Horrible battery life. Un-polished smoothness. Pentile screen is bad. I don't care what the specs say, pentiles just look horrible.

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Do you even understand why pentile was a concern in the past?


macrumors newbie
Jul 14, 2011
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

Not @ $299


macrumors member
Sep 16, 2009
Picked up the GNex on release day and was initially worried about the learning curve, but ICS is very intuitive. I still have a 4S until I find a buyer for it and occasionally go to it as a reference for what apps to get for the GNex through the marketplace, and I must say that the screen doesn't do nearly as much for me as it use to after handling the GNex. I have fairly large hands and can do most tasks with one hand. I think what the big selling point is all the little extras built into the OS, just tonight I came across the option to answer, or decline the call or a set of prebuilt texts to choose from or if you like you can write your own to use for later in the event you can't answer a call. Just the little things like this that put a smile on my face.

Eager Beaver

macrumors 6502a
Sep 28, 2011
Chicago, IL
I'm with att and at the end of sept I was going to try a sgs2 for 30 days to to check it out. I ended up NOT doing it cause I was terrified I would never be able to look at the tiny iphone screen again, (I would've been right) -


macrumors 6502a
Jan 14, 2009
New York
Picked up the GNex on release day and was initially worried about the learning curve, but ICS is very intuitive. I still have a 4S until I find a buyer for it and occasionally go to it as a reference for what apps to get for the GNex through the marketplace, and I must say that the screen doesn't do nearly as much for me as it use to after handling the GNex. I have fairly large hands and can do most tasks with one hand. I think what the big selling point is all the little extras built into the OS, just tonight I came across the option to answer, or decline the call or a set of prebuilt texts to choose from or if you like you can write your own to use for later in the event you can't answer a call. Just the little things like this that put a smile on my face.

:cool: Love that feature.....while I think I will bypass the GN, I will pick up the GS II since it will get ICS in the coming weeks


macrumors 6502
Jun 26, 2009
HONESTLY, there's just ONE reason that would feel bad by trading my iP4S for an Android phone: I spent about 100 dollars in apps such as GPS, dictionaries, law apps and other 0.99 apps.

I am glad I'm loving my iP4S (my first iPhone ever - came from a Nokia 6303) because I dont have 100 dollars to throw in the toilet.


macrumors 601
Jul 28, 2007
I own the Galaxy nexus with Verizon and iPhone 4s with AT&T.

Being a phone junkie, I love all new shiny phones. Have owned original G1 and iPhone 2007.

In my opinion iOS 5 and Android 4.0 both steal from each other. And that's a good thing.

Ice Cream Sandwich is a major update. Like jumping from iPhone 3.0 to IOS5. It's really nice after u spend a day or two getting used to it.

As for the Galaxy nexus itself. As other posters have said, it's a nexus. Which means another nexus won't be released for another year unlike other android devices. And you are essentially guaranteed to have the latest software updates first.

There are some issues with the Verizon Nexus. Reception quality issues have been addressed by Verizon and hopefully fixed soon. Samsung hasnt been known to make a good antenna for cdma phones the hspa galaxy nexus forsnt have the same RF issue LTE is a huge battery drain. Pentile screen doesn't bother me. I had the original galaxy s and Atrix and those phones have pentile screen.

It's still a gorgeous screen. High resolution. 4.65 inch screen is not for everyone. Really only 4.3 inch usable since ice cream uses 3 on screen buttons.

New phones will be announced next month at CES. But I would never consider a non nexus Android phone again. Only go nexus of u want an Android. Or else you are at the mercy of carriers/manufacturers.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 14, 2009
New York
I own the Galaxy nexus with Verizon and iPhone 4s with AT&T.

Being a phone junkie, I love all new shiny phones. Have owned original G1 and iPhone 2007.

In my opinion iOS 5 and Android 4.0 both steal from each other. And that's a good thing.

Ice Cream Sandwich is a major update. Like jumping from iPhone 3.0 to IOS5. It's really nice after u spend a day or two getting used to it.

As for the Galaxy nexus itself. As other posters have said, it's a nexus. Which means another nexus won't be released for another year unlike other android devices. And you are essentially guaranteed to have the latest software updates first.

There are some issues with the Verizon Nexus. Reception quality issues have been addressed by Verizon and hopefully fixed soon. Samsung hasnt been known to make a good antenna for cdma phones the hspa galaxy nexus forsnt have the same RF issue LTE is a huge battery drain. Pentile screen doesn't bother me. I had the original galaxy s and Atrix and those phones have pentile screen.

It's still a gorgeous screen. High resolution. 4.65 inch screen is not for everyone. Really only 4.3 inch usable since ice cream uses 3 on screen buttons.

New phones will be announced next month at CES. But I would never consider a non nexus Android phone again. Only go nexus of u want an Android. Or else you are at the mercy of carriers/manufacturers.

The downside to the GN is the price tag. I could get one 20 minutes from me for $725. Or, I can get the GS II for $380 brand new and call it a day. The extra $350 is not worth it since the GS II is getting ICS anyway. Spec wise between the 2 are negligible. The ONLY advantage is the HD screen and even then I see no difference (My opinion) or not enough difference to warrant me spending the extra $350.

The beauty of android is you don't have to sit around waiting for updates when you can install roms (At least from what I've been reading)


macrumors 65816
Oct 18, 2011
Atlantis but in space
The GN is a great phone, but like all android phones it's a copy of a copy. Until google starts doing end to end os support I don't see my self going back. I loved my nexus s, until i bought the ip4.

Eager Beaver

macrumors 6502a
Sep 28, 2011
Chicago, IL
HONESTLY, there's just ONE reason that would feel bad by trading my iP4S for an Android phone: I spent about 100 dollars in apps such as GPS, dictionaries, law apps and other 0.99 apps.

I am glad I'm loving my iP4S (my first iPhone ever - came from a Nokia 6303) because I dont have 100 dollars to throw in the toilet.

Contradiction here as you threw 100 in the toliet with your first remark :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Jan 4, 2009
I have a sgs2 as well as my 4S so I wouldnt need to get a gnex as well. Id love to mind :p


macrumors 68040
Jun 12, 2009
San Clemente, CA USA
I tried one out at my 3 Store, but I just didn't like it. I mean, it's a great phone, but after four and a half years of iOS, Android just doesn't appeal to me.
Also the GN felt like a mammoth; I think I found it just too big. I'd kill for a 4"-4.1" screen on the iPhone, but whatever the GN's was was just *too* big.

When I first got my Galaxy SII I thought it was HUGE, then after a week or so I got used to that big, beautiful, bright, screen (I have no idea what people who complain about the "whites" are talking about) I grabbed a buddies iPhone 4S to help him with something and it felt like I was a giant holding a phone from a shrunken planet. It also looked washed out to me. Sure Android's got some quirks that bug me, but overall, I'm diggin' it.

By the way, I have a Mac Pro, MacBook Pro, iPad 2 and I'm a huge Apple fan. having said that, so far iCloud has been a train wreck. So much so that I've given up on my email for the time being because it's so flaky.


macrumors 68020
Apr 27, 2005
By the way, I have a Mac Pro, MacBook Pro, iPad 2 and I'm a huge Apple fan. having said that, so far iCloud has been a train wreck. So much so that I've given up on my email for the time being because it's so flaky.

iCloud has been fine for me. So much so that I wouldnt want to switch to the GN. Certainly looks like a great phone and I admit to a little gadget lust. But the thought of losing iCloud integration among all my devices and having to find and purchase new apps for Android ... yeah, nahhhh.


macrumors 68020
Apr 27, 2005
No, I don't got it?
Which apps did you buy that costed $100 bucks?
How about a list?

Is this that hard to believe? I've easily spent over $100 on apps in the past few years. There are some very good quality apps out there and I'm more than happy to support that level of development work with my hard earned cash.


macrumors 6502
Jun 26, 2009
Is this that hard to believe? I've easily spent over $100 on apps in the past few years. There are some very good quality apps out there and I'm more than happy to support that level of development work with my hard earned cash.

Ok, I think you didnt understand (doesnt matter the reason or who's guilty).
I'll explain again:

Imagine that I've spent 2,000 dollars in apps for my iphone 4S. Thats incredible, right? :eek::eek:
But imagine you that I've lost my iPhone! :(
So I have to buy another phone. And here is the point: I WOULD NOT buy an Android for 2 reasons:

#1. I actually love my iPhone 4S and the iOS;
#2. I couldn't spend another 2,000 dollars in the SAME apps - but now for Android system.

Got it? ;)
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