Was that due to your use case or partly anger at the price.
Must admit , my previous pro was 128GB (although I didn’t use half the storage), but it’s the price more than anything that’s pushing me towards 64GB, because anything £1000 and up is MacBook territory.. and I already have one of those..
Was that due to your use case or partly anger at the price.
I did, I can work with 64GB
Partly anger regarding the price. I wanted 256GB, but didn't want to spend that much more. It is more for convenience, I use cloud storage mostly for my files, but did like to keep some movies on there. Now I'll just have to keep a few less, which is fine.
Forgot to mention, I already pay Apple for 2TB of iCloud storage - so even more reason to resist lol
What size screen did you get?
Likewise here. I typically use < 32GB but have always gone with the mid-tier so I have room for media if I need it. I haven't decided if I'm upgrading because the cost with all the accessories is going to be quite high, but if I do I'm leaning toward 64 GB because I know I can make it work (most of my stuff is stored on my local NAS).
I went with the 11 inch. The 12.9 is still too big and the price was too high. Yea it's pricey no matter what nowadays, but I can do the 64 as I store everything on my NAS also. My iPad is my main computer and I sold my 10.5 for $600 so I don't mind the 3 and change for the upgrade.
iPad is my primary as well but I don't think I could give up the 12.9" screen (also have a Mini for when I just want to do reading). Unfortunately for me, I can't sell my old device as I sort of need to pass it down to a family member. If not for that the decision to upgrade would be so much easier.
Least expensive config is always the biggest seller.I just placed an order for the SG 11, 64GB wifi. The shipping has already slipped to Nov 16-22 for that configuration, bet it's the most popular one.
so did I... everything stored in the cloud for me!I did, I can work with 64GB