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Glenn Wolsey

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 24, 2005
New Zealand
I love Flickr and use it everyday. I have only uploaded my Apple pictures to my account and I think it will stay that way. Flickr is great!


macrumors 601
Feb 10, 2004
I just recently started using Flickr, and I am really impressed with the service. I've joined a couple groups, ScoreMe! and the B&W photography group, and have all around had some good fun!


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
I outdid the upload bandwidth my first time out with 6 photos, I think. I definitely need to use the pro account, if I decide that it's worth it.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
You all might want to have a look at, which is an established service catering to photographers, too; it has a tiered structure so that one can do certain things at the free level or a few more things on the next level or one can purchase the "pro" level and redirect visitors to your Smugmug account by using your domain name (if you've got one). I first started using Smugmug as an alternative to; while keeping my pbase account, I soon found that each service has its own advantages.

To be honest, I was a bit turned off by Flickr when I saw that it is part of Yahoo.... Not to be snobbish or anything -- LOL!


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
Clix Pix said:
To be honest, I was a bit turned off by Flickr when I saw that it is part of Yahoo.... Not to be snobbish or anything -- LOL!

It wasn't part of Yahoo! at first.

Last night, I decided to go look at my account and figure out what to do with it. It wanted me to convert to a new account and use my existing Yahoo! account and...blah blah, 5 minutes later, I have an empty account and have no idea where all of my photos are. :D

I don't think I'll be using flickr again.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
So much for Flickr.... That's too bad that Yahoo! sucked them up. In my mind, that's just asking for trouble down the road....

Do take a look at Smugmug (I have to say, I really dislike that name and wish they'd chosen something different, but I like the services they provide) and at pBase, which is what a lot of photographers use.....


macrumors 68000
Aug 20, 2003
Long Beach, California
I really love Flickr. I knew about the service before they were bought by Yahoo!, and they haven't changed much since the merger (hopefully, it'll stay that way too). I recently decided to get a two year pro account because I really wanted to start having my photos available online, and eventually integrated on my own website. One of the most impressive things about Flickr is the API: it's really fantastic.

I'm still trying to figure out how to get my front page to display in the order they were taken, as opposed to the order they were uploaded; I wish sets could contain other sets; other than that, fantastic!


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
I was wondering what people still thought of Flickr.

I uploaded a bunch of photos yesterday and found that it's good for batch changes for dates and tags but the free account limits you to 3 sets and 200 photos. It says that everything you've uploaded is there but only 200 will show, whatever that means. With sets, I've got two right now: 2005 and 2006, but even then, I can see that it's inadequate because I have photos from many years and 2007 is coming fairly soon.

So, has anyone who loved Flickr dumped it?


Oct 17, 2005
Flickr has been with yahoo for a while now and since the aquisition the improvements have been MANY!

I wouldnt not use a product because of who owns it,i use flickr extensivley and recently went to pro account. Cant fault it brilliant service!:)


macrumors 6502a
Jun 30, 2005
You know that I use Flickr daily, Glenn. :) I love it. It's a great way to network with Mac users, plus get a glimce at some neat looking setups.

Only trouble is that my contacts don't upload enough Apple related photos. ;)


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
I'm waiting to get an invitation to Google's Picasa Web Albums. They've not replied yet.

They don't have a limit on the number of photos--just 250 GB in their free account. Of course, Google knows their competition, but whether it will be better or not, I can't even speculate. It looks about the same, including the uploader utility.


macrumors regular
Mar 12, 2005
I use everyday and like it very much. I use and like SmugMug also, more professional and less community oriented.


macrumors member
Mar 11, 2005
Vancouver, Canada
bousozoku said:
I outdid the upload bandwidth my first time out with 6 photos, I think. I definitely need to use the pro account, if I decide that it's worth it.

The one thing I did before becoming pro is resize down my photos. Seeing as how they are generally viewed at smaller, internet sizes, there's no point in uploading the full-sized 5mp+ photo, unless you plan on sharing it with others for specific print quality use. With Flickr Uploadr (the app) you can easily set the preferences to automagically resize the longest side to 800 pixels, perfect for 'net viewing. By doing this, you can upload about 200 photos before maxing out on the free bandwidth.

bousozoku said:
It wasn't part of Yahoo! at first.

Last night, I decided to go look at my account and figure out what to do with it. It wanted me to convert to a new account and use my existing Yahoo! account and...blah blah, 5 minutes later, I have an empty account and have no idea where all of my photos are. :D

I don't think I'll be using flickr again.

Funny I hadn't heard of that happening before. Of course, it's somewhat to be expected; hiccups during transistions. But thankfully the Yahoo! acquisition is long completed, and now new Flickr accounts simply require a Yahoo! account to work.

Also, IMO, the Yahoo! acq is turning out very nicely. They are beginning to merge Flickr with some of the company's other great services, as seen during the most recent Flickr update which added geotagging (Yahoo! Maps), and event tagging (, Yahoo! Local). I suspect we will continue to see great strides in these area.

Oh yes, and as rendezvousscp said, the Flickr API is another excellent example of what makes the photo site so great.

bousozoku said:
I uploaded a bunch of photos yesterday and found that it's good for batch changes for dates and tags but the free account limits you to 3 sets and 200 photos. It says that everything you've uploaded is there but only 200 will show, whatever that means. With sets, I've got two right now: 2005 and 2006, but even then, I can see that it's inadequate because I have photos from many years and 2007 is coming fairly soon.

When I was still using the free account, I thought that once more than 200 were there, that they disappeared. I had no idea they are still are Flickr's servers and are saved, they not viewable. One easy demonstration of this, which I've discovered, is go into the Organizr, and delete a few pics. Now, go to the end, and you'll see what appears to be old pictures coming back to your account. Keep deleting, and the process continues. Very smart and interesting feature. So, if you do go pro, they are all there, still waiting for you.

bousozoku said:
They don't have a limit on the number of photos--just 250 GB in their free account. Of course, Google knows their competition, but whether it will be better or not, I can't even speculate. It looks about the same, including the uploader utility.

Well, I'm pretty sure that limit is not 250 GB, but 250 MB... which kinda sucks. Because whereas Flickr is nearly unlimited, only by monthly bandwidth, once you hit 250 on Google, you've got to start deleting, on get a pro account. Picasa Web Albums really just reminds me of Google's version of Photobucket; it really has nothing on Flickr. Picasa doesn't have the features or the community that make Flickr great.

Okay, I may seem very biased towards Flickr, but it really is one of the best websites out there today IMO. While most of you have probably seen YouTube at one time or another, Flickr is just far and beyond a way better example of the social web/web 2.0 (except it's for photos).


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
yoda_four said:
The one thing I did before becoming pro is resize down my photos. Seeing as how they are generally viewed at smaller, internet sizes, there's no point in uploading the full-sized 5mp+ photo, unless you plan on sharing it with others for specific print quality use. With Flickr Uploadr (the app) you can easily set the preferences to automagically resize the longest side to 800 pixels, perfect for 'net viewing. By doing this, you can upload about 200 photos before maxing out on the free bandwidth.
When I was still using the free account, I thought that once more than 200 were there, that they disappeared. I had no idea they are still are Flickr's servers and are saved, they not viewable. One easy demonstration of this, which I've discovered, is go into the Organizr, and delete a few pics. Now, go to the end, and you'll see what appears to be old pictures coming back to your account. Keep deleting, and the process continues. Very smart and interesting feature. So, if you do go pro, they are all there, still waiting for you.

Well, I'm pretty sure that limit is not 250 GB, but 250 MB... which kinda sucks. Because whereas Flickr is nearly unlimited, only by monthly bandwidth, once you hit 250 on Google, you've got to start deleting, on get a pro account. Picasa Web Albums really just reminds me of Google's version of Photobucket; it really has nothing on Flickr. Picasa doesn't have the features or the community that make Flickr great.

Okay, I may seem very biased towards Flickr, but it really is one of the best websites out there today IMO. While most of you have probably seen YouTube at one time or another, Flickr is just far and beyond a way better example of the social web/web 2.0 (except it's for photos).

Well, since I've already created web pages for my own server space, I just uploaded re-sized photos from there.

Yes, you were right about the space. I've included some information about Picasa web albums in the screenshot.

I think, in the end, it'll just be about my exploration for a better tool to help me create an integrated site with my photos but having quick tools does help a lot. At this point, I'm somewhat duplicating work.


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macrumors 6502
Apr 9, 2006
turn around
I love what Flickr has to offer, and they resently gave me three free months of a pro account and I think I'll start paying for it after that.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 11, 2004
Essex, U.K.
Nope never used it, never even heard of it, flick what?
this will seem like a stupid post if i ever change my signature now


macrumors regular
I use Flickr quite a bit and have found it to be user friendly, for the most part. Depending on what you want to do with your photos, you need to exercize some amount of prudence -- choose your contacts wisely (I have made some marvelous friends from around the world), and choose your groups more carefully (don't take criticism of your shots too seriously and know that "scoring" is rediculously subjective). I now avoid all "mandatory" scoring groups. The exposure on Flickr has gained me a small-time magazine cover and an album (CD) cover, some valuable criticism and learning. In my (way) over 30 way of thinking, the big risk of Flickr is the potential to get involved in a My Space, adolescent (not a generalization about myspace) environment. Just avoid the junk and the juveniles of all ages.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 10, 2006
Western Australia
are there any benefits to using flickr over my own privately setup photo gallery? (say, using coppermine) ?

I mean, any really special features?

I hate sites with advertising, poor image resolutions, bad interfaces, or sign-ins... the family hates having to sign into sites to see family photo's too. I'm currently in the process of setting up a gallery for my family's use (around the world) using coppermine... :)


macrumors 6502
May 23, 2006
Cold Copenhagen
Nope never used it, never even heard of it, flick what?
this will seem like a stupid post if i ever change my signature now

I saw you have a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960G in one of your pictures. Is it any good. Would you recommend it. I'm afraid that I do not know much about VOIP but i'm interested in finding out how to lower my telephone bills :D


macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
In my (way) over 30 way of thinking, the big risk of Flickr is the potential to get involved in a My Space, adolescent (not a generalization about myspace) environment. Just avoid the junk and the juveniles of all ages.

Although you are right (and it is very sad that you are) about a rather large amount of adolescents being MySpace fiends, please remember that not all people under 18 have been brainwashed by pop culture and some are actually quite intellectual and partake in many activities other than sitting around and being an idiot. Still, I'll admit that 90% of America's youth gives the rest a bad name.

I hope I'm in the 10%.
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