Actual Instructions for GTX 6xx 2GB AND 4GB cards
1) Download dylib from (ML 10.8+)
2) Navigate to /System/Library/Extensions and find the file "GeForceGLDriver.bundle"
3) Right-click and "Get Info" on newly downloaded dylib file and unlock it and change to read/write for "everyone" and any other groups in there.
4) Right click on this file and select "Show Package Contents"
5) Select "Contents" then "Mac OS" and you will find the original "libclh.dylib" file. Rename this "libclhBAK.dylib"
5) Copy the new "libclh.dylib" file you just downloaded, enter your password
=<2GB Cards skip to step 10
>2GB Cards ONLY do steps 6-9
6) Navigate to /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Versions/A/OpenCL and make a copy of OpenCL file and rename to OpenCL.bak. DO NOT DELETE OpenCL file.
7) Make another copy of OpenCL onto your desktop and open it with a Hex Editor like Hexedit -
8) Make these changes using cmd+f to find and replace these strings
find 3d 01 00 00 80 73 e7
replace with 3d 01 00 00 80 90 90
find ff 50 68 4c 39 e0 73 e7
replace with ff 50 68 4c 39 e0 90 90
9) Save the file and copy it into the real /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Versions/A/OpenCL and replace file. Enter your password.
10) Open disk utility and select your OS X hard drive partition and click repair permissions.
11) Restart
12)go to after effects and premiere apps->show package contents->contents-> add your card name (must be exact) into supported cards text files (multiple files in each app).
isn't that better? these instructions were spread out across **,2774.msg13516.html#msg13516
**along with a red herring where he says "P.S. doesnt applies to gtx670/gtx680, they have a different problem" when it DID apply...
That's 2 incomplete blog posts without links to each other and a page 3 of a random thread... And netkas himself came on this forum to insult a guy on here before me, for asking questions, saying "people need to learn how to read"
Well read THIS everybody!