Michael7k said:
Thank you for your insight and thoughts on the thread. Am I correct to assume you could utilize the Mac Book Pro for all work and a cheap PC for testing or use the dual boot with Windows on the MBP. Is the later option stable enough to be a viable option in law school?
If your pc were used only for testing wouldnt an inexpensive pc be sufficient? For those that utilize this scenario do you feel having your Mac for notes, Internet research, (spy ware, virus) and typing papers rather that using a pc full time has been beneficial to you?
Again, thank you for your feedback as it will make the decision much easier.
Michael Koenning
I'm going to chime in here, just noticed this thread. I'm a 2L right now and have been using my Powerbook as my "workhorse" computer, with a used IBM Thinkpad as my exam-taking computer. (My school uses Examsoft in secure mode.)
Using a Mac for everyday work is very good
The spyware issue is spot-on. Many of my classmates have serious problems with spyware taking over their computers -- but none of my Mac-using classmates do.
Also, law students put a lot of stress on their computers -- carrying them around constantly, putting them to sleep and waking them up between every class, switching between different network environments... Macs handle all this flawlessly. PCs tend to have weird issues with it and often need to be rebooted before all the networking and power management works properly again.
It's totally been worth it to me to have a Mac as my everyday computer.
Parallels, Virtual PC, etc. are a bad idea for exam-taking
It is a violation of the honor code to use any sort of virtual computing software, because it defeats the purpose of the "secure" exam-taking environment (Examsoft locks you out of all the other programs on your PC while you're taking the exam).
It's too early to rely on dual-booting a MBP into Examsoft as your only solution
Three reasons:
(1) Boot Camp is still in beta, so it's not even officially supported by Apple. Not a good thing if you're relying on this feature for exams, given that they're 100% of your grade in law school!
(2) I talked to my campus tech services about Boot Camp and Examsoft. They are aware of Boot Camp and guardedly optimistic about it, but will not allow it until Examsoft officially supports the use of Examsoft on dual-booted Macs (which, given Examsoft's Windows-fanboi-style hostility to Macs, may be never).
(3) As has been mentioned above, ignorant proctors may mistake Macs running Boot Camp for Virtual PC and force you to write your exam by hand rather than let you use Boot Camp.