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This worked for me until google made a new upgrade and I can't connect to this server anymore. Please let me know if any of you found a new solution to this. I am suffering having to download all the files locally to work on pro tools
I don't normally Keep it on my desktop. I added an icon to me finder Toolbar - awesome. But you could try going to applications, create alias and move the alias to desktop - works great

[FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]ivanrodriguezl[/SIZE][/FONT], did you find a solution? I'm in the same situation as you with Pro Tools. For a long time I was staying with OSX Mojave on my Pro Tools machine purely because it works flawlessly with Google Drive. Later OS's don't.

With Mojave the Google Drive icon is on the desktop and Pro Tools see's it as a regular hard drive and you are able to set it to be a record drive and record right to it (or rather, it records to your local Google Drive folder on your internal hard drive and then immediately uploads to the cloud).

Starting with OSX Big Sur that went away, you lost having the drive icon on your desktop and even though you can create an alias to it it is not the same thing and Pro Tools does not recognize it as a record drive.

I had to eventually upgrade my Pro Tools machine to Monterey as too many things were out of date with plugins etc. I had hoped the smb://localhost:1500 fix would work in Monterey but it doesn't, I just get the:


My guess is this is a Mac OS security thing, everything changed when we went from Catalina to Big Sur. I don't "think" it's actually a thing that Google changed necessarily, I think it is forced by the newer OS's.

If anyone out there is also a Pro Tools user and knows of a workaround please post!
Same problem here... If someone have a solution...
No solution cause it works fine. A previous version of google drive got badly confused and tried to upload files it wasn’t supposed to. Fix is easily googled involved deleting google system folders and re-installing. Latest version works fine

Don’t know why anyone would put apps on desktop, but so be it. I go to applications folder, launchpad, I even have a google drive icon I dragged to finder toolbar (that is the best). Everything working great

I would suggest deleting google drive and reinstalling cause of that crappy release. Who knows if some bad files are still lurking
No solution cause it works fine.
It may be a good idea to stop telling everyone that "it works fine", because it obviously doesn't. I'm doing small-scale system administration (a dozen Macs), and the Google Drive icon will never appear on any of the brand new Macs I'm installing Google Drive on (1st thing after installing 1Password). It - just - doesn't - work. You do understand what the "Desktop" is, right? Because you seem to be confusing Dock, Sidebar and Desktop in this thread.

For now, I just command-option drag an alias from the sidebar to the desktop to make my users quickly access Google Drive through the desktop, but it's not the nice Google Drive icon, and it has the alias-arrow. Yeah, I can change the icon, but come on, this is something that used to work pre-Monterey.
It was pretty easy to solve this problem. I went to "Start apps" in "Task Manager" and looked for the Google Drive executor. Then I clicked with the right button of my mouse and selected "Open local file," then I simply executed the program "GoogleDriveFS.exe", and it ran again.

My PC's path: "C:\Program Files\Google\Drive File Stream\\GoogleDriveFS.exe".

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