I also find that sometimes when replying to an email or even trying to initiate one, no keyboard appears. So a restart is necessary. Major pain in the ass. But otherwise I like the whole fluidity of it.
1 - no there isn't, a bit annoying but not sure where they'd put it.
2 - yes
Edited: added attachments
They could put the microphone where they put in on the swiftkeyboard I'm using on a LG G2 now, as a part of the comma key. Hold the comma key down for a moment and it switches to microphone. Basically just copy the swiftkeyboard I have now and they're golden. Everything right there.
What's the keyboard you're showing in the second pic there?
Default apple..
Actually as I look more closely I see the second one says swiftkey. That an Apple version of swiftkey?? The one I have on my android has so much more and I don't have to actually switch screens for anything basic like commas, questions marks, exlamation points, a microphone, etc.
Can't see which order they're in on my iPhone but one image is SwiftKey (where the keyboard is really white, with a turquoise coloured font/icons.)
And the one with the mic is apples stock
You can hold down '.' to reveal "!@#," on swift key
Only thing SwiftKey lacks is holding down a key for alternative and no mic.
New update today- version 1.0.3.
So far no scrolling issues in the Messages app.
Still does not work with Quick Reply, but I also have the stock English keyboard enabled and it reverts to that when Quick Reply (SMS) is in use.
SwiftKey on iOS is nothing like the Android version. That version was reliable and customizable. It worked in every app, you could make all kinds of granular adjustments like putting a number pad on the left or right side or on the top row.
SwiftKey on my iPhone 6 is terrible. Typing on it is worse than the stock keyboard. Swiping ("SwiftKey Flow") is OK but not nearly as good as it was on Android. Worst of all, a lot of the time the keyboard won't come up at all and I have to force quit the app (Messages for example) and relaunch for it to work.
Sometimes I'll pull down for a spotlight search and the keyboard will come up, but as soon as you try to press a letter, it disappears and cancels out the spotlight search. It won't even let you switch the keyboard when it does that, so you have to go into another app (like Messages), switch the keyboard there, leave the app, THEN try your spotlight search again.
I don't know if this is SwiftKey's fault for rushing out their app, or Apple's poor 3rd-party keyboard support, but I'm seriously considering switching back to the stock keyboard. The only thing keeping me from switching immediately is the fact that swiping/flow is easier for one-handed use than typing.
If Apple were to implement swiping on the stock keyboard I'd switch in a heartbeat.