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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 28, 2008
anyone using their iPhones 3g with rebel sim unlocked?? I just started using mine.. The thing is my iTunes does not recognize my iPhone with the rebel sim. Any solutions??
Thank you for the simple and VERY helpful reply. Worked like a charm.

So you using the rebel SIM?
the method is the same I am guessing. Even though the name is different. So after unlockng it, can I jailbreak my iPhone using winpwn? Will my rebel sim still keep my phone unlocked after jailbreaking?
i take my yessin out when im updating or use quickpwn i used it on 2.0.2 and now on 2.1 and noticed that i have no errors anymore on 2.1
Are you guys having problems where you periodically lose signal and have to take out the sim, insert another sim, etc. I have been hearing that these sim methods are unreliable and would be interested in your experiences.
i don`t have that only thing what i got is when i taken iphone out of airplane modus it gives a sim failure but than a reboot solves it
I didn't find any problems.. N not only me but also the people whom I knw have been the rebel sim for quite some time without any isues.. The only problem though I wouldn't call it that us as the above poster said about the airplane mode.. A simple reboot fixes it though..
I dont know what you'vebeen smoking but the title clearly says " 3G unlock SIM for iPhone 3G 2.0&2.0.1(NON CUTING) UK" not ipod 3G
I dont know what you'vebeen smoking but the title clearly says " 3G unlock SIM for iPhone 3G 2.0&2.0.1(NON CUTING) UK" not ipod 3G

O RLY?:rolleyes:

Dude, READ before saying i'm wrong. I wouldn't have said that if it wasn't true.
Also, it shows a 2nd Gen. iPhone!


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Rebel SiM

i am using Rebel sim card , from past 2 months with my iPhone 3G , it worked fine for me , i can even use it on my N95 , it works as it is for me, i shift sims , both works fine for me , try it , its kewl :cool: . . . .
I am having some problems with removing my rebelsim fron my iPhone 3G. Any easy method to do this? I am afraid I might break my sim tray.
Try their support chat

Anirudh,The easiest method to resolve your any problem regarding ReBeL sim card is to contact their after sales support , i have buyed sim and i have taken after sales support 3 times , these guys are helpful . just go to their site and click on live support on the left of the page. and for cRuNcHiE try this ReBeL sim it works fine for me in my iPhone 3G.
Sucess with unlocking iPhone with Rebel sim card

I have used Rebel sim card to unlock my iPhone to Tmobile , Their new version worked fine for me , i can even use 3G on my mobile :D , Thanks Rebel for making such a good product , Here is pic of my husband using 3G
I have used Rebel sim card to unlock my iPhone to Tmobile , Their new version worked fine for me , i can even use 3G on my mobile :D , Thanks Rebel for making such a good product , Here is pic of my husband using 3G

How are you using tmobile 3G if they are using a different frequency then ATT..... I thought that was impossible... do you live in the states if you dont mind me asking.
how long have you guys used the rebelsim/yessim on your iphone?
I have used the i-smartphone, it finally gave up after 1.5 weeks.

Diseal my iPhone was locked to Orange UK thanks to Rebel sim card now i can use both networks i.e my original network Orange by putting original sim and Other network i mean t mobile by putting its card with Rebel sim card , and reply to sezratd, i am using Rebel sim from 2 months now , have also tried other sims available in network but they all looses network , the only thing worked for me is Rebel sim card.
I got the rebelsim card about a month ago. Works perfectly. Just got a sim, added a data package to it. Now I can use 3G, surf the web, use the GPS. Everything works perfectly. When syncing in itunes you have to set the phone to airplane mode, but thats about as inconvenient as it gets. I got it from the rebelsim website. Screw you 18 month contract.
do you guys use tape while putting your rebel sim in the iphone as shown on their web site??? Coz i didnt the first time and I had such trouble removing the SIM that I had to open up the display and push the SIM from inside as the chip on the rebel sim got stuck. Now I am afraid to use it again.
Tape is for safety

The rebel sim card site says clearly that you have to use tape , its for the safety of your iPhone , the other people selling same type of product never tells you that , so your sim gets struck and it can even costs you to buy new simtray , so please use tape with Rebel sim card.
rebel sim

Using the rebel sim on Vodafone with no problems. Only thing was my sim card tray eject broke but thankfully used the tape methof so can still remove.
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