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Rebel SIm Card Issues

I am a suer of Rebel SIm card. It does not work all the time.
The card has problems where it just stops working and dispalys NO SIM.

Support people do not have any answer to this problem.

Not very happy with their support.
anirudh, you can use any tape which is strong to hold and strong enough that it can be pull out , and the answer to 3G fan which version of Rebel sim card are you using ?
I have been suffering with the Rebel sim card since December. I live in Spain, use Vodafone on my iphone 3g. 3g is unstable, 2g when it works is ok. However I lose the signal too many times. Regardless of what they say, to recover the signal, I have to go through the ritual of putting the sim card in another phone.

Since I never know when it is going to happen, I always have two phones with me.

The technical service responses, at best, are mediocure.

Am I the only person in Spain having these problems?
Tape method???

Can someone elaborate on this tape method? I bought a sim unlocker card on ebay (not rebelsim brand), and it didn't say anything about using tape. I got it for an upcoming international trip and haven't used it yet. How do I do the tape method? I dont want to break the sim card tray!
If you guys just Pwn your phones and install Yellowsn0w you will not even need those. Just an idea.

I tried that, but messed up and accidentally installed a nonJB version of the 2.2.1 firmware, and thus now have the wrong baseband. oops.
rebel sim

Used rebel sim on Vodafone and on orange with the only problem a damaged eject button. Recently jailbroke and used yellowsnow as believe there are issues with roaming and having to remove sim and reprogramme each time.
Yellowsnow works perfectly with roaming.
Rebel sim (3g SIM)

I am using 3g sim (rebel sim ) It works for some time but after that is just looses its signal and then eventually NO SERVICE , I rebooted the phone after taking it into airplane mode but neither of them worked. I am just so irritated by this.
And then if i put in a sim of some other service provider it works but then again fails after 5/6 hours. Is this a known problem ir what ? I am just so frustrated...... Please let me know if any1 else is also facing this kind of problem ...
As I have said before. I am having the same problem. What is evident is that the Rebel people have not solved the problem of cracking any firmware version of the 3gphone. I have drop outs all the time, I can not use 3g because it is really unstable, 2g barely survives. If I go into a tunnel, or pass by an airport I lose the signal and then NO SERVICE appears.

I also tried the Turbo SIM. Same results.

A question to you guys that have applied the software hack. Does this happen to you guys also.?

One more thing, if and when I am on 3g mode I can receive no in comming calls. I could understand this if I were surfing the web, but O am not. This does not happen when I use my ATT card.
Two more questions.

What is this "carrier update" apple is downloading now and is there a way to go back from modem firmware 02.30.03 to a version which can be unlocked by software?

Thanks to all of you.
I have been suffering with the Rebel sim card since December. I live in Spain, use Vodafone on my iphone 3g. 3g is unstable, 2g when it works is ok. However I lose the signal too many times. Regardless of what they say, to recover the signal, I have to go through the ritual of putting the sim card in another phone.

Since I never know when it is going to happen, I always have two phones with me.

The technical service responses, at best, are mediocure.

Am I the only person in Spain having these problems?

Sitges46, I have the exact same problem with Vodafone in CZ. If you figure out a solution, please let me know. I, too, also carry around 2 phones to swap the SIMs because once I lose a connection, it's basically gone unless I put the SIM card in another phone. It's such a pain in the ass.

To answer your other question, there's no way to downgrade the modem firmware.
I gave up on Rebel. It just does not work. I was hoping that they would fix it and they have done nothing.

I am now using this sim card It works fine on Edge although I have never got it to work on 3g. The good part is that if I do get a drop out, the sim recovers. Sometimes you may have to put the APN info in again, but it is better than doing the whole drill with the other phone. NOTE: If you do try 3G data and then the card does not work, just do the drill with the second phone and you are good to go.
Mr Unlocking unlock card

Mr Unlocking unlock card works good on iPhone 3G 2.2.1 version both 02.28.00and 02.30.03 baseband. I use one for my iPhone 3G 2.2.1 version 02.30.03 baseband. It looks good. you can buy it there.
Thank you for the information. I went to their site and could not find the store.

One question, does your iphone receive calls when you have 3g data on? On the card I have, if I select 3g, no one can call me even when I am not surfing the web. This did not happen with my ATT card.
Sim Keys on T-Mobile

I am using 3g sim (rebel sim ) It works for some time but after that is just looses its signal and then eventually NO SERVICE , I rebooted the phone after taking it into airplane mode but neither of them worked. I am just so irritated by this.
And then if i put in a sim of some other service provider it works but then again fails after 5/6 hours. Is this a known problem ir what ? I am just so frustrated...... Please let me know if any1 else is also facing this kind of problem ...

You have to put the sim in annother phone search for networks and connect to a network ur not subscribed then back to ur subscribed network then make a call on the phone. Then u can put the sim back in the iphone. It only last for about a week for me on T-Mobile and u have to do it again....

I have been using Rebel Sim for about 4 months on T-Mobile network in NC. The only thing that really sucks is that I have to take the sim back out of the phone every week to 2 weeks and put just the sim in a cheap flip phone search and connect to a network that ur not subscribed to and then back to T-Mobile to reset the SIM KEYS. I have tried turning the phone off and on also air plane mode off and on numerous times. Any one else have this problem on T-Mobile???
If the deve team doesn't release a hack for the 2.30.03 soon like 3 months I don't want to at all but have to sell it and get an earlier gen. I feel like Im going to break internal board by removing the sim tray every other
I had to did that almost everyday with the Rebel sim. Consider yourself lucky. Their latest firmware update was Feb. 16 and it has fixed nothing. The Rebel idea of being able to update firmware is a good one. But just one minor detail, the firmware does not work. The card I am using now works at least with Edge and no unrecovered signal drops.
The Rebel Sim sucks.

The1TexasRanger, I had to do that every week too. It would drop the coverage and I'd be screwed if I didn't have another phone with me. I would have to do the same thing of putting the SIM in a cheap phone to pick up the network and put it back in the Iphone. The Rebel SIM is a piece of ****.

Sitges46, how long have you had the sim card ? So you never have to swap the SIM like you had to do with the Rebel?

The Gevey card works great ON EDGE NOT 3G DATA. If I lose the signal, it recovers, however, sometimes I have to reinput the APN. If I switch to 3g THEN I have to do the whole number with the sim again. Compared to the Rebel card, it is much better. I am now going to try the Mrunlock card.

I will let you know.
I've been using the rebel sim for the past week and it has been nothing but a pain the the a@@.

I simply can't rely on it to work when needed.

Granted I may have been sold a bad card but from what I am hearing on various forums my problems are very similar to others out there.

I'm looking to try other turbo sims until a software unlock of the latest baseband comes round.

Anyone recommend another sim?
If you can waite about a week or so, I will tell you if Mrunlock sim works in Spain with Vodafone as advertised.
Using the rebel sim on Vodafone with no problems. Only thing was my sim card tray eject broke but thankfully used the tape methof so can still remove.

If you can waite about a week or so, I will tell you if Mrunlock sim works in Spain with Vodafone as advertised.

That would be Great!

Dang!! I dont feel so bad now lol... I guess my rebel sim has worked well compared to others... Does anybody know about a sim hack like rebel that you dont have to go through all this resetting sim keys by putting the sim in annother phone???
Reset Sim Keys with iPhone!

Hey all using rebel sim! I found a method for resetting the sim keys without taking the sim card out of the i Phone! I hope this will work for other people as well. Don't need the extra phone lol...

Once the phone says no service Turn the phone off and back on. Toggle the airplane mode off on 2 or 3 times.
Then turn phone back off then back on.
Then toggle airplane mode off/on a couple of times till the i Phone says invalid sim/sim failure. Then Finally turn i Phone off then back on let it search and you should be ready to go.

You have to get to the point where the phone says sim failure or it wont reset the keys. This has method has worked for me 4 times for a little over a month! Haven't had to remove the sim at all! Hope this helps! Let me know if it works for you!
Any body using rebel sim?

I have pondered the solution for a good while now of how to use my I phone 3G.
Firmware version 02.03.30 and finally took the plunge with rebel sim, blimey it worked but not for data. then after 2 days of usage the signal disappeared and no service was displayed.
No matter what I did rebooting or air plane mode off and on the thing remained unusable, so I put the second Rebel sim in and that lasted 2 days also.
Are they knackered? Or do I need to re programme the flimsy thing with the USB thing which I recieved?
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