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macrumors 6502a
Nov 21, 2005
Raleigh, NC
i started a poll in the mac forum over on dpreview and the AP vs. LR usage is VERY different from Adobes 'survey results'.

Maybe that's why? Lightroom is cross platform, so of course you're going to get skewed results when you ignore all the windows users.

Personally, I've been using LR since beta 1 and will probably stick with it. I tried out aperture way back when it first came out and again when 2.0 was introduced. As much as I dislike adobe and their monopoly and would love to use aperture, it just doesn't fit the way my mind works. That's not to say it's bad, it's just not for me.

The fact that Lightroom is cross platform is a big bonus to me. Who knows if I'll be forced to go back to PC for work, or what will happen in the next few years. I'd rather not have to learn a new program and deal with reimporting my database if for some reason I'm forced to switch to windows.


macrumors 68020
Nov 14, 2003
Washington, DC
That definitely should mean a new version or update of Aperture soon. At least I hope so. I've been thinking that I backed the wrong horse.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
The thing that worries me about A3 is that I have this sneaky feeling they'll drop SL support in A2 eventually. So after a few SL updates A2 won't work. I dunno why I think that, but I do.


macrumors 68030
May 29, 2007
That definitely should mean a new version or update of Aperture soon. At least I hope so. I've been thinking that I backed the wrong horse.
The ALR beta is good through April of next year, so I don't think this is any indication Aperture 3 is close. I've heard to expect a new Aperture around 1st quarter 2010. Not from what I consider a reliable source, but it seems reasonable enough.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 6, 2009
No way. It'll be $99, just like from 1 -> 2. ALR 2 -> 3 will probably be about the same price.

Balls. I was going to get it end of next month, but with the possibility of AP3 on the way, I think I will hold off from any program at the moment :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502
Feb 9, 2007
Maui, Hawaii
Balls. I was going to get it end of next month, but with the possibility of AP3 on the way, I think I will hold off from any program at the moment :rolleyes:

I would not wait. You can buy Aperture 2 at a discount at Amazon and others. There is no telling when A3 will be released. In the mean time, you can get plenty of use out of A2 and just pay the upgrade price for A3 when it is finally released. You will only be out about $50. after the dust settles. Just a thought.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 7, 2006
With Lightroom gaining more and more popularity, my fear is that Apple might discontinue Aperture eventually if they can't keep up. I'm not a big fan of Lightroom but I have to admit that Adobe is really working hard on it.

As much as I hate adobe (authentication issues,multi core awareness etc) the LR support and updates has been damn good throughout its history.
And not to mention since the LR came out it was heads up and above aperture,imho.
Did tests with both before ending up with LR.

Also based on this blog with the survey (probably paid by adobe)
LR vs. Aperture It doesn't bode well for Aperture.

I dont have exact figures either,but I can tell a overview from this country.
Lightroom is by far the most used prog by pro´s, the adobe bridge coming second (!!!,because many large publishing houses are not giving options to use external editors...) and nikon/canon/hasselblad coming third.
None,I mean,none of the about hundred photogs I know,use Aperture.
They really messed up with the Aperture 1.0+ in the beginning,and photogs having the memories of elephants,none have gone back. And probably wont.

i started a poll in the mac forum over on dpreview and the AP vs. LR usage is VERY different from Adobes 'survey results'.

Adobe says AP 12.5% LR 44.4% - (survey size 1045)

dpreview - approx - AP 59 LR 31 - (90)

Obviously its a much smalller survey but their are lots of famous pros using Aperture, version 3 is long overdue but I think AP has a massive potential advantage as it can take AP in places LR can never go.

Go where?
LR has extremely good tools,quality,UI,reliability,quick new camera updates,multicore awareness,workflow etc..
What more can aperture offer,if it cant even do those previously mentioned properly. Again,imho.


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
LR3 beta announced today. I still don't like the interface, but the export options (for web and for social media) are far better than Ap.


macrumors 65816
Mar 10, 2008
"but the export options (for web and for social media) are far better than Ap."

Crazy isn't it? The post system that'll win the war will be the one that's better at posting to all of the social sites, one click, ala iPhoto. Crazy world.

Obviously both Adobe and Apple have other tricks up their sleeves for editing improvement....but I tend to agree that the easier GUI to use and post to Facebook, Twitter, Linkdin, etc. Will be crowned the victor.

My how things have changed;)

Btw, My Mac Pro is so confused....I have PS, Bridge, Aperture, and well as iPhoto and a half dozen "hack" programs I've found over the last 2 years:) I'm not loyal to any of them....other than Adobe for all of it's flexibility within the suite....not necessarily LR or PS. Also, for plug in availability and 3rd party add-ons...Adobe wins hands down.

I have actually been using DPP quite a bit more lately, as I patiently await RAW updates for the 7d to all of the programs....and I'm actually kind of impressed. I'd never really given it any time as I've always purchased the cameras well into their cycle (5d2 almost 8 months after release) and the software empires have been updated at that point. This is my first cutting edge purchase, if you I'm relegated to RAW work inside of DPP, and it's not too bad....especially for free!;)


macrumors 6502
Feb 9, 2007
Maui, Hawaii

Your right, it is interesting. I hope it is out before the publisher date (May 2010) I really like Aperture and I'm eager to see what comes with the new addition. I now use PS as a plugin to Aperture for the few things I need to do that Aperture currenty does not offer. I hope the new version gives me enough that I can give up PS. It will be no big deal if not, I will just continue with PS as a plugin.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 12, 2007
That definitely should mean a new version or update of Aperture soon. At least I hope so. I've been thinking that I backed the wrong horse.

I've been thinking that as well. I have an unopened LR2 box that a family member who works for Adobe got for me. At the time, I was so pro-Aperture I didn't even bother trying LR. Now, I've been thinking about opening that box. Aperture is fantastic for my needs but Apple can always release some fixes for it, some optimizations, etc. But mum is the word.


macrumors newbie
Oct 22, 2009
Yep... i reckon we'll see it soon. I love aperture and if the whole world moves to LR i dont really care I'll use aperture and PS for my work. I've not had a complaint from a customer yet so looks like its all working for me. I try to fix my problems in the camera rather then depending on software too much afterwards so Aperture is great for the tweaking...
Even if it comes out next year i'll be looking forward to it..!!

That amazon post is very interesting... I reckon with LR3 beta there'll be a move on from Apple... But isn't the competition great it means no matter what we'll use the software companies will always try to be better and improve thanks to good old competition...
thank you nicely adobe and apple... :)


macrumors 65816
Jun 9, 2009
Did Aperture have a public beta ever? This is one thing that Adobe seems to have a leg up on Apple. They did a pretty extensive LR2 public beta as well and got a lot of good feedback from photographers using the program. With Apple Aperture you have to do it all Apple's way and go with what Apple thinks is best. This may not always be a good thing.

What I don't see mentioned in LR3 is a lot of good enhancements on the editing side. For example I'd like more intuitive dodge/burn tools in LR2 as an enhancement to the local adjustments tools. Or to have more control over the tone curve. In general I think I would like to see more powerful local editing capability, perhaps all the way to the extreme of being able to make any LR edit within the confines of a local adjustment mask (this includes things like tone curves, WB, noise reduction, etc.)

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