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celebrian23 said:
Downloaded LR last night- I reeally like it! Precisely what I was looking for!

Woohoo, another convert! :D

The major question now is what Adobe will charge when it comes out....and if they'll let us carry our existing files in directly or have to start over :(
Have you seen "NX"?

efoto said:
Oh, for reference iPhoto did seem to bog down once the given library went over 1k jpg's too, at least I found that.

The 2006 version of iPhoto fixed this problem. They changed the structure of the library and sone other things and now it runs as fast with 4K images as with 100 images. even on my 1.25Ghz G4 Mini. They claim iPhoto will handle 250K images but I may never know.

If you shoot nikon take a look at "NX". this will be comming out soon and will compete head on with lightroom and the others.
efoto said:
Woohoo, another convert! :D

The major question now is what Adobe will charge when it comes out....and if they'll let us carry our existing files in directly or have to start over :(

If it comes out.

This is what primarily worried/worries me about Lightroom - I haven't seen a strong development pipeline for it yet.
ChrisA said:
The 2006 version of iPhoto fixed this problem. They changed the structure of the library and sone other things and now it runs as fast with 4K images as with 100 images. even on my 1.25Ghz G4 Mini. They claim iPhoto will handle 250K images but I may never know.

Okay, but I used a slow version for long enough that they lost my interest in waiting for a rebuilt one. I've tried other things and my workflow is adopted to those now and I really don't feel like trying iPhoto anymore....why :confused:

If you shoot nikon take a look at "NX". this will be comming out soon and will compete head on with lightroom and the others.

I don't shoot Nikon anymore, but I've heard about this.
iGary said:
If it comes out.

This is what primarily worried/worries me about Lightroom - I haven't seen a strong development pipeline for it yet.

True, that is always a concern. I've heard from some pretty solid sources that they are definitely working on it and eager to continue development. I just received an email survey about it....haven't taken it yet (because I have to get into work!) but at least it's a step towards getting more feedback (versus a forum), hopefully they'll but it to work and we can see a Charlie version (haha, do they do those? :p) with some changes.
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