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macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2001
NJ Highlands, Earth
As far as how the image handling feels inside the applications: When I was trying Lightroom, its photo management felt very much like Adobe Bridge to me. Some people will like that because they are familiar with it; but I never really liked Bridge.

I've used Bridge for batch renames of files ... worked fairly well, although my SP 1.8GHz G5 PowerMac is getting stressed.

Really, though, to beat on the same drum as my other post - trial versions of both are free, so the best solution is to check both out for yourself.

Took that advice yesterday, although didn't get through all of the Aperture checks on the iPhoto import option ... with 10,000 images in my library, its saying that its going to take 4-5 hours (currencly says its working on roll 93 of 189 ... 3 hours to go).



macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
I did like Aperture and I still do, but Lightroom's develop feature is what killed Aperture for me. At least right now.
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