But folks will say....but Aperture does not have the editing tools that are available in LR. Correct. But if I am seriously editing a photo, LR does not have the tools I likely want either! If will use LR or Aperture for basic edits. But if I need serious work done, I will have the file in some combination of the Nik Collection, Perfect Photo Suite 8, Pixelmater (rarely), or Helicon (if I need to focus stack).
I have been a professional photographer since 1975. I only say this so you know where I am coming from. Editing Tools and RAW interpretation are the primary considerations when I use a digital image editing program. Lightroom is much more advanced than Aperture, which I used since it came out until a little more than a year ago. Lightroom 5 is way ahead of the game. And its filing system works very well for me, although admittedly Aperture's is better.
Phase One's Capture One Pro might suit you more. You should used Photoshop if you are serious, and Aperture or LR can't do it for your photos. I haven't had to use PS in many years, as I can get most of what I need out of LR. Nik is good but also very limited. The best tool are their sharpening and noise reduction tools as well as their b&w Silver Effex program.
Editing tools are the most important aspect of any editing program, and of course the way the program develops the RAW image. Everything else is not as important. LR5 is way ahead of Aperture as Capture One Pro7.
Aperture does do lens correction when it sees the lens correction data in the raw file. One of the many benefits of Micro Four Thirds, the raw file has the lens correction data included.
I can't use Micro four/thirds in my work
LR5 is miles ahead of Aperture, which I gave up on more than a year ago. Apple has lost many professional photographers and video professionals over the last few years
I am one of them. I still have my old libraries in Aperture with hundreds of thousands of photo, but one day I will export the raw images out of the internal Aperture libraries and put them in simple catalogues on my hard drives that all my editing programs can access. I will save all the edits that I have made in Aperture and export them out as jpegs in corresponding files to my new RAW folders for Lightroom.
Even if Ap comes out with a new version, I doubt I will go back to it. Apple has abandoned its customers too many times. From iWeb to iDisk to Final Cut Pro and to Aperture. Their machines are great. But I feel that Apple management, outside of honoring their warranty (which they do very well) does not really care that much about their customer base. But that is another subject and another thread.
I certainly believe that Aperture is DOA as well. But even if Apple were to release Aperture (4 or X) why would anyone bother? It has been more than 4 years since A3 was released and based on this experience one would expect a new release to languish as well. LR and Capture One have steadily improved and will continue to do so.
Well said!!!! I won't bother going back to Aperture. (Even if it is a blow away program, because I just don't trust Apple cares about these pro-level image-editing products.)