I only tend to use proper IDEs for the types of projects they're intended for, e.g. IntelliJ IDEA for large Java projects (though I haven't actually used Java for anything since 2016, other than helping others with small assignments, and one average-size assignment I had last year, for which I used VSCode!), Android Studio for Android apps, and though I've never actually used Xcode since I've not developed any iOS apps, I likely will in the future for that reason alone. I've been exposed to Xcode and Qt Creator before to compile other people's projects, but not to make anything of my own.
That's basically how I've picked IDE for a while as well. Though Android Studio is basically Intellij. In fact, you can install some plugins for Intellij and have it be indistinguishable from Android Studio. It's just a fork preconfigured for Android. But yeah, what got me into Xcode was developing for Cocoa/Cocoa Touch. Then just stuck to using it for command line programs as well. But it's a lot heavier of a program than ideal and sometimes the code recommendations are painfully slow to come up for me, especially compared to Intellij, where it's practically instant. The auto-fill is what allows me to use medium long, descriptive function names without going mad having to type it out
Oh and thanks for the extensive reply, man. I haven't yet tried VS Code, but I've heard lots of good things about it. Guess I should give it a whirl. Never liked the proper, big Visual Studio. You know, the massive Windows IDE. But VS Code has been extremely well received as far as I can tell. I'll brew install it now. Thanks for the recommendation. Any must-have extensions I should be aware of? (don't want to hijack this thread too much...)
Oh and perfectly sensible reaction to emacs... Vim is way better anyway (if other unix programmers are watching, let the wars begin