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The problem is that I don't know how to do server code or anything like that. So a website would have to be a very basic one. Then I'd have to set up some mechanism so that the customer accessing the music could prove that they had bought the app... and it would cost me bandwidth, etc.

What a palava and for no real reason. And if I offer some archaic mechanism for downloading the actual music or no mechanism at all (as forced into by Apple) my app will be slated in its reviews... :eek:
Why don't you upload your music to MySpace of and add a link on your website and in your app?

Then you would reach an even wider audience :)
You could try and add a tye of "registration" feature to your app to go along with your webiste. So each user would pick a user/pass, and submit it from the app. Once registered, they could log onto the site using same user/pass and then download your songs that way.

I know it adds extra steps to get the actual music file(s), but it's a quick thought!
Thanks for your advice. Ideally I would like to go down the web registration route but as I have no idea how to set up the website registration bit (aside from one global username/password combo, which is risky because some idiot may write the combo down in a review) I may have to go with the option, which sounds quite good, although it means my app is worth less value because you wouldn't actually need it to get the music. Or I could make the app free for a while to drum up interest in the link...
I wouldnt think it would be too hard...go and search the internet. I assume you know html, and if you can do objective c, u can do php or another scripting language to get the job done. I started with Java, and found php not very difficult.

Hope it works out...nothing worse than putting your time into something, only for it to not go public bc apple says so.
I could set up some website with a password mechanism for downloading the music to a computer but that's pointless because the code will be found out and then anyone will be able to download my music for free... There's personally emailing people but then that requires manual intervention... what to do what to do..?


what if your first customer uploads your music to torrent sites? :rolleyes:

just do your work and don't worry about piracy. people who steal music and apps probably wouldn't have bought them anyway.
You're right. I can't get too hung up on that and, at the end of the day, getting it out is better than not showcasing it at all.

Solution then: remove export functionality completely from app, add info page with link to App will then get approved. Make the app free for a limited period to drum up attention/exposure to page and increase exposure to my other apps. Making the app free will ensure I do not annoy people for not being able to actually download the music off the device.

That gives me time to eventually come up with some other mechanism (or throw the towel in and put the website code in. I can periodically update the app with a new password if I suspect the site has been 'cracked'). Later, I can start charging for the app once the alternative delivery mechanism is in place.

Job done! Thanks. :)
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