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macrumors newbie
Nov 23, 2017
Omg..... my iPhone 7+ started having the same battery drain a few days ago with the App Store showing as the culprit under battery stats. I actually tried syncing a playlist onto my Apple Watch maybe a day or two before that. It would make perfect sense!!!!
I ended up having to wipe and restore my phone yesterday, but probably would've been much easier if I had seen this thread earlier!!!
You all seem to be on to something. I wonder what this flaw is doing to the App Store infrastructure, as well as the transport and access telecom. Anybody seeing smoke on W. Sahara in Las Vegas? I believe that’s where they have a primary Data Center...could be wrong. I would think that if this really is a global problem and anyone with a watch and iPhone is pounding them with sync requests in loop fashion they would be 200% under subscribed. Fills those
big glass pipes up quick I would suspect. Unless they planned for it of course....but that would suggest this bug ain’t no big at all.

I still have excessive battery drain but I believe mine is still associated with iMessage. I don’t own a watch.
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